Saturday, October 5, 2019

Maybe You Could Help Me Out a Bit...

So I've got this problem, see?  And maybe, just maybe, you can help me out.  Let's find out together...

One Ms. Lorrie Lightfoot, brand spanking-new Mayor of Chicago, the "sanctuary city" where guns are pretty much illegal but with more gun violence and deaths than any other in America, just formally announced that she ordered her police department not to assist, help out, or provide back-up in any way, shape or form for any Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers who may request it in her city.

Ummmm, what?  

I thought ICE officers were a part of our Federal Government!  I thought ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) was an integral part of Homeland Security, dedicated to looking for, rounding up and arresting criminal illegal immigrants.  The ones who have somehow managed to slip through our almost impenetrable (cough, cough) border.  That would be the Bad Guys, to you.  Murderers.  Child molesters.  Rapists.  Drug dealers.  Criminals.  Felons.  Those who've been formally convicted of a crime, have been through our court system, likely previously imprisoned, have served out their sentences and have now been adjudged wanted on warrants and requested detained by ICE, a Department of the Federal Government. 

So what's supposed to happen is that these Bad Guys are snagged by our police or sheriff's deputies or a marshal or two and held in a cell somewhere, okay?  Those who are wanted for criminal activity, or those who've just completed a jail or prison sentence and are still wanted by the Feds for another crime, will have a "detainer" issued to their jailers by the Feds.  So the local cops are supposed to then contact ICE and let them know they're ready to kick a felon out the back door; that they're being released and please come and take them off our hands.

At least, that's what's supposed to happen.  As in, what's been happening for decades, or at least until Trump got elected.   

Except more than 250 Federal jurisdictions, states, counties and cities have decided, unilaterally, to simply ignore the law, declare themselves "sanctuary cities," and discharge these criminals without providing ICE with the notice they need to come and get them.  So they let these Bad Guys go, out onto the highways and byways of America, and now ICE has to track them down in houses or apartments or back alleyways or fleeing cars, where they can put up resistance, and even take up arms, often placing our ICE officers at great bodily risk of harm.

We've lost a number of ICE officers this way, and it was totally preventable.  

So what's better, I ask rhetorically?  Quietly transferring a jailed prisoner into the custody of an ICE officer, or turning that jackleg loose and then having our men and women of ICE trying to track them down?  I think you know the answer.  So why doesn't Ms. Lightfoot?  Perhaps because she's consumed by political correctness?  Infected with Democrat Looneyness?  Playing to her far Left base?  Dumber than a bag of rocks?  Me thinks so...  

Perhaps the fact that Lightfoot is a woman, and Black, and midget-short, and openly gay, and a flaming Liberal, helps a bit.  All that has helped prepare her for her stint as Police Commissioner for a City where Democrats have been in charge for more than 70 years.  A position which she is now openly and willfully using to violate Federal law.

If you live in California, as I unfortunately do, then you know we have our own example of Lightfoot.  His name is Gavin Newsom.  He's our newest Governor, hand-picked and paid for by a six uber-wealthy families.  His aunt is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, if you'd like an example.  His Godfather was J. Paul Getty, at one time the richest man in America, for another.

Newsom has gone Chicago one better.  Or worse, as the case may be.  He's declared CA as a "sanctuary state," effectively seceding our once-Golden State from the Union.  I wonder just what would happen if the Federal Government decided to fight back in this little battle.  How about the Feds withholding matching funds to California?  That would equal several hundred million dollars a year.  How about the Feds ignoring plaintive calls for help in emergencies or natural disasters?  How about Trump deciding to build his Great Wall between CA and the rest of our Great Country?  Would that be enough to cause this snarky bozo to actually obey ALL the laws, not just the ones he likes?  

Might be fun to find out... 

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