Thursday, February 28, 2019

Paying Their "Fair Share."

It seems that every year or two the dimbulb Lefties are wont to trot out all the old rationales for finally, FINALLY forcing those neerdowell "millionaires and billionaires" to pay their "fair share" in taxes. 


It also seems that no matter how many times you tell them they're full of kimchee, that the so-called "rich" are already paying in excess of their "fair share," they just will not get it.  They just cannot get it! 

Well, Pilgrim, I'm about to share with you and everyone else who deigns to read this pabulum the Bottom Line Facts:  

*  The "Tippy Top Earners" in our society, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren, (in)famous Native American member of the High Cheek Bones Tribe, and multi-millionaire several -multi's over, calls them, the "1%," pull down $428,713+ per annum.  

Now, that's certainly not chump change, but in places like NYC and SFO you won't be considered "rich."

*  These "rich" folks therefore earned 19.04% of all the buckaroos doled out as wages in America in 2017, the most recent year such statistics are available.

*  Yet, pay attention all you nascent socialists out there, including Bernie and Cory and the 29 year-old ex-bartender and Bronx Congressperson, they paid 37.80% of all the income taxes taken in by our Gummint in that same period of time!

*  Annnnd, considering that we should all know by now that the bottom 48% of all wage-earners pay no Federal income tax at all, the bottom 90% of all wage-earners paid a Grand Total of only 30.62% of income taxes collected. 

Soooo, in summation, if you're earning 19% of all income but paying 38% of all taxes, you're getting SCREWED!  Yet, not screwed hard enough or long enough for Liz and Cory and Bernie and A.O.C.  Not by a long shot!

It would seem to me these folks need either a 9% tax refund from the U. S. Treasury in order to get back to that "fair share," or a fully-fueled private jet prepped for a one-way trip to take them and their saddlebags full of cash to Belize or Panama.

If you know anyone who subscribes to the lunacy spewed by these poorly-informed fools, you might want to pass this little bit of information along...

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