Thursday, February 7, 2019

Just Because You Can do a Thing...

...doesn't mean you SHOULD do that thing...

What that means is one should step back and take a hard look at those "fork in the road" decisions we're all forced to face in life before we take 'em.  I've had 'em.  You've had 'em.  

Donald J. Trump had one you'll probably remember.

Having leveraged a "small" $1MM loan from daddy into $Billions, and having bedded nearly all the starlets and porn actresses in NYC, and having turned himself in a "brand" worth $Billions all over the world, he then decided to...wait for for PRESIDENT!

Ummm, yeah.  That's not only turned into America's "As the Stomach Turns," it's also made a rather yuuuuuge dent in The Donald's bank account.

It was just reported today that Trump's worldwide hotel revenue has taken a big dump.  It's off more than $30 Million in annual revenue since his elevation to the POTUS-hood.  

And three of those hotels were forced to take down their big Trump signs and un-affiliate from The Donald's empire due to the extreme negative backlash from patrons and the steep decline in reservations.  

And the sale of his Trump-branded goods is off more than 31%.  Boom!

And Ivanka's stuff isn't selling well either.  

All in all, it's been calculated that Trump's fortune is off more than $One Billion Dollars since he chose to take a trip down that golden staircase.  

$One Billion Dollars!

That's quite a lot of money.  It seems he discovered what I learned long ago.  If you come out of the shadows and announce for office for either of the major parties, you'll automatically make enemies out of half the population!    

And he spent $60 Million of his own money to get elected.  

And every Democrat in the District of Columbia is trying to put him and everybody he ever met in jail.

And the so-called MainStreamMedia is up his ass every second of every day.  

And oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he's also working for nothing; he donates his $400,000 annual salary to a variety of charities.

Soooo, my friends, and you ARE my friends, if you find yourself relatively successful, "in the pink," so to speak, and you're thinking you might just run for office and share your almost limitless talent, experience and wisdom with the unanointed, unwashed and unappreciative masses, just remember Trump's Tale:   

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

(NOTE:  Those who STILL believe that Trump got into this thing to collude with the Russians to make a saddlebag full of cash, should possibly want to think again...)

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