Wednesday, March 20, 2019

"Global Warming" for Dummies...

No doubt you've heard all sorts of stuff about "Global Warming" by now.  Or "Climate Chaos," or "Climate Change," or whatever they're choosing to call it these days.  

I call it "weather," but hey, that's just me.

You've been told that "96% of all climate scientists agree we're all going to roast in a fiery Hell if we don't change our ways!   Of course, you may also know that fully 96% of all climate scientists work directly or indirectly for the Federal Government (colleges, universities, think tanks, NOAA, the military, etc.).   You think those folks might want their paychecks to continue?  Admitting there's no problem would quickly result in their grants and stipends going bye bye.  

You've been told also that we need to cease drilling for oil, and driving SUVs, and even eating cheeseburgers.  Anything, they say, to forestall the day when The. World. Ends. due to our incessant desire to flood the atmosphere with so-called "greenhouse gasses." 

And now, we're even told by several of our Liberal politicians and even a couple of POTUS candidates that we have but 12 years to live before The Earth Comes to an End!  Remember when Al Gore guaranteed us that the polar icecap would melt by the year 2000?  Yeah, me too... 

In short, you've been told that the Sky is Falling, and that only by giving away all the rest of your money to the Government in the form of new and juicy taxes can this catsafterme be sidestepped.  And you'd better do it damned quick or we're all doomed!

Hogwash, I say!

I, your humble servant, your Scribe Without Portfolio, your very own Truth Teller to the Masses, was placed here by God to lead you through this minefield of Liberal bovine excrement.  And I intend to do so.  Ready?  Here goes...

                                      *   *   *   *   *   *   *

The United States of America represents approximately 5% of the Earth's population.  Yet, we're told we produce some 13% of all atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gasses.  

That's bad.

Except for the fact that we're also told we use up some 25% of all the Earth's resources as a society.  That's also bad.

Except that by using proactive and efficient environmental anti-pollution standards, the U. S. of A. has lowered its "carbon footprint" more than 14% in the last twenty years (our new cars are more than 1,000 times cleaner than when auto pollution abatement standards began in the early 1970's!).  The rest of the countries on the planet, on the other hand, have increased their pollution rate by more than 30% during that same period.

That's very bad.

Assuming this "climate change" thing is real, clearly we're doing pretty much everything right, and all without disrupting normal commerce or peoples' lives.  

China and India together, on the other hand, represent about 40% of the Earth's population and produce more than 45% of the Earth's pollution and greenhouse gasses.

That's awful!

If we actually want to "fix" this whole "Global Warming" theory thing, wouldn't it seem reasonable to demand that the two countries producing the lion's share of the pollution get on board with efforts to stop it?

These two countries have each disavowed any, ANY current effort to minimize greenhouse gas production (the "Paris Accord" unsigned, semi-agreement Trump bowed out of did not require either country to do anything to reduce pollution for the next twenty years).  And they're each opening new coal-fired electricity generation plants on a weekly basis.  Considering this, wouldn't you think these same "eco-warriors" who demand that we devolve back to the 1850's should be requiring the same from the Chinese and the Indians (red dot, not "whoo whoo")?

But no!  Crickets!  Not a single little word from any of these "climate warriors."  Nary a one!

So until or unless the 6 Democrat senators who are running for POTUS, and the 69 Dem members of the House who have also added their names to this effort, and just about ALL the members of the so-called "MainStreamMedia" choose to demand the same brutal, unworkable, self-defeating, laughably expensive and totally unnecessary a
batement actions from all countries, then I suggest we just ignore them.  

I know I will...  

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