Saturday, October 14, 2023

When All The Choices Are Bad...

The U.S. Army used to pay me (not well) to noodle out war strategies in a complex, real-life game of "Who lives, and Who dies."  

And one of the very first things my commanding officer taught me was, "When all of the choices you face are bad, choose the choice least bad."  Sort of, apply "Occams' Razor," work backwards and then go ahead.  Secure in the notion you've made the very best choice, even among a sea of bad choices.  Even if that choice is likely to result in death and dying.

Seems simple, right?  But you'd be surprised how many people go all nutso, tying themselves into knots trying to figure out which choice to take when the "right" choice may be simple.  If they'd simply open their eyes.  

Now, I realize my previous blog posting on Israel probably changed nothing in the Middle East.  But even so, just between you and me, fellow Patriot, let's apply that sort of Deductive Reasoning to the almost unbearable situation the Israelis now face.  A bunch of crazed terrorists shot up more than 1,000 of their countrymen and women and children, and they want some payback.  Seems to me they have three choices to get it, and all of them are bad.  They are:

     They could  Forgive and Forget:  Just do as the United Nations and the students at Harvard and our (in)famous "Squad" in the House and all the uneducated racist dolts espousing anti-Jewish hatred are demanding, and apologize to the "Palestinian" terrorists for forcing them to become terrorists.  Even though there are no real "Palestinians."  And then give the Gaza pirates a few hundred million $Shekles, bury their dead and go on home to lick their wounds.  For the umpteenth time. 

Bad choice.  

     -  Or they could do a Full "Scorched Earth" Invasion:  As the title to the left there indicates, that means a block-by-block, building-by-building, room-by-room invasion.  Over a period of weeks, even months or years.  Lots and lots and lots of both Israelis and terrorists will die.  Booby-traps, IED's, hidden snipers.  Hundreds.  Thousands.  Tens of thousands will die!  A bloody, agonizing death suffered by each of them.  More terrorists than Israelis, no doubt, but still buckets of blood.  

That will help cure the Israeli blood-lust.  It will also inflame the so-called "Arab Street" (where's that street, again?).  Which is about 20x bigger than the "Jewish Street."  It would likely end in an expanded war, possibly even resulting in World War Three.  Big Boomskies!  We all die!  Got it?  

Bad choice

     -  Or sit back and Let Them Starve:  This is my personal favorite.  The IDF has the Gaza Strip all bottled up.  The terrorists are completely encircled.  And so are the more than 2,000,000 Gazans who voted in HAMAS as their political party back in 2007.  Which means they're getting exactly what they voted for.  I like it when people get to express their political preferences, don't you?  And they have, good and hard.

The IDF has cut off all the water, and the fuel, and the electricity to Gaza.  They will run out of all of it soon.  The entry/exit points have been closed and the entry of all food and supplies has been cut off.  I can't imagine a single reason to launch a ground invasion, which would guarantee a horrendous casualty rate, when simply waiting would work quite nicely.  

Think a seige not unlike the one visited upon King Herod's Fortress Masada by the Romans 2,000 years ago.  The one where all the members of an obscure religious sect of Essenes chose to commit suicide rather than be killed or captured on April 15, '73 AD.  All 900 of them.  They chose ten of their group to kill ten each.  Then one of the ten would kill the other nine, who later committed suicide.  Who knows, if the Israelis chose to simply wait them out, to starve them out, if the terrorists would choose suicide instead of capture?  I kinda' doubt it.  Terrorists are cowards by nature.  And cowards don't commit suicide.  They commit murder.  Or if all else fails, "suicide by soldier." 

But one thing is for certain:  The tables are now turned.  It's now the Jews who are now bringing the siege... 

Best Bad Choice.

Be advised that all the Left-wing, pro-Palestine gaggles the world over will clutch their pearls over all this.  They will cry, and scream, and gnash their teeth over the poor, starving Palestinians.  To which I would reccomend those folks go into Gaza and try and talk them out of their Holy War against all things Jewish and all things Israel.  Yeah, that oughta' work well.

I remind everyone, the residents of Gaza voted for HAMAS to be their governing body in 2007.  And that was the last election that's been held.  As we say, "You break it, you bought it."  They voted for it, they own the results.  And the results will be Biblical.

Put simply, if BeBe hired me to advise, I'd say choose the choice least bad.  Build a ring of Israeli soldiers around Gaza.  Then sing songs on loudspeakers, and do BBQ's, with the smell of cooking pork wafting over the fence, and dance around a thousand campfires all happily like, while the starving Gazans gaze across the border wall, while collecting rain water out of their boots.  Of course, some may try and flee.  Across the border wall.  Into Israel.  Turning them shooting gallery targets.  Saves ammunition that way.  Pick 'em off, one-by-one.   

Fitting, right?      


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