Sunday, October 22, 2023

DAMM! Dat Ol' Boy Can Sure Save!

Now,  I dunno' about you, but I always thought a U. S. Senator's salary of $175,000 a year was a real come-down for most of those who choose to serve there.  

And $225,000 a year for Vice Prezzz is most assuredly a brush-back pitch.  But for some reason folks want to burnish their illustrious careers in business or industry with a term or two at the end of it as a U. S. Senator.  Or even as Vice Prezzz.  One can only wonder why, especially after viewing some of them and their recent antics.  I mean, John Fetterman?  And the torture they're subjected to by our rabid "MainStreamMedia."  

I mean, Fetterman?  Pullleeeezzzee!   

Most of our Senators were CEO's, or high-ranking military officers, or famous doctors or inventors or investors, like that Democrat from Utah posing as a Republican.  You know the one.  

I won't mention his name, as I hear he's in the Witness Protection Program.

But Fetterman?  Really?

So, agreeing to serve "The People" for what I always thought was a token sum is truly admirable.  For that sum couldn't pay the light bill on most of their homes.  I mean, Al Gore's Nashville mansion measures 22,000 square feet, fergodssake!  

But then there's "Lunch Bucket Joe."  Our erstwhile POTUS.  That guy who dutifully rode the Amtrak back and forth from Baltimore to D.C. five days a week, for 134 years, must have been salting it away.  Keeping most of it for a rainy day and eating PB&J sammies out of that lunch bucket.  You know how I know?  'Cause he just wrote a check for his house!    


There are two kinds of people: those who can write a check for a house, but finance it, and those who cannot write that check, like 99% of us, and finance it.  Same deal.  Anyone well-heeled enough to be able to write a check for...


would do that!  They'd make a minimal down payment and use OPM (Other Peoples' Money) to invest in other projects and make more of it.  Takes money to make money, and all that.  They have money.  It took a lot to make it.  They don't want to give it up.  That's what rich people do!

But Not Joe!  He wrote a check!  And doncha' know this check he wrote came fast on the heels of a phone call only two weeks earlier between his errant, whoremongering, crack-addicted son Hunter, and a member of the Chinese Communist Party dude back in 2017.  A guy named Henry Zhao.  Hunter said to him, "I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment you made has not been fulfilled."  

Hunter boy was sure pissed.  I'm guessing his drug dealer was at the door with an kilo and he couldn't pony up the cash.  So I'm assuming he'd been sent out as the Bag Man for the O'Biden Mob, forcing the collection of $10,000,000 for, ummm, what?  

We have yet to learn.   The Family Business, perhaps?  But it must have been important enough to pry $10 Mil out of the Chinese Commies.  But it worked.  And the $TEN MILLION arrived!  And notice how Joe got his share?  Approximately one-fourth of the entire load.  And notice how less than two weeks later his share was magically transformed into

So I did a little rudimentary math on the subject.  Assuming he paid a 33% income tax rate (doubtful, as it's not yet proven all these payments were ever recorded), Joe would have had to save his entire income from serving as Vice President, and 11 of those 134 years as Senator, to be able to save enough to write that check.  And all this doesn't take inflation or the reduced time value of money into account.  But no matter, we'll just take 19 years of income.  All of itEvery penny.

And remember, fellow Patriot, Our Boy Joe has not one, but TWO beach homes in Maryland.  And the other one's worth more than $10 Million!  Dayummm!  Dat ol' boy can sure save, can't he?*

*   Just in:  The House Select Committee just released proof that Joe received a direct wire payment of $200,000.  His brother Jim got a $200,000 payment, and immediately turned it around and sent it to Brother Joe.  Sort of a poorly-disguised attempt at money laundering.  The so-called "MainStreamMedia" has told us over and over they need proof of a direct payment.  Okay, you co-conspirators in the downfall of a Nation, here it is!

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