Friday, October 11, 2019

All You Need to Know About Planned Parenthood.

This posting will intentionally be bereft of extraneous verbiage.  Which is not the norm for me, The Chuckmeister.  I usually pontificate to the max.  But not today.  No, not today.  So here goes...

Planned Parenthood (PP), the Number One abortion provider in the U.S., receives more than $500 Million Dollars a Year from you and me, the U. S. taxpayers.

Why?  Because Democrat-led PP cheerleaders in our Legislature have been demanding it for decades.  And the feckless Republicans have been going along with it.  Why don't Republicans put a stop to it?  You'd have to ask them...

PP then turns around and gives more than $450 Million Dollars a Year of that gift from you and me to the Democrat Party.  In other words, 90% of all the money it receives from the taxpayers, you and me, it launders neatly and then gives to Democrats. 

Surprised?  If the MainStreamMedia did its job, you wouldn't be.  Maybe you've been watching the wrong TV channels... 

Is there any doubt why the Democrats fight so hard to keep on shoveling money to PP every year?  Is there any doubt why PP keeps fighting so hard to keep receiving that tax money every year? 

So whether you believe in abortion or not, you'd have to agree that many of our taxpayers object to the use of Federal funds to pay for them.  And they work hard to try and minimize such payments, or even eliminate them altogether.    

But such funding is going to be hard to eliminate if you're a politician or a lobbyist or a poverty pimp who's on the receiving end of all that cash, of course... 

News Flash!

You'll be interested to know that the CEO of PP just announced, in a major press release yesterday, that it intends to spend at least $45 Million Dollars next year in an effort to flip the Senate to Democrat control and turn the White House blue.  Their exact words.  They don't like The Donald and they want everybody to know it.  They've therefore publicly admitted their favoritism for the Democrats, and I'm waiting for the MSMedia to report that fact.  

I'm still waiting...

So PP is using 10% of the tax money they receive from us, the taxpayers, to defeat those of us who don't agree with their business or their agenda.  Trump just cut more than $90 Million Dollars a Year from our payments to them because they wouldn't agree to certain minimum patient care protections in their clinics.  That made them particularly mad.  So mad they're using another $45 Million - of our money - to try and punish both him and us.  Are you reading this, people? 

Think of it: we're paying them lots and lots of our tax money to buy TV ads against us so that we'll be forced to give them more of our money.  Ummm, what?  

This, my loyal readers, is but another example of Federal waste, fraud and abuse, and a finger in the eye of taxpayers everywhere.  But that's just my opinion.  Yours may differ.  That's what makes America so great.  But you may differ on that as well... 

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