Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Being a student of the spoken word, I've decided that the single worst word in the entire English language is:


Not familiar with that word?  It's the one that about half of our uninformed and undereducated and likely misguided society uses as the "glue" to hold pieces of their grammatically-incorrect sentences together.  It's the short form of, "do you know what I'm saying?," I trust.  Waaaay short...  

Example?  Sure.  "So, I went to the mall, "nomesayin'?, and Leroy and I decided to take in a movie, "nomesayin'?, and then we went over to the bar, "nomesayin'?"  

It used to be that our poorer communicators used the word "like" to hold the first part of their sentences together with the ones that follow.  And to also keep others from butting in and expressing their opinions while they conjure up something else to say.  And some still do.  

"Like" replaced "ummm," for most.  That was superseded by "ya' know?", but that "glue" is still being used in some parts of 'Murica.  Some even use "like" and "ummm" and "ya' know" all together, in the same sentence, meaning there's no chance at all anyone else could get a word in edgewise.  But a larger chunk tend to use the word "nomesayin'" now because it's trendy, I think.  

People who know me are aware that I'm a student of language.  I've worked hard to learn how and when and under what circumstances to speak, and what to say, and then how to put a sentence together to properly and effectively convey my thoughts and feelings.  I learned a long time ago there are two types of people:  those who can speak and write, and those who wish they could.  I speak and I write quite well, I've been told.  Some others, can't.  Or won't.  So, as an accomplished writer and author and wordsmith, I'd like to say that it's particularly perplexing to me to hear all those "nomesayin's" and "ummm's" and "ya' know's."  Stop, I say!  Just stop!

It hurts the ears!  It makes others work hard to try and break through your artificial verbal defenses to try and express their thoughts.  And off it pisses one, even if one won't tell you!

If you dig a little bit you'll discover that just about half of our population gets its news from Yahoo and Google.  And that's why they don't know so very much.  They're lazy.  And the worst part is they likely don't even know it.  That's a black eye on our educational system.  But it's a black eye also on our youts (what's a yout?) for not investing themselves in learning proper communication skills.

I mean, it's ONLY your prospective paycheck!   

What you say is what We, the People use to judge your background, your intellect, your education, your social status and your overall demeanor.  If you insert a "nomesayin" every other word into the tripe that spews from your uncouth lips, then we're likely to judge you as being a poor communicator, at the very least.  And dumber than a bag of rocks at the most...

Do yourself a favor, people!  Say what's on your mind and then STOP!  You don't need "glue" to hold your disparate, disconnected, random thoughts together while hoping nobody interrupts.  Work to clean up your verbal skills.  We'll all be thankful if you do...

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