Friday, August 28, 2020

Form 4473:

I had an enlightening conversation with a Liberal friend the other day.  He'd just decided to buy a firearm (after years of my haranguing him to do so!) and had visited his local gun store.  His experience at so doing was both perplexing and enlightening, in terms of what he expected to occur, and what actually happened.  In short, he was pissed!  He actually expected to walk in, plunk down his cash and, as ex-Prez Barry Obama had promised, walk right out with it.  Well fellow Pilgrim, this little essay should prove enlightening to those who, like my friend, actually have a tendency to buy the crap that Democrats shovel.

First, the gun stores are nearly empty; folks like my Liberal friend have already bought everything that isn't nailed down.  Some riots and looting and burning and anarchy have a tendency to cause that.  People are snatching up guns at the rate of more than 3 million a month now.  That's just about double the rate of a year ago.  I've called a number of gun stores recently on the lookout for certain firearms for friends, and they have nothing desirable.  Second, Obama was lying, again, and as my friend found out, this little essay will prove it.  Here goes...      

So let's say you decide one fine morning to trundle on down to your local gun store and, like my friend, buy yourself a firearm.  You've been thinking about it for some time now, and you've finally decided to "pull the trigger."  That's a little gun joke.  Heh, heh...  

Let's just say that, okay, whether or not it's true.  You might love guns or hate them.  I don't care right now.  Just go along with me here for awhile, okay?  

So you've sought out the advice of professionals (like me!) and picked out your firearm of choice and began the process of taking ownership.  What happens now, you might ask, especially if you've had smoke blown up your ass for years by anti-gun crusaders?  You probably think that they'll hand your shiny new gun over to you and you'll walk right out with it, right fellow Pilgrim?  Ummm, no.  Even though then-POTUS Barry Obama told us all that it's easier to buy an AK-47 than it is to rent a library book, a laughably inept and vacuous comment, from a laughably inept and vacuous ex-POTUS, I can assure you Barry's been smoking some of those anti-God cigarettes he grew so fond of back in Hawaii.  I intend to lay it all out for you, fellow Pilgrim, because I know stuff.  I actually know pretty much all there is to know about this subject, as a matter of fact, so you can rely on me.  Ready?  Okay.  Here goes:

First, you must take a test to see if you're intelligent enough to own and use a gun.  An actually pen and paper test with questions on it you must answer correctly.  It'll cost you $25.00 to take that test.  Imagine that...

Then, you must fill out Government Form 4473.  It's called a "DEROS."  The stands for "Dealer Electronic Record of Sale."  It'll cost you $25.00 for the privilege.  It asks everything about you, including your citizenship status.  And whether or not you're a felon.  And whether you're an addict.  And whether or not you're mentally okay to own a firearm.  And you fill it out under penalty of perjury.  It's a felony to falsify answers on this Form.

The dealer then sends it off electronically to the Feds for their background check.  It's called a "NICS" check, which stands for "National Instant Criminal Check System."  The Feds use this to see if you're an upstanding kind of guy or gal (or any of the other 57 genders if you're in one of those "Progressive" states.  Like mine.).  We've had this background check in place since 1998.  You didn't know that did you, all you anti-gun crusaders?  

If you're a good citizen, the Feds clear you to buy the gun right away, the sale is consummated and the electronic record of the transaction is destroyed, by law, within 24 hours.  The hard copy of the Form is kept, by the dealer, for 20 yearsIt may not by law be furnished to the Federal Government!  

In fact, doing so would be illegal.  It was proclaimed so by our Founding Fathers.  Why?  Because we Americans do not want the Feds to know who has what gun.  Why?  Because those nice Feds might one day decide to come for them, you know.  Like the British did which sparked the Revolutionary War.  Like Senator and now V.P. candidate Kamala Harris has promised to do.  Within the first 100 days of her administration, she promises.  And that's why we can't let them find out.

Unless you're a Democrat, that is.  They really want the Feds to know who has what gun.  In fact, they really want a Federal Register of who has what gun.  That's why they continue to bang the drum for "Universal Background Checks," which would change Federal law to force the authorities to create a register of gun owners.  And then they want those friendly Feds to come to your home one day and take your gun from you if you possess one that they do not bless.  And if it was up to them, that day might

Doubt me?  On the day after Hurricane Katrina, then-Sheriff Stan Lee and his deputies hopped into their little boats and proceeded to visit each and every house where a gun owner lived.  They knew where the guns were because they had passed a law forcing the creation of a registration scheme.  They seized those firearms just when their owners needed them most; for personal protection in the midst of one of the worst instances of human tragedy and anarchy in our Country's history.

Why do the Democrats want to disarm you?  I don't know.  But one thing's for sure: A disarmed population is a compliant population...

Anyway, if the Feds' background check says you're okay to own a firearm, your sale is approved and the clock starts; in CA at least, you may not pick up your firearm for ten (10) days.  To the minute, by the way.  There are a couple of dozen states that have similar (nonsensical) restrictions on when guns are actually deliverable.   

Other states in which they can actually read know that the Constitution says our Right " keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  And, unlike CA, and half of America, they do not infringe; they simply assure the law that a prospective firearm purchaser meets the minimum standards for acquisition and then make the sale and hand over the gun.  I guess their citizens can actually be trusted with firearms...

If you've been watching the news or listening to the radio or reading what's left of our newspapers, you surely know that this is true.  Many of our more "Progressive" states have passed laws designed to gut the 2nd Amendment.  They've passed laws making it illegal to buy certain guns, and to own them, and to buy certain ammunition magazines, and to own them.  Virginia is a good example.  Since the Democrats have taken over their State they've passed laws designed to do all the stuff I've outlined above.   And so has CA, and NY, and OR, and WA, and CO, and NJ, and IL, and, and, and... 

Here's the Bottom Line:  The last few of those 27 little words of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says "...the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  That means the Gummint isn't supposed to screw with it.  Like they've been doing for decades, I would add.  And one of these days we 2nd Amendment advocates may have to make them pay for those transgressions.  

As I've said on multiple occasions, 100+ million Americans own more than 440 million firearms, more than one out of every three households, and they're not likely to willingly hand them over when one of Kamala Harris' minions dispatches people with try and seize your guns.  

What could possibly go wrong? 

(BTW, you'll be pleased to know my friend has acquired his new firearm and is happily learning how to safely own and use and store it.  He is no longer among the undefended and unprotected...)

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