Tuesday, June 23, 2020

There are Two Kinds of People:

Yes, fellow Pilgrims, there are two kinds of people.

There are people who divide people into two kinds...and then there's the other kind.

That's a joke.  Heh, heh...

All seriousness aside, there are really two kinds of people in Atlanta, and New York City, and Portland, and Seattle, and Kansas City, and Baltimore, and Miami, and dozens of other American cities: those with guns, and those without.

And I'm betting that those with guns are feeling quite a bit more secure this morning than are those without.  Seriously, those who chose to stand in line at the local gun store and purchase firearms over the past several months are to be applauded.  And congratulated!  They contributed to several months of record firearm sales.  In fact, gun sales in each of the past several months are up as much as 85% over the same period a year ago!  In fact, guns are now being sold at the rate of almost 100,000 per day!  And those gun owners are now able to protect themselves and their families...just when it's appearing the police in so many different American cities...cannot.  Or will not.  Or are too frightened to do so.  

Or their commie pinko dumbass liberal weenie mayors won't let them (Seattle, Portland, New York City, Atlanta, Baltimore, do you hear me?).

And interestingly, it seems the residents of these great old cities swamped their gun stores over the past few weeks as the Chinese Killer Coronavirus swept the land.  Plain and simple.  If you wanted a gun, you bought one.  If you didn't, you didn't.  That's called freedom of choice.  The Democrats are all for that, right?  Freedom of choice?  They're "pro choice," right?  At least, that's what they tell us.  They wouldn't be duplicitous, now would they?

And that pretty well describes the 100+ Million Americans who own firearms.  Some 435 Million of them by now.*  That means that almost a third of all our citizens have decided to arm themselves, as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. 

And I might mention that this Right has been (re)affirmed by the Supreme Court via their decisions in "Chicago v. McDonald," 2008, and "Washington, D.C. v. Heller," 2010.  You might want to check them out so you know just how ingrained into the fabric of our society firearm ownership has always been.  

So this should be pretty simple, as I said before.  Even states which have great difficulty understanding the plain English as written into the 27 words of the 2nd Amendment, like CA and NY and MD, understand that you and I have an absolute, irrevocable, individual Right to "keep and bear arms."  And there's not a damn thing they can do about it.  Although, God bless their black hearts, they sure as Hell try... 

Yes, I know it pisses off the liberal commie pinko pantywaist weenies who are dead-set on disarming us.  To them I say, tough nuggies!  Like I said, freedom of choice! 

Maybe if we put gun stores across the street from Planned Parenthood clinics?  Or even inside the clinics?

However, now that anarchy has overtaken the land, and at least one new nation has been formed through violent overthrow right in the midst of our Great Country, thanks to the indelible, Technicolor fecklessness of Seattle's leadership, it just might prove necessary for those of us who are now armed to have to protect ourselves, and perhaps others.

Take a look at Chicago this past weekend.  More than 100 shot and 14 murdered.  Using guns.  In a City where guns are almost impossible to obtain.  Legally.  And the cops are nowhere to be found.  Nowhere!  And we can't blame them, for if they were to intervene, they just might be arrested, charged, tried, found guilty and incarcerated.  Truly, this is a no-win situation for the police, which leaves us, the citizenry, in charge of our own safety and security.  Like it's truly always been.

Life's like that.  It comes at you fast.  Some are prepared for it.  Some aren't.  Are you? 

Given that a third of our population owns guns, here's a question you might want to ponder if you're a Bad Guy and intend to do Americans harm:  

If only 5% of the ducks were
 armed, would anyone want
to go duck hunting?

*  Department of Justice, May, 2020

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