Friday, October 20, 2023

The Drumbeat of War...

Suddenly, it's feeling a lot like 1938.

Germany was decimated by World War One.  It's factories were flattened.  It's cities were pulverized.  And it's citizenry were killed, by the hundreds of thousands.  This was all by their (leaders') choosing, I should add, so we didn't shed a tear.  They started the War.  Yet, the Marshall Plan, the tool by which the Allies intended to rebuild Germany, had it paying the price of rebuilding all by itself.  With no means to do so.  Plus paying back all Allied governments for their War investments.  Starting with America and Britain.  It was unfeeling and unworkable.    

In short, the Germans were pissed.  So pissed they elected a young firebrand named Adolf Hitler in the early 30's as their Chancellor.  He promised to restore Germany to its former greatness, while embarking upon a path to take it there.  

That included illegally building up Germany's air force and navy in secret, hidden from the eyes of the Allies, which forbade doing so, and preparing to take back all the territory they'd lost during WW1.  Starting with the "Sudentenland," the area that used to be in Eastern Germany.  The United Nations punished Germany by giving it to Czechoslovakia.  And they began arming up, quietly, to take it back.  

By force.

Fearing this, the British Crown dispatched Ambassador Neville Chamberlain to Germany in June, 1938, to talk Hitler out of his plans.  But he didn't know that Hitler had already put the wheels of war in motion.  After his visit, Chamberlain came back to Britain and told the King and his people they were safe from Hitler.  That he'd been given Hitler's assurance of that fact.  So much so that Chamberlain delivered a speech on radio on June 15th, 1938, to the Good People of London, proclaiming:   

   "We shall have peace in our time."

Chamberlain sealed his name into history by doing so as the "Appeaser-in-Chief."  The all-time, major league "pus*y."  He wound up being Hitler's mouthpiece and lapdog.  He sullied his and his family's names forever.  Which also wound up delaying Britain's military buildup and readiness for the War that was surely coming.

I arrived in Germany a short 20 years after WW2 ended.  I was sent there by the U. S. Army to protect America from communism (you'll note I did a pretty good job).  I recall they'd yet to fully rebuild from the ravages of War ended decades earlier.  Their heads as a people were still down.  They'd been led to their own doom.  And it lit a fire to the entire world.  We should use it as a learning experience.  If we get beat down enough, it just might happen here someday.  

I visited a museum while there and picked up a 1,000,000 Deutch Mark note.  Their currency.  And it was the size of a bath towel.  Inflation was so rampant toward the end of the War that one million DMarks wouldn't buy a loaf of bread...  

The world was full of anti-war zealots back then, just as it is now.  Just as it always has been.  Those who believe that appeasement, almost for its own sake, is always the best way to approach murderous killers.  The best way to respond to those who decapitated 40 of their Jewish children, is for the Jews to bury their dead, go on home and forget about it.  Sort of a, "Please kill me last," strategy.  Many of the Congressional Democrats were calling for a ceasefire before the Israelis even fired the first shot in payback.  Imagine that.  

After all, they think, the Jews must have cheated somebody somewhere along the line to become so successful.  Read "The Merchant of Venice" if you need an example.  And that was based 500 years ago.  So maybe they have it coming.  Maybe they shouldn't try so hard.  Study so hard.  Work so hard... 

And the Arabs are jealous.  Even though in a tiny country the size of New Jersey, the only Middle Eastern country without oil, the appeasers still want to direct Israel to give up more.  More land for peace after having given up way too much land for peace already.  Google the "Middle East."  It's huge.  Enormous!  It's the size of America, fergodssake!  And somewhere in that vastness is a tiny spot known as Israel.  The Arabs have no land to give the "Palestinians."  None.  After having given up the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Jews have to sacrifice once again.  Something tells me the Jews have drawn a line in that sand...  

It's hard to believe God permits people so damn dumb to breath American air.  My air!  

In Sun Tsu's "The Art of War" he warned that, "In time of peace, prepare for war."  I doubt he'd approve of O'Biden's draining our Strategic Oil Reserves to the lowest point it's been in 40 years.  Neither do I.  Or that he unilaterally abandoned Afghanistan, leaving behind $8 Billion Dollars in weapons.  

Or that he permitted Putin to encircle Ukraine over a period of 13 months without taking defensive action.  Which would have prevented the current costly war.  

Or refusing to hurry up the delivery of planes and tanks and weapons to Ukraine.  Or Taiwan, which paid for those planes 4 years ago.  

Or refusing to deal with the fact China has co-opted nearly every country in South America while he's been dithering with transgenders and proper pronoun usage and trying to screw gun owners some more.  

Or perhaps his most egregious act of malfeasance, or perhaps the intentional undermining of American sovereignty, refusing to close our Southern Border.  Across which more than 1,000,000 "Gotaways" have gang-rushed our once secure Country, while 7,000,000 have walked in and given up.  Who are they?  Where are they from?  Why didn't they simply give themselves up for "asylum" unless they meant us harm?  Mr. O'Biden, their future activities are on you!   

That's why you and me have to prepare to protect ourselves from the terrorists who no doubt were among those One Million.  Remember, it only took 19 dedicated killers - without guns - to bring down the Twin Towers.  

I won't be around to fight the upcoming war.  I fought in a last one.  This one will be up to you.  And be forewarned, that war is surely coming.  It's right on our doorstep.  I can hear the drums beating now.  The only question is, just who will be our Chamberlain?  Will it be Anthony Blinken, our Secy of State?  I say no.  

      I suggest it's O'Biden himself...   

We no longer have a police force protecting us from harm.  That safety was stolen away by those Left-wing activists who chose to "defund the police."  Our police!  So now it's up to you to protect yourself and your family.  Visit your friendly gun store today and find out how... 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post chuck. Your absolutely spot on


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!