Tuesday, December 24, 2024

A Christmas Wish.

This is a Christmas card to all my friends, and neighbors, and beloved family.

Thanks for reading all the rants that I've produced during the year.  I trust I haven't burdened you too much with my spleen venting, and that you found an occasional nugget of information from my bleatings.  

As the saying goes, "Even a blind pig finds an acorn every now and again."  

We, you and me, have gone through some testy times of late.  We've witnessed an effort to take over the tillers of power in our Gubmint and recast America as a socialist paradise.  Girls now have to compete against boys in their own sports.  Open borders allowing more than 10,000,000 known, and 2,500,000 million unknown illegal aliens have invaded our borders.  

The crime rate has surged in many of our Biggest and Bluest Cities.  Out-of-control spending has resulted in ruinous inflation.  Sex-change operations are now offered wholesale.  Nearly half of our States are now underwriting abortion untill the moment of delivery.  A weaponized Justice Department seems to focus its power against only one Political Party.  Power has been in the hands of Coastal Elites and Swamp Creatures, ignoring the needs of those in "Flyover Country."  

That could not stand.  It did not stand.

Now we've turned the "Ship of State" back toward a course benifitting everyone.  Like an aircraft carrier, as one of my lovely daughters opined, changing course for America has been a Herculean task.  It takes quite awhile.  But it's happened.

My Christmas Wish is that the choices our new Administration makes not only pleases those who voted for it, but also those who fought against it.  My Wish is that we put partisan goals and objectives aside as a Nation, and embrace the policies which will benefit us all.  Not just the Coastal Elites and D.C. lobbyists and the "Corporate Media" and those who inhabit the University Faculty Lounges, but those whose taxes pay the bills.  The "Little Guy."  Who needs it most.  

In short, if it doesn't help the farmer in Nebraska and the union worker in Detroit and the shopkeeper in Arkansas and the nurse in Pennsylvania, my Wish is that it should neither be considered by the New Administration, nor adopted.   

In this Holiday Season, my Wish is that we all share a gigantic "Group Hug," put down our slings and arrows, and act like the "United" States of America.

Please help make my Christmas Wish come true.  And while that happens, Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year to us all!

The Chuckmeister...

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