Sunday, June 21, 2020

Do "Red Lives Matter?"

How about Yellow ones?

I'm guessing that you've now heard the phrase "Black Lives Matter" several hundred times.  At least.  Maybe several thousand.  And whether you are moved by this message, bowel or otherwise, you're probably fairly sick of hearing it.  

I know I am.

When I first heard this phrase a few years back I thought it was pithy and succinct.  And I agreed with the basic concept.  Call attention to an age-old problem and offer up solutions to resolving it.  Black lives DO matter, just as do White lives, and Red lives, and Yellow lives, and all the various shades of lives in between.  And so I express my sympathies in this regard by saying, "All Lives Matter."

But wait now!  That's not good enough for the BLM folks.  They say that saying "All Lives Matter" is an insult to those spewing "Black Lives Matter."  They say it makes the person saying that "out of touch" and "tone deaf."  Whatever that means.  They say, in fact, that those who prefer to say "All Lives Matter" are enemies of the "movement" and must be eradicated.  Along with all police forces everywhere.  And the nuclear family.  

Jeesh!  That's kind of harsh, don't you think?  

Once again, our speech is being squelched.  Muzzled!  We're now expected, required to use the speech they find acceptable.  No debate, no discussion.  However, there are those of us who rebel at this intrusion into our freedom.  And there are those of us who will not abide it.  Including me.  

Remember "illegal alien?"  Yeah, that phrase is in the Constitution of the United States.  For that's what those who choose to come here illegally are called.  They're illegal, because they're here illegally, and they're an alien, having not been born here.  Got it?  Yet, now we're told that we must, MUST refer to them as "undocumented immigrants."  Or even "undocumented workers."  Or even, "future citizens."  Get it?  They cannot debate us on the merits, so they wish to silence us, to muzzle us.  And to a great extent, they have.  

So I ask, do "Red Lives Matter?"  Is it time to maybe throw a bone to our American Indians (or, Indigenous Personages, if you prefer) and see how they're doing these days?  Maybe we should shine a light on these folks and their plight in life, knowing full well that they could use some help from those of us who are far better off.  And that includes most Black people, by the way.  I mean, we ran them off their land, rendered their buffalo nearly extinct, killed them with abandon, infected them with smallpox, disarmed them, forced them into reservations, made them subservient, turned them into alcoholics, and pretty much ruined their lives.  You think Black people got a bad deal?  You should take a hard look at how we screwed the Red Man.  

So, I ask again, do "Red Lives Matter," or is that whole BLM movement nothing but a masquerade for a political movement designed to overthrow America and replace it with a Marxist utopia?  Well let's take a look...

The people who started "Black Lives Matter" say it is!  In an interview on CNN's "The Lead" on this past Friday, BLM's co-founder Patrisse Cullers, proudly stated that, "We are trained Marxists.  We are super versed on ideological theories."  Our goals are, she said, to:

     -  a), defund the police;

     -  b), dismantle captitalism;

     -  c), destroy the patriarchy

     -  d), break down/eliminate the nuclear family;

     -  e)  eradicate Israel;

     -  d)  support unfettered abortion

     -  and, f), redistribute America's wealth via reparations.  

Their goal is to bring chaos where there is order, fan the flames of class warfare, and demonize Christians and conservatives.

It's not often that your enemies are nice enough to publicly - and proudly - tell us that they intend to hurt us, to destroy us, our families and our property.  

BTW, I won't even ask if "Yellow Lives Matter."  They've managed quite well to acclimate and insinuate themselves into the fabric of our society, and need no help, thank you.  They study their asses off and work their asses off and are therefore successful.  Imagine!  Working hard makes one successful!  They're so "with it," as a matter of fact, most of the premier colleges and universities won't give them any admission assistance at all.  But those nice "Red" folks could use a hand up instead of a hand out.  

Hey Black folks, could you lend a hand to our "Red" brothers and sisters?  Hey "Black Lives Matter," do you have a little spare time between rioting and looting and burning and tearing down America to help out another minority group?  No?  Or are you just an angry bunch of anarchists who get off on destroying what somebody else built?   

For those of you who blindly supported "Black Lives Matter" because you thought it was a good thing to do, maybe you ought to study up a bit on this cancerous blight on our society and reconsider...

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