Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Solution

Illegal aliens pay "coyotes" to guide them across our Southern Border.  


These coyotes, usually young, hardened gangsters working for the drug cartels, charge each immigrant about $7,000!  Now, I kind of wonder where these impoverished folks who live on $2.00 a day, find $7,000, but apparently they do.

And according to the Rand Corporation's Homeland Security Operational Center, a Gummint think tank, these vermin raked in a gigantic, unimaginably yuuuuuge $2.3 Billion Dollars in 2017, the most recent year for which statistics are available.

Think of that:  Two Point Three Billion Dollars!!!!!!  Two Thousand Million Dollars!  In one year!  Two years ago!  Can you imagine what it is now?

So here's the idea:  Trump wants to build a Wall.  At least half the Country wants it as well.  The Democrats, hoping all these illegals will someday vote Democrat, on top of those who already are, won't give Trump any money to build it.  Sooooo, let's just set up card tables at the Border and charge illegals $7,000 each to come in!  When more than 100,000 illegal aliens are breaking into your Country every month, a little math will tell you that's $SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS!

So we collect $Billions a month and use the money to build the Wall!  Trump and his true believers are happy.  The Democrats can no longer bitch.  The more Wall is built, the less illegal immigration occurs.  Ultimately all breaking-and-entering stops.  Buuuuut, since the U. S. of A. gets all the dough, and the criminal cartels the coyotes work for are starved of it, and go out of bizz as a result, this is what you call your WIN - WIN - WIN!

Agree?  Write your Congressweenie.  But tell 'em it was The Chuckmeister's idea...

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