Thursday, June 25, 2020

Hyphenated- Americans...

I hate African-American.

No, I didn't say I hated "African-Americans," the race.  I said I hate "African-Americans-ss," the term.  

As a matter of fat, I hate it so much that I'm "triggered" by it.  It hurts my feelings!  I'm insulted by it!  It demeans me!  In fact, I'm...  


And because I'm offended, I fully expect a bunch of woke folks to start protesting, and burning, and looting, and rioting, and tearing down statues!  Annnd, I fully expect them to give me, give me, the Endowed Chair in Caucasian Studies at Howard University.  And if they do not, it's because of reverse...


And that's because I do not believe that our "African-American" citizens need, nor deserve, nor should want, two words to describe their race, nor do they need or deserve a hyphen.  Are they so very special, or needy, that they require a two-word descriptor, annnnd a hyphen to describe themselves?  Nooooo!  And I don't believe that "American Indians" need two words, either.  And why don't they have a hyphen?  Are "American Indians" less human or special than "African-Americans?"  Are "African-Americans" less human than simple, everyday, ordinary "Americans?"  

Who decided all of this?  And when?  I'm betting it was a bunch of crusty old-school Democrats, and maybe a few of the remaining KKK members, in a back room somewhere, looking to salvage some vestige of power after having voted 100% against both the 14th and the 15th Amendments, which were approved, and lost the "Civil Rights Voting Act." 

Remember, the Democrats not only filibustered this landmark bill, they all voted against it in lock-step!  The Republicans, BTW, voted unanimously for it.  So who are the racists here?  

I am Irish.  I don't get two words to describe my race, nor do I have a hyphen.  Nor do the Germans, or the Swedes, or the Ukrainians.  Or the Jews, or the English, or the Russians.  There are no "Irish-Americans."  There are just "Irish."  And "Americans."  So why is that?  Are we not equal to "African-Americans?"  If so, shouldn't we be issued another word and a hyphen?  Are we being discriminated against?  

I'd say so!

In fact, do we not now need some of that "affirmative action" the "African-Americans" enjoyed so very much?  Which the California Legislature is poised to now give them again?*  Presuming, I guess, that they need them?  Do they think they need them? 

Or have we chosen to proclaim the "African-Americans" as such because they're so very special, or so very (un)special?  Sort of like the same reason we've chosen to call kids with developmental problems, "special needs?"  

In short, it's an insult.  To both them, and to us.  So much so that I need one of those "crying spaces" they supply in our colleges and universities.  One of those "free speech abatement zones" would be nice as well.  Pluuuus, I think it's high time we start removing statues of those who make me feel "less safe."  Let's start with statues of Booker T. Washington.  And Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  And Abraham Lincoln.  Oh wait, they're already removing that one...

Until or unless the "Uniform International Commission on Selection of Racial Descriptors and Hyphenation Issuance" chooses to honor me with another word and/or a hyphen, I have a suggestion:  Why not simply call "African-Americans" just "Americans?"  Just like we call the Irish and the Germans and English and the Moldovians by a single descriptor, can we call the "African-Americans" just plain old "Americans," please? 

I think they've earned that by now...   

Seems to me that would tend to make us all just...ready for it?...Americans!  And therefore, equal!  And what, I'd like to ask, is wrong with that?  Oh yeah, what's wrong is that proclaiming equality for all the races, right now, without further delay, would rob our Democrat partisans of what they believe to be a valuable narrative and talking point they intend to use in the upcoming Election Season.  Which, by the way, is all you really need to know about this subject. 

P.S.  Just kidding.  I don't really need the crying space...

*  Through a Bill called "ACA-5," and subject to our Boy Guv's signature, the CA Legislature just voted to give "African-Americans" affirmative action once again.  Thank God I identify as an "African-American."  I could use the extra money...

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