Monday, February 4, 2019

"People of Color"

It used to be - and not all that long ago - that Black people were called Black.  Or "Colored."  Or even Negroes.  And sometimes worse.

No longer.

Now, they're universally referred to as "People of Color (PoC)"  At least they are by those on the Left, as in the Liberal-leaning, Progressives that spend most of their time trying to live other people's lives while trying to figure out how not to offend anyone.

That term, PoC, seems awfully stilted to me.  Way too formal.  Way too political in nature.  And that's true especially when you realize that, heretofore, they were commonly just called "colored people."  Just like White people were, and are, called "White people."  

It kind of seems like there's been an effort by the Leftists and the MainStreamMedia to elevate this sub-group of citizens into a "grievance class."  In fact, I seem to remember this effort starting back about the time one Mr. Obama was elected.  PoC are now being held up for all to see as those who deserve "special treatment" or consideration because of some real or imagined past transgression they suffered.     

Oh yeah, suffered most generally at the hands of "White people." 

Have you noticed that they don't include Asians or Hispanics into this exalted class?  And why do they call folks whose family tree includes an African or two, "African-Americans?"  Are they more African than American?  If not, why shouldn't they have that moniker reversed; American-Africans?"  

And here's a reeeely special question:  Why are half-Black, half-White folks always, ALWAYS referred to as "Black?"  Never White, just Black.

And shouldn't we ask why the Chinese aren't called "Chinese-Americans?"  Or "American-Chinese?"  Or why aren't half-Irish, half-English, all-Americans like me called Irish-English-Americans?  

And here's an even better question; If they're all citizens, why aren't they all just called "Americans?" 

They are, except when they're Black it seems...

It looks suspiciously like there's a nefarious effort at foot here by the Leftoids to use race as a weapon against those who don't share their particular brand of politics.  When you call somebody a racist, you stop all discussion and debate in its tracks.  And when used by an aggrieved minority, it carries even more potent portent.  

And it's all bulls**t. 

There are those who seek to divide, and those who seek to unite.  I ask, why not start fixing all this crap by simply dropping all the prefixes and suffixes and simple refer to one another as...Americans?


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