Tuesday, March 26, 2019

My Take...

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was November 7, 2008.  I awakened that morning  to find that one Mr. Barack Hussein Obama had won the election to be our next President of the United States.

I was crestfallen.  Overwhelmed with dread and foreboding.  And fear and anger and disappointment.  Having studied this Alinskyite socialist's rise to power, I knew him to be the absolute worst thing that could have happened to America at that time.  The very last thing we needed was a race-bating, wealth-redistributing, gun-hating, abortion-loving, wannabe Marxist POTUS then, just as we don't need one now.  Nor ever.  But we got one, whether we liked it or not.

I didn't like it.  Half of America didn't like it either.  But we shook it off and went back to work.  We had no choice.  After all, SOMEBODY has to work so we can pay for all these illegal aliens and welfare recipients and shrimps jogging on treadmills.  

Did we riot or march or protest or bitch and moan?  No.  I frankly don't think we - any of us - would have ever even considered it.  It wouldn't have been the right, or righteous thing to do.  We took our lumps and moved on, knowing that we'd soon have the chance to right this wrong and put 'Murica back on the right track.

Because that's the American Way.

And we did.  We voted in an outsider back in November, 2016 who promised to come to D. C. and "drain the swamp."  A blustery orange egomaniac patriot billionaire promised to ride to our rescue and change the many things that needed changing.  And the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, communists, socialists, Marxists, Greenies, witches, LGBTQ's (have they added any more letters lately?) and poverty pimps have done everything they can since that fateful day to invalidate that election by mounting a (thankfully!) failed coup.

Yes, it was a failed coup.  That's what it was.  Like "Seven Days in May."  And I'll hereby make my case...

We all know by now what many of us have believed from the beginning; that the Democrats fielded the wrong candidate for POTUS in 2016, and they came up with perhaps the most ludicrous, outlandish and truly lamest excuse for losing in the history of the entire world!  It's being reported as this is written that Hillary and her campaign crew (Podesta and Mook) came up with the lame excuse that Russia had somehow interfered with the election.  Within the first 24 hours post-loss.  Otherwise, their thinking went, there was NO WAY Clinton could have been defeated.  And that would let them maintain some degree of dignity.  

I mean, it was HER TURN!  She had all the qualifications for the Office she needed.  She had been around for a long time, she's a hard-core Progressive, she promised 8 more years of Obama's ruinous economic policies and...she's a woman.  

But the other half of America knew her to be a lying, scheming, backstabbing scoundrel.  A gold-digger who's exploited every opportunity to enrich herself and her disbarred sexual predator felon husband since arriving on the political scene back in the 1980's.  Proof of that is how a smooth-talking southerner and a mean-tempered harpie somehow managed to put together a bank balance of more than $500 Million Dollars on Federal employee pay.

Ummm, yeah.  I recall deciding to avoid public service because it didn't pay well enough.  Joke's on me, I guess...

But she didn't campaign.  She just waited to be inaugurated.  Carried up the steps of the Capitol Building on a sedan chair by her adoring sycophants, palm fronds waving, adoring crowds swooning.  But a strange thing happened on the way to the White House.  She got beat... 

Now, let me tell you this: I don't believe for a moment that Trump expected to win.  I think it was just a monumental ego trip, and one that he probably thought would enrich the value of his "brand."  And then his particular style of "ready, fire, aim" began to ingratiate him to the masses.  He says what he thinks, often to his own disadvantage.  But to his followers, that's his most endearing quality; straight from the lip.

And those masses consisted of all the people who had been ignored and left behind by those on either coast.  The "Bubblers," doncha' know.  If you live between the Sierra Nevada and the Hudson River, you've been rude, screwed, triple-tattooed, rammed by the rusty rod of reality and f**ked by the fickle finger of fate.  And you looked to Trump to be your standard bearer.  

Mook and Podesta contacted their media stooges.  They ran their little "blame the Russians" strategy past their useful idiots at CNN and MSNBC and the alphabet broadcast media. These opinion-based outlets were dying a slow death.  And they knew it.  And so they threw in with the Clinton Blame Deferral Plan, seeing it as a potential windfall!  And that's exactly what it's been ever since.

Unlike most partisans, I watch all the news coverage.  I check in regularly with those who spew their version of the news, and then make up my own mind as to what's "real."  Unfortunately, I don't think most of those in the "bubble" do the same.  They just turn on the Progressive media channel of their choice and then sit back and absorb the hate-Trump diatribe.  And they've finally been found out. 

Rep. Maxine "Mad Max" Waters (D-CA, where else?) called for Trump's impeachment starting the day before he was inaugurated ('Peach Fawty Fie!  'Peach Fawty Fie!).  John Brennan, ex-CIA Chief under Obama, and CNN contributor, stated unequivocally that Trump "...is a tool of the Kremlin."  James Clapper, ex-NSA Chief under Obama, and CNN contributor, stated that "Trump is a traitor.  A pawn of Putin!"  

Rep. Al Green (D-GA) and many others went so far as to accuse Trump of being a traitor!  Every minute of every day on Left-wing media channels (all but two of them are!) have subjected you to an all-out onslaught of anti-Trump allegations...presented as absolute fact!  Rep. Adam Schiff (D-NY), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has stated on hundreds of occasions that he has proof that Trump "...colluded with the Russians."  PROOF!  

Let's face it, folks; the so-called "MainstreamMedia" in the United States is nothing more nor less than the media arm of the Democrat National Committee.  One could reasonably ask how a Republican, ANY Republican could possibly be elected when facing a Party which purports to "lead" by giving other people's stuff away, and a media that holds those Americans in "Flyover Country" in abject disdain.

Let us now summarize:  22 months of investigation.  40 FBI agents.  19 lawyers (mostly Dem-donors).  2,800 subpoenas.  500 warrants.  500 witness interviews.  533,074 media articles.  34 indictments (24 Russians), none for collusion or corruption.  2,284 minutes of broadcast (ABC/NBC/CBS) news reporting, averaging 3 minutes per day average for each network over a period of 791 days!  More than 92% of the coverage was negative.  More than $25 Million Dollars spent by you and me, the U. S. Taxpayers, to pay for this boondoggle.  And for what?  

Now you know...

To make Hillary Clinton feel better about losing; to make the Left-wing media (but I repeat myself!) loads of money; to try and invalidate Trump's victory; to try and deflect blame for this corrupt outrage away from the top-tier of the FBI; and to turn America against Trump and the Republican 2016 victory in time to make sure they lose in 2020.  

They should all be ashamed of themselves.  If they had any shame, that is...

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