Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It Must Be The Salt Air...

Have you ever noticed that the farther you go from either of our respective Oceans into the interior of our Great Country, the smarter our population seems to become?

Or, perhaps you're so unfortunate as to never have had that opportunity to travel extensively.  If not, please allow me, The Chuckmeister, a skilled and professional former traveler, to take you on a tour...

Yep, fellow Patriot, I've given this matter exhaustive study.  And research.  I've been in 38 countries and 49 states (sorry, ND), so I've formed some opinions on the matter.  And having been born and raised in the Upper Midwest, and then having relocated to the then-Great State of Taxifornia, back when it still WAS a Great State, before it was taken over like in the "Pod People" by a bunch of crazed, Left-wing loonies, I have a unique perspective on it as well. 

And yes, long sentences are soooo delightful! 

I've learned that those living in Lost Angeles, for example, and Portland, and Seattle, and San Franpoopco especially, or heading East to New Yawk City, and Baltimore, and Chicago, are certifiably nuts.  Either for choosing to live there, or as a result of having lived there.  And in either case, certainly for not moving!  

No matter, the result is the same; those choosing to live in these godfersaken places must love high rents and high gas prices and high taxes and high crime rates, and high-minded busybodies constantly telling us all what to do, and an all-time low level of personal safety.  

Otherwise, they'd move.

And that those living between the Sierra Nevada (those are Mountains) and the Appalachians (those are Mountains, too) tend to be a whole lot smarter and better educated and less neurotic and more Patriotic and all-around happier than their "City-fied" bretheren and sisteren.  

And in Taxifornia, because we're so unfortunate as to be afflicted with 57 genders, "otheren."    

The Coastal Elites are absolutely certain they know it all and are happy to share that knowledge with their "Countryfolk."  Those would be the ones so dreadfully unfortunate as to live outside New York.  Or SFO.  Or L.A.  The Coastals all go to school at fancy colleges and universities, and then bring their educated selves and enormous student debts back to the Big Blue Cities.    

The Coastals buy and drive those fancy little plug-in electric cars, at twice the price of far better performing gas-powered cars, simply because their snooty neighbors would try and cancel them if they didn't.  And because they know that by doing so they'll somehow "fix" global warming.  

Whatever the Hell that is.  

And the Real People who live in our Heartland buy and drive Big, Burly, Heavy-Duty pickem' up trucks, powered by Hydrocarbons!  Lots and lots of them!  Of which we have gobs.  While eating hot dogs and drinking non-Bud Lights.  Yeah, America!  A 900 year supply of oil and gas!  Right there under our feet!  Guaranteed to us by our own United States Geological Survey!  Which O'Biden and his Yalies won't use because...dirty!  And when those Coastals run out of wind and solar power, those of us with big ol' gas powered trucks will be (un)happy to give 'em a ride!  

For a price, of course!  (Have I run out of exclamation points yet?!?)  We have to give those (under)educated miscreants a lesson, now don't we?


But in the meantime, there really are Two Americas, but not the two that the Rev. Pencilneck likes to talk about on MSPMS.  It's not the Rich and the Poor; rather, it's those who reside within about 100 miles from either coast,  and those who, fortunately for them, don't.*  

Those who live and work and play in our Heartland have it right.  That's why 1,000,000 Californians have waved "bye-bye" through the rear window to the once-Golden State in just the past two years.  That stuff the Coastals have been sniffing all these years is wearing off.  They're waking up from their sun-filled stupor.  They're breaking the habit.  Previously hard-core Californians have grown tired of being carjacked and overtaxed and stepping over piles of sh*t.  And Texas and Florida and Tennessee and South Carolina and Arizona and Nevada are counting the brand-new tax proceeds from all these new emmigrees as a result.  $Hundreds of Millions in new tax proceeds for sunbelt states, courtesy of CA and NY.  And all they had to do was...obey the Constitution.  

Taxpayers tend to vote with their feet, doncha' know...

You hear that noise?  It's the roll-up rear door on those U'Haul trucks slamming shut as they prepare for their journey East down the I-10.  To greener pastures.  And when you're leaving California, all pastures are greener...  

As I've been commenting for years that it won't be long before there's nobody left here but sign twirlers and Starbucks baristas.  But I may have to make a change to that admonition now that Bidenflation has grabbed us by the a*s.  Those sign twirlers may not be able to afford Starbucks $10.00 a cup coffee anymore... 

*   This does not include Florida.  No, fellow Patriots, Florida managed to avoid the dummmassedness that was going around among Salt Air political leaders (you reading this, BoyGuv?).  It's become that "Shining City on the Hill" we've all been looking for, and some have now found...

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