Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Chuckmeister's Rx:

Our current financing scheme for Federal-level elections in this Country sucks.  Big Time!

There, I said it.  And it needed said...

Ja' wanna' know how I would end the incessant problem of "money in politics?"  You know, how can we, you and me, the 'Murcian Taxpayer, get Big Money from corporations, foreign gummints and major lobbying efforts out of our political equation?

Simple:  Require Public Financing

No, I don't mean "public financing" the way we've been doing it.  And that way required the candidate to file for Gummint matching funds, which will never, ever be enough to buy an election.  That's why Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump all declined to accept Fed money in the last three General Election cycles.  Rather, they thought, rightly so, I think, that they were better off trying to raise the enormous sums they needed privately.  And they were successful in doing so.

Wildly so.  And that is troubling...

Let's do a "CSI: D.C." thing here.  What that meant, and means, is that if you have a populist message to sell, one that the general electorate would want to hear, you're blocked out from doing so because you likely don't have the wheelbarrow loads of cash necessary to pay for it.  

And that, my friends, is the Bottom Line. 

We require Representatives to run for re-election every two years.  Stupid.  By the time they've unpacked their bags in Foggy Bottom they have to start running for re-election.  Stupid.  And they have to raise an average of $18,000 a day in order to remain competitive!  I say let these guys get a chance to make their case before their voters and make four-year terms the norm.

Senators have to place themselves before their voters only once every six years.  Too long, I say.  They get a little too comfy for my taste.  They just wander around and bloviate.  I say, every four for Senators.

As for POTUS-ses-ses, I say One Six Year TermThat's it.  Six years.  By the time anyone gets to this lofty perch, they should be able to present their agenda before the public and then be able to effect it in that time-frame.  We do not need POTUS-ses running for re-election.  Or trying to buy another term.  Think Mikey Bloomberg.  He spent more than $100 Million changing New York City's Constitution so he could run for a third term!  We need them to do their worst in one term and then retire.  On us.  Unfortunately...

And speaking of Little Mikey Bloomberg, the 14th richest man in the world, ex-three term Mayor of NYC, just re-re-re-re-filed to change his voter registration back to Democrat from Independent.  He likely did so as his first step in preparation for a run at the White House in 2020.  

For him, the $Billion Dollars necessary to finance his own campaign could be found between the cushions of his couch... 

The Trumpster, a guy worth somewhere between a few hundred $Million and several $Billion, depending upon whether you ask him or others, used his own cash to finance his run for POTUS in 2016.  He coughed up north of $60 Mil to pay for his campaign.  That's real money, my friends, and I don't care WHO you are!  Of course, Hillary spent upwards of $One Billion, so money doesn't necessarily make people like you.

So here's the Chuckmeister's Rx for "How To Fix Our Election Financing."

-     Require all candidates for Federal Public Office, Representatives, Senators and the POTUS, to file for, and use, Public Funds to pay for their campaigns.  And that financing would depend directly on how many folks they would represent.  The average Representative, for instance, represents about 850,000 constituents.  The average Senator represents half the number of people in their respective states (two per state).  And a POTUS candidate needs to communicate with all 325 million Americans in order to get his, her, or now its (remember California!) message out.  

We should force them to reach their voters using a pre-determined number of bucks for each prospective voter.  How about $Two Bucks per registered voter, to be measured against proven citizenship.  That oughta' set the Leftoids' pointy heads a' bursting...

And then put them in jail if they reach in their own back pockets and try to buy an election.

That's it, my friends. Simple.  Easy.  Direct.  Our using Public Funds to finance elections could mean that a self-educated poor rail-splitter from rural Illinois, like the next Abe Lincoln, could run for office and have a chance to compete with a guy who has his choice of which private jet to fly that day.  

By the way, those whose ox would be gored would scream bloody murder.  They LIKE having a unfair advantage: Cubic Money.  These would include the George Soros-ses-ses and the Bill Gates-ses-ses and the Bloomberg-zes-zes and the Kock Brothers-ses-ses and the teenager who tries to run FB would be s**t out of luck; they'd have to compete on the field of ideas with those of us not quite so well off financially.  And that, I say, is the way it ought to be... 

Riddle me this:  What could possibly be a better solution? 

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