Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Racial Politics...

Those of us who for some reason aren't Democrats, or "Progressives," or Leftists, or socialists, or even all-out commies, the same folks who seem to be in charge of our societal norms these days, are currently labeled "racists."  

That's it.  Just the one word.  If you choose to disagree with them.  About anything.  Anything at all.  If you do, then you're accused of racism.  And probably being misogynistic, and homophobic and Islamophobic.  And triskaidekphobic (look it up).  And yadayadaphobic, as well.

Don't bother looking it up.

But you're primarily labeled a "racist," by those on the "Left" whenever you don't kowtow to their way of thinking, because anything you do or say after that point becomes moot; you're dialed out of the conversation.  Out of the equation.  Out of humanity entirely.  That's what they've done to our society, Mr. and Mrs. and Ms. (and any other pronoun you prefer) America.  They've so dumbed it down in an effort to outlaw "hate" speech, which is any speech they find annoying, that half the country has been effective neutered.

And boy are they ever pissed!

An old friend stopped by the other day.  He asked, "Mr. Chuckmeister, sir, how did we all get to this sorry place?"

I thought about it for a few minutes and then "unleashed" some of my infamous hoary wisdom.  Wisdom borne of years of study and quiet contemplation, now dutifully and artfully ensconced in an absolutely free, no obligation opinion.  Here goes:  

Racism had diminished dramatically in America since our efforts to eradicate it starting in the mid-Sixties.  That whole Viet Nam unpleasantness and Summer of Love and Black Panthers and Chicago riots and busing crap had all subsided as we moved into a sort of post-racial truce.  LBJ's "Great Society" programs had pumped more than $Six Trillion Dollars into the poorest parts of the U.S., primarily older, decaying, Democrat-run cities, trying to "fix" our racial problems.  Assuming they could be fixed.  Which we were told they could.  

Yeah, sure.  

From Detroit to Newark to Chicago to Baltimore, "affirmative action" efforts were undertaken.  Many of them worked.  Most didn't.  But no one can say we didn't try.  Go to any older big city and drive past the enormous vacant, crumbling housing projects you'll surely find, if you want some proof.  

And by the 80's and 90's, racial enmity had pretty much passed us by.  Thankfully.  A part of that I think is due to the equanimity of that very Viet Nam unpleasantness, which conscripted us all without consideration as to race.  And that adventure produced millions of guys just like me who'd quite possibly shared a foxhole with every color human God ever made, without ever having taken notice of it.  That Conflict, coupled with the two preceding ones, helped produce a homogenized America.  In effect, those conflicts served to put us all in a giant blender and produce a close proximity of equality.    

With exception of the L. A. Riots, and the never-ending south side Chicago gunfights, and the unsolvable Baltimore gang wars, which continue unabated 'til today, I can't recall hearing or reading much of anything back then concerning serious, ongoing racial divisions anywhere in the Country. 

Until we elected Barack Hussein Obama, that is.  

Mr. Obama made the subject of race a central focus of his campaign, and later of his Administration as a whole, plus pure, unvarnished, unmitigated "class warfare."  He intentionally pitted the rich against the poor, the old against the young, the urban against the country-dweller, the religious against the non-believer, and mainly, Blacks against Whites.  

Remember early in his reign when a white cop "mistreated" a Black Ivy League professor?  And how Obama preached to us all that this was just a White cop "behaving stupidly?"  And how Barry invited them both to the White House for a beer summit?  To tamp down the firestorm he, himself had ignited?  

Yeah, his whole Presidency was marred with similar occurrences.  Remember five days before he was inaugurated when he said, "America is the greatest country in the world.  Join with me now as we begin to fundamentally transform it?"  Two things:  One, I wonder why no "journalist," if they actually still exist, took the time to ask him what he actually meant by that; and two, I'd say he did a pretty good (meaning bad) job of achieving that transformation he was promising.  To our mutual disadvantage, I'd argue.

All of a sudden there was racial discontent all over America.  A skinny, Black, teenage, petty thief chooses to fight an armed, Hispanic neighborhood watchman.  The watchman kills him.  All of a sudden it was a hate crime involving every White and Black American, with the flames fanned by Obama for as long as he could.  It was (Dinosaur Media) Page One news for months.  

An enormous Black kid robs a convenience store, assaults the owner, and then picks a fight with a cop...who shoots him...in self-defense.  Obama chose to blame the White cop, starting a firestorm within his Black and Progressive base.  He sends his entire Cabinet to St. Louis to whip up hatred among his Black constituents, led by Eric Holder, then-Attorney General, his Black, self-confessed "wingman."  That results in riots and the firebombing of entire neighborhoods.  Thanks, Barry!      

Remember that whole DACA fiasco?  The one where Obama told us 27 times, by actual count, that he couldn't make them all citizens, that he lacked the authority?  The one where he then decided, unilaterally, and unconstitutionally, to turn 800,000 of the offspring of illegal aliens into "almost Americans?"  Thus igniting racial animus between Whites and Hispanics?  So do I.  And we STILL don't have a satisfactory resolution to that screw up.  

I could go on forever.  And some of my friends think I do.  The Bottom Line is that we don't have a racial problem here in America.  With exception of certain "Progressives" who are fundraising off of perceived racism, that is.  Such as every single Democrat member of Congress.  And Black activists, like tax cheat Rev. Al and Baby Daddy Jessuh Jackson, who are loudly banging the racial drum to get more donations from guilty White Democrats.    

What we really need is for the poverty-pimps and race hustlers and pandering politicians to shut the Hell up and leave us all alone.  We Americans don't automatically hate anyone.  That's no longer in our nature, if it ever was.  We've learned over time to accept others as they are.  Plus, as an incentive, the vast majority of us believe that so long as the medium of exchange in our Great Country are those little, 6" x 2 and 1/2" green pieces of paper with numbers on them, we'll CHOOSE to be colorblind in our daily dealings.  We'll CHOOSE to comport ourselves in that fashion because it's to our own, mutual advantage.  And we CHOOSE to act that way because it's the right thing to do. 

To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, "Racism doesn't feed the bulldog."

What's your opinion?

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