Monday, October 14, 2019

The Redistribution of Misery...

All you have to do is watch any of the Democrat POTUS 2020 debates to know that they intend to give you, the prospective voters, anything you want in exchange for your votes.

Anything.  No matter what.  Anything at all!

So the corollary of that must be that the reason everybody doesn't have everything already, is because the "rich" are selfishly keeping us from it.  And if those awful rich folks get something nice they must have taken it from some poor Black Arkansas sharecropper, perhaps.  

Those bastards!

And they tell you that all the "free" stuff they'll regale you with will be paid for by these so-called "rich."  Those evil "rich" people, who have waaaaay more than enough, should be "asked" to pay "just a little bit more," and everybody everywhere could have everything!  Simple! 

Bernie proclaimed recently that nobody should be a $Billionaire.  Nobody!  Ever!  And you'll be (un)surprised to learn that our Bartender-In-Residence, the Bronx Representative with too many names, agrees with him.  So, since it seems our candidates think some of us have too much already, let's take a look at how the candidates plan to "spread the wealth" around once it's been scooped up so it's distributed more fairly: 

  -   Andrew Yang (who's he again?) wants to give everyone in America $1,000 a month.  Legal or illegal, no matter.  Wants to work, or not.  Okay, yeah.  That's novel, Andrew.  Most politicians try and buy votes the old fashioned way; quietly, hush hush, under the table, backroom stuff, doncha' know.  Maybe you should try that instead...  

  -   Kamala Harris, California's very own Jamaican/Indian-American Senator, says she's gonna' give us a $103 Billion plan to assist Black families to purchase homes.  That's One Hundred Thousand Million Dollars!  And only Black folks.  No one else.

That's not racist, is it?    

  -   Liz Warren, better known as "Fauxcahontas," (in)famous American Indian Senator, wants to give every kid in the U. S. - legal or not - freebie day care from birth to 5 years old.  She says it will only cost $1 Trillion!  To be paid for once again by the "rich."  

  -   And Bernie Sanders wants to do away with your private health insurance, all 170 million of you, and replace it with "Government Health Care."  Estimated cost over 10 years:  $93 Trillion!  What could possibly go wrong with that?  

(Just a thought: giving the same people who run the Post Office and Amtrac total dominion over your health should give one pause...)

Oh yeah, and not just the "rich" get screwed; he wants to up your tax rates to 70% to pay for it. 

Oh yeah again, and Bernie again, he wants you to go to college for free!  Any one you desire!  Freeeeeee!  That would only cost us all about $2.5 Billion a Year, which ain't bad if you're not doing the paying. 

  -   Cory Booker, better known as "Spartacus," thinks you should get "reparations" for being "Black."  So does every other Dem candidate.  He wants some of us to get paid by some others for something no one alive has ever done to anyone,  ever.

I sometimes identify as "Black."  Do I get some of them there "reparations?"

  -   Marianne Williamson, one of those "famous for being famous" folks (who's she again?), wants to give everybody a wind chime and some of those magic crystals.  And a whole lot of love...

At least wind chimes and magic crystals are cheap...

  -   Joe Biden, a man who's been in D. C. since "The Flood," wants you to know he'll give you everything all the others will, plus a whole lot of other stuff yet to be named, and don't forget he and Barack are besties!

Except maybe good ol' Barry may have failed to notice that.

And all sixty-three of these folks want to embrace the "Green New Deal" which is guaranteed to make  China's and India's air cleaner, but without their help or involvement or assistance.  Or contribution.  It would cost us a whopping $110 Trillion, BTW, which is, ummm, a lot of money.  

But for their penultimate pander, their very best,  they would throw out the Welcome Mat and offer free health insurance to illegal aliens!  All of them, everywhere!  At a cost, of, well, nobody knows for sure!  But I'm kind of guessing it would a lot!  A whole lot!  I mean, what might it cost to provide health insurance to Africa?  And Asia?  And they're keen on ripping down all those racist walls and borders and barriers and ushering in the Entire World!  

"Give us your poor, your tired, our future voters!"

BTW, California's new Governor, San Fran Nan Pelosi's nephew, just signed this little giveaway into law.  He says it will only cost his legal taxpayers, like me, and maybe you, $90 Million more dollars a year to cover these law-breakers.  He probably got that estimate from the same folks who told him our still-unrealized "Bullet Train" would cost $10 Billion, $95 Billion Dollars ago, and would be done last year.

It wasn't.

In fact, if you add up all the various giveaways being touted by the Dem candidates, they total well in excess of $300 Trillion Dollars!  Considering our GDP is around $20 Trillion, that's, ummm, more than 15 x our Gross Domestic Product!  

You can be sure that the mere fact of offering all this largesse is proof positive that they are unserious, know nothing about economics, are blatant panderers and are seemingly unaware that the folks out there in Real America thinks they're all complete fools...

Except, these otherwise-unemployables somehow fail to mention that there's not enough money in the Entire World to pay for all the free stuff they're promising.  Not by a long shot!  And if you only watch CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/MSNBC/PBS/NPR, and therefore believe the "rich" have enough cash stuffed in their mattresses that they could give everybody everything, here's a few statistics:

Gross Domestic Product, U.S.A. (2018):  

$20.515 Trillion Dollars

Income, Top 1% Wage Earners (2018):

$2,033 Trillion Dollars

Percentage of all Income Earned by Top 1%:


Percentage of all Income Taxes Paid by Top 1%:


So, as these numbers reflect, the evil "rich" are already paying far more than "their fair share."  And taking 100% of every nickel those evil "rich" make wouldn't even pay for U. S. operations for a single year.  Lemme' say that again:  The Top 1% don't earn enough to pay half our bills So, even if we took it all, do you think these same folks would go back to work after having their pockets picked by Uncle Sugar and then earn some more so we could take it from them again?  

I somehow doubt it.  

In other words, it would be a one-shot deal; you can only take everything from everyone...once.  Thereafter, those who've been robbed blind will be standing in line for their handouts along with all the other socialist supplicants...

Think of it this way:  When more and more folks decide to ride in the wagon instead of pulling it, pretty soon everybody's gonna' be riding in the wagon and nobody's gonna' be pulling it...

So, fellow Pilgrim, let me leave you today with a friendly, slightly-tweaked admonition:  "As always, if it seems too good to be true, it's just your friendly Democrats out campaigning again..."  

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