Saturday, March 30, 2019

Have You Ever Wondered...

...what, exactly, causes celebrities to think that we, the Proletariat, the "Great Unwashed," the "Little People," give a damn what they think?

And that includes people who are "famous for being famous," like the entire Kardashian family.  All of them.  Including their, ummm, daddy? 

I mean, we often don't care what our own wives or husbands or significant others think.  Why should we care what somebody we don't know whose major talent is memorizing and then mouthing the words others, thinks?   

When, I'm also wondering, does your average run-of-the-mill celebrity, and DAMN!...if there isn't thousands of them!...decide that he or she or "it," (it's California, doncha' know!) must whip out the old Twitter-er-er and start Tweeting away their advice and counsel to us plebes.  Presuming, I guess, that we actually care.

You know, those toothless, redneck, pickup truck-driving, flag waving, beer swilling, cousin-marrying, gun-toting, hot dog-eating, patriotic good ol' 'Murican hillwilliams in "Flyover Country" that the "bubble-dwelling" swells hold in such disdain.

(BTW, I just luuuuuv that sentence!)

And so they feel compelled for some reason to pass along to us unfortunates their advice, it turns out, on damn near everything.  Sex and marriage and children and fashion and travel and gastronomy, to be sure.  But most particularly on all things political.

Now, I dunno' about you, but I don't need the advice and counsel of a Babs Streisand, or a Bobby DeNiro, or an Alyssa Milano (who is she again?) to get me through the average day.  And especially not Cher.  No, especially not her.  

I actually only turn to these folks when I need to be entertained.  A movie, perhaps?  Sure.  A little song and dance?  Maybe.  I can use these folks who've mastered the art of memorizing and spewing the writings of others to sometimes help me forget just how intensely polarized our society has now become.  Yeah, that's it, a movie!

But then they ruin everything by proclaiming themselves political pundits.  They seem to think they know everything about politics and the environment and economics and wealth redistribution and firearms and homosexuality and education, ad infinitum.  And they seem to think God put them here to set us straight on all those topics, and then to make sure we obey their wishes.  

Oh yeah, except for that percentage of them who don't believe in God.  Or in anyone else but themselves.

I first became aware of this strange behavior a couple of decades back.  I remember watching the "Pretty Woman" babe on a late night TV talk show.  I don't remember the question, but her answer was, "You can find Republicans in the encyclopedia right there between reptile and repulsive."  Ummm, yeah.  Thanks for that.  It got my attention, to be sure.

I thought it strange back then - and still do - that an actor would come out of the closet, so to speak, and express their own political views.  They obviously knew, and know, I would hope, that fully half the country won't agree with their politics, no matter the brand.  And since they rely on the good will, and patronage of the public for their living, to "make the turn styles turn," so to speak, not alienating half of them would seem to be high on my list of things to do.  How about you? 

But nooooooooooooo!  Her comrades began to join her in their chorus of Leftist views.  And presumably their deep-seated, previously-hidden views.  And I began to jot down their names in an effort to make sure I didn't contribute a single additional dollar their way.  A really cheap hobby that has paid me vast financial dividends.  

And this is true in the Age of Trump.  The one primary thing that unites these Beverly Hills Bozos is that they all hate Trump.  I hate Trump!  No, I hate him more than you do!  No you don't!  I hate him more.  Yada, yada, yada...

I'm now up to 345 actors/actresses/comedians/celebrities/ businesses.  And I've discovered a couple of really good things about that list.

A.  Wanna' save some discretionary income?  Don't spend it on people who hate you and hold you in disdain.  You'll get a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing you've struck back against those who think you suck.  And know the next time Bobby DeNiro rails against Trump at a press conference in Manhattan, at least you didn't help buy his dinner that night.

B.  It will keep you busy with a nice, clean, neat little hobby that costs you nothing and makes you feel truly wonderful that you're actually doing something to make the world a better place.

Samuel L. Jackson (drop the middle initial, Sam; it's waaay to pretentious!) proclaimed last week that he'd be just fine with Trump fans never ever seeing another of his movies.  Hey Sammy!  You got your wish.  You're Number 346!

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