Friday, July 9, 2021

"Bitch-Slapping" the Pukes...

I looked back fondly over the weekend at the pride I felt upon landing in West Germany that day way back when.

I was a newly-minted U. S. Army soldier and Germany was to be my new home.  At least for awhile.  That was back in early 1967.  So I got the chance...the invaluable take a look back at my Homeland from a strange and far-off place.  

And looking around at the-then post-WW2 European landscape where I was to reside, I can tell you I was bursting with pride to be an American.  A member of that Very Special Group that had managed to gear up and man-up and win two separate Wars, one on each side of the Earth, at the same time, just a couple of decades previously.  And it was for that reason that these proud people could live their lives in peace and tranquility.  All because America had come to their aid.

And I was (and am) an American.  A Proud American.

Flash forward to dystopian 2021.

I watched in horror over the weekend as a number of spoiled brats disrespected their Country, its Anthem and its Flag.  In public.  Over a Holiday!  THE Holiday!  And more than a few of them were elected Federal representatives.  The members of the so-called "Squad" come to mind.  They should be ashamed.  If they had any shame, that is...

Think Sandy Occasional-Cortex, for example.  She's the only bartender in history who's never brought anything to the table...

Looking back at America as I did that day was, I imagine, quite a bit like our astronauts felt upon  looking back from the Moon back in 1969.  They were proud.  I was proud.  That pride apparently no longer exists in our youngest generations.

As I've said before (remember, Geoff?), I believe the seeds of this disrespect were sown the very day we ceased Conscription.  The Draft.  That day back in 1976 we stopped drafting our youth into military service.  The very day we stopped forcing our citizens to pay a price for their citizenship.  

When we did employ the draft, those same troops came home hardened, toughened, better educated and more patriotic Americans than the day they left home.  And better able to care for themselves and their families.  As God intended.  

We no longer do that.  And so, we're now breeding an entire generation that thinks it fashionable to hate their own country.  What an awful shame...  

Cause...and effect.

I'd like to personally bitch-slap every one of the miserable little pukes who tried to elevate their Social Media status by spitting on my Flag.  Or turning their back on my Anthem.  Or spouting anti-American platitudes.  I can't.  I'd be arrested if I did.  Not if I set fire to a courthouse, mind you, just if I cold-cocked one of these useless walking garbage piles.  Who probably still live in mommy and daddy's basement.    

Somehow I'm thinking it might be worth the charge.  Want to join me? 

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