Monday, October 21, 2019

"4th Trimester Abortions"

Now that the Supreme Court has decided to take up a case concerning abortion, and reignited the firestorm that flares up anytime this subject goes public, I thought I might share with you, my loyal tens of readers, my concerns regarding this subject.  

As a casual observation, and in follow up to my recent posting on the same general subject, I'm continually surprised at the Democrat's efforts to do away with their future voters.

Consider that an alarming segment of those who the Progressives among us want to enjoy the "liberation of abortions" are poor welfare recipients.  40% of all abortions concern Black women, as an example, even though they comprise less than 9% of our population!  And since we know this category of Americans have historically been the most likely to vote Democrat, for some strange reason, their advocacy of abortions seems to me self-defeating.  18 years from now that future potential voter will still be...dead! 

And that assumes they're unsuccessful in lowering the voting age to, ummm, 12, or 10, or even maybe 8?

They seem dead-set (pun intended) on convincing their adherents that it's quite alright to abort those pesky fetuses if and when they become too much of a burden.  As in, any burden at all.  Flushing these "pre-borns" at anytime, anywhere, for any reason is the current thinking of America's Hard Left wing.  And maybe all of their wings.  And they regale us with that nearly every day.


Georgia just passed a very restrictive abortion law which states that once a heartbeat (the NYTimes calls it an "embryonic pulsation"...doncha' just luuuuuv pedantic obfuscation?) can be discerned, no more abortions.  For any reason.  That, my friends, was the declaration of War to the Democrats!  So far, over 100 Hollywood celebs have stated they'll no longer film in GA if this law stands.  Sophie Turner, as an example, late of "GofT," just pledged not to film there, even though Northern Ireland, where her hit show filmed, will happily give you life in prison for an abortion.  Hypocrite much?

Tyler Perry, a really smart guy who's made a $Billion being really smart, says "no" to this filming boycott.  He'll continue shooting in the Peach State, thank you very much.  Good on him.

BTW, didja' know there actually was a guy named Boycott?  Yeah, he was an English land agent during the late 1,600s.  He treated Irish immigrants very badly, often booting them out of their lodgings without reason or notice.  They ultimately "boycotted" this treatment, thus forming the basis for the future use of this now very common word... 

See what you learn by reading my scathing rants?  

Anyway, Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, has opined that filming in Georgia may not be possible in the future due to this action.  Imagine: Mickey and Tinkerbell are now managed by Goofy (LO very L).  So has Netflix, even though it's deep into production in places like Jordan and Egypt, where you'll be stoned to death for obtaining an abortion.  Or, my personal favorite, thrown off the top of a 10-story building.

They do that to gays, too...       

Imagine that; supposed capitalists giving the 10th Amendment the finger and attempting to force, via classic, unvarnished, mafiosi-style fascist measures, a sovereign state to kowtow to their wishes.  

GA gave Hollyweird more than $3 Billion in tax breaks in order to kickstart its nascent film industry.  And it's flourished ever since (duh!).  In fact, Georgia is now #3 in terms of all U. S. film production.  Apparently saving and making money isn't enough to convince these "stars," if you'll forgive me, to "live and let live."

It's truly amazing what can be accomplished by screaming loudly and stamping your little, Gucci-clad, well-pedicured feet!  Oh, and, threatening to rain down economic terror!

Now let me state right up front that, as the husband of a wonderful and faithful wife for almost 40 years, and the father of four fantastic daughters, I'm am all for women making up their own minds regarding reproduction.  Just not after that whole reproduction thingie has already occurred and their resultant progeny are relaxing in the delivery room.

All of our Democrat POTUS candidates, you'll be interested to know, have expressed their fervent desire that a woman should be able to choose to end her pregnancy at any time, for any reason, or no reason, including the period after the baby is born!  

Yes, after the birth of the baby...

The legislature of Illinois just took some time out from outlawing guns and punishing wealth and raising taxes and working overtime to cool the planet to decide that a woman should be able to abort her fetus at...anytime.  ANYTIME!  So did the State of  New York.  Ralph Northam, the Governor of Virginia, a Democrat and a neonatal surgeon, stated during a TV interview recently that killing a post-born baby is up the...mother.  Wow!  And, since they haven't dumped him, the rest of the VA Dem Party seems to be in lockstep with this guy's opinion.

I've been walking this planet for a long time, but this is really quite stunning!  Stunning!  

Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that we, the U. S. of A. taxpayers, give Planned Parenthood more than $500 Million a year in taxpayer money, presumably for "health care."  And interestingly, Planned Parenthood turns around and gives the Democrat National Committee $450 Million a year90% of the tax money we give PP it then launders and gives it to the DNC!  Did you know that?  Do you think that might have anything to do with the Democrat's strident defense of abortion on demand?  

So, I ask myself, if this is the "new way" of doing things in the Democrat Party, why stop at just embracing the full nine-month period of gestation?  None of this first-trimester stuff for those guys.  No Sireeee Bob!  Why not jump the shark completely and extend that period to the immediate time after the birth?  Or maybe not so immediate?  And how about giving the new mommy even more time to decide whether this whole motherhood thing is "right" for her.  Instead of worrying about post-partum depression (do depressed people vote?), why not give the new mom the option of removing the cause of the depression entirely?

Why not, I ask rhetorically, extend the period for her "consideration" to, say, a few months?  You know, like say up until the age of 3.  Anytime the kid pisses off the mom, or pisses ON the mom, why not give her the option of "aborting" that kid just as if they were both still in the birth and delivery suite at the local hospital? 

Kind of like getting one of those infamous do-over annulments from the Catholic Church if the marriage didn't work out so very merry.  Louis XIV just loved that one...

It used to be that mainstream Democrat thinking was abortion should be "safe, legal and rare," as Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton once so famously said.  And I say "was," because that's no longer the generally accepted standard.

Now, it seems that abortion is a litmus test.  You're either against it, in which case you're a Troglodyte bible-thumping  redneck pickup truck-driving beer-swilling flag-waving toothless homophobic Islamophobic misogynist, or you're for it, in which case you're "woke," whatever the Hell that means.  It's just got to be up to the mother to do whatever she wishes with that blob of protoplasm at any point in time, we're told.  

Including, it seems, if and when that blob starts soiling diapers.  So let's just agree that if a little bit's good, a whole lot's just got to be better.

On the way out the door, I used to think there was no free lunch.  But now there's free abortions for residents of 49 of our states, courtesy of your (ever fewer) California taxpayers.  Did you know that?  Did you know that CA has just invited all pregnant women everywhere to come here to "enjoy" their free (to them, not us) abortions?  No?  Why?  Been watching the wrong news sources?    

Come to think of it, let's extend this whole abortion "consideration" option thingie all the way to puberty.  To my way of thinking, if you haven't killed them by then, you'll surely want to...  

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