Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Scorched Earth...

Up until four days ago, it was as hard to acquire a handgun in Israel as it is in some parts of California.  And Chicago and New York City and Baltimore and many of our other Deep Blue States.  

Israel has been worried for decades that loosening firearm restrictions could enable the terrorists it sees on all sides to somehow illegally acquire them.  This is despite the fact that every Israeli has been conscripted and served two years in their military.  And trained to use all sorts of firearms including automatic weapons.  And then sent home to become defenseless against any sort of aggression?  Does that make sense to anyone?  That sort of backward, "prevent defense" sort of thinking has enabled only 1.5% of the Israeli civilians to obtain firearms.  

           Up until four days ago, that is.

The Defense Minister of Israel just issued an emergency declaration eliminating all regulatory impediments in the hope that "...as many people as possible can acquire a firearm."  Funny how chaos and tumult and facing one's own idiotic and indefensile prior decisions can tend to focus the mind.

                          ///   +++   \\\

I was all armed-up in the back of a C-130 along with a hundred of my fellow warriors, ready to be dropped into the middle of a War Zone.

That was on June 10th, 1967.  Five days after every Arab nation had just attacked Israel, and the U. S. was on alert to support Israel's efforts.  The storm of info coming out of the region was such that we didn't find out we weren't going in until the plane was warming up on the tarmac that day and the War was already over.  

It was to be forever named "The Six-Day War." 

Fortunatetly, the balloon didn't go up.  My unit was told to stand down because the Israelis had already kicked some major ass.  Incredulously!  No one expected that the Jews would prevail.  A postage stamp-sized democracy in a sea of Arab shieks and religious zealots and a gazillion buckets of sand.  ALL the Arabs!  Egypt, and Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, and the UAE.  The entire Islamic region.  It was a pile-on, pure and simple. 

We in the Army had a joke about it.  We said the Israelis won so quickly because they were using Hertz Rent-a-Tanks at $50.00 an hour.  Yeah, funny back then.   

If anyone wonders whether appeasement works, consider this:  Despite Israel having given the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the "Palestinians"* for peace back in 2007, it wasn't enough.  They wanted to push the Jews into the sea.  They wanted it all.  The United Nations had given the Israelis the absolute worst, most miserable piece of dirt in the entire Middle East back in 1947.  It was the only country in the Middle East without oil, but because it was their historical Biblical home, they turned it into a garden wonderland.  And a technological powerhouse.  Think about that.  But the so-called "Palestinians" would take nothing less than everything.      

Israel is the only bright shining jewel in a steaming pile of cow manure.  It shines like a diamond in a goat's ass.  And the Islamist extremists have a major case of the butthurt.  So I suggest that Israel do the only thing they can do in a situation like this:

Drop leaflets from your helicopters warning that a Major League shi*storm is coming.  Get your tanks and your trucks and your planes and your hundreds of thousands of troops lined up together, and then...  

            Go all scorched Earth.

Think "Sherman's March to the Sea."  Leave not a blade of grass still living.  Not a whimpering cur alongside the road.  I was taught in Army Intelligence that there are some folks you just cannot deal with.  So they must be eradicated.  With extreme prejudice.  And then let the sound of nothingness prevail.  Run a 24-hour cable news feed from downtown what used-to-be Gaza City.  The silence would be defeaning.

Be as brutal in your response to this outrage as the criminals were in causing it.  And give no quarter to those wishing to trade hostages for anything.  Those hostages were dead the day they were kidnapped.  And their kidnappers will suffer and die a slow, agonizing death for their sins...

Once the dust has settled on this travesty, this human-caused catastrophy, only after the cancer has been excized, only then can the Israelis and the friendly Arabs begin to rebuild this region into the way it should always have been.  

And rebuild it with everyone having the absolute, God-given Right to "...keep and bear arms."  Like some of us still enjoy here in America.  Nothing less will deter soulless cowardly savages. 

On the way out the Digital Door, ask yourself this:  Would the "Palestinians" have attacked and killed innocent Jewish civilians if they'd been armed?  

*     There are no "Palestinians."  There are only non-Hashemite Bedouins who were living in Jordan when the Partition occurred back in 1947.  The United Nations divided up the Middle East, choosing to give land to Israel and Jordan, but none to those calling themselves "Palestinians."  They proved to be such human trash that King Hussein showed them them door.  They immediatly moved into Israel and declared war.  And with only sparse periods of relative calm in between, that war has never stopped.  This time the Israelis may finally put a stop to this lunacy.  

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