Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Prepare Yourself for the Coming Cat. 5 Meltdown, 'Murica!

Remember how crazy the Lefties became when The Donald was elected?  Crazy, as in unhinged!  Completely bonkers!  Out of their collective minds!  Or, what was left of their minds... 

Yep, my friends, and you ARE my friends, the Democrats pegged their hopes for another Obama term on Hillary.  It was her turn.  She's a woman.  She's managed to amass a personal fortune north of $500 Hundred Million Dollars from a career in public service!  You have to be really, reeeeeeeeeely smart to save up that much money from the pay of an ex-POTUS and one lonely Secy of State!  That's hard to do!   I mean, she was qualified, right?  She lived with Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton for all those years.  That's enough to make her Prez right there!  Right?  


Come 2016 Election Day night, it was reported that Ms. Clinton threw a $100,000 bottle of Cristal Champagne, a "gift" from those nice French bubbly folks, through a $990,000, 100" Big Screen TV, a "gift" from those nice Samsung folks.  I believe she had consumed plenty of other adult beverages prior to that ignoble feat, watching the election results come in as she no doubt was, but I cannot be sure.  Word has it she had to be restrained and put to bed without the obligatory concession speech by that walking cadaver, Mr. John Podesta, her campaign advisor.*  

Anyway, she lost, The Donald won, and the rest, as they say, is history.  The Progressive Leftoids have been in full battle mode ever since.  So much so that they have bragged about being the "resistance."  And they've been doing everything they can to resist any legislation put forth by Trump or his people, hoping to deny him any victory, however minor, even if it meant a benefit to their constituents and the Country.  No "reaching across the aisle" for them.  No "go along to get along."  

Nope, just resist.  Scream, shout and stamp their little Gucci-clad feet.  Seriously, America, this has reeeeely grown tiresome!

But all will be right with the world when November 6th comes around and the Democrats take back both houses of Congress.  Or at least one, furGossakes... They're due at least one, right?  I mean, that'd only be fair!

But something funny happened along the line; the polling firms, most owned and operated by the giant  MainStream- Media companies, none of which have evidenced any strong Trump favoritism during the past couple of years, somehow failed to ask the people out there in "Flyover Country" their opinions.  

And their opinions are the same ones that put The Donald in office two years ago.  

And they're the same opinions that are likely to keep at least one, and quite possibly both houses of Congress in Republican hands.  And if that happens, Katie bar the door!  

I don't know Katie, or what door she'd be barring, but it's an old saying and I thought it seemed to fit, so I thought I'd throw it in right about here...

If these folks don't exact at least a token victory from the upcoming Midterm Election I predict they will go completely nuts!  You think screaming at diners will be enough?  Chasing people through airports?  Noooooooooooo!  Who knows what extremes will follow another Major Election Loss!  Is there a restaurant that'd be safe for a Republican to try and grab a hamburger in after November 6th?  Who knows?  Whatever happens, if recent events give us any indication, it will be nasty to the extreme.

And I, for one, cannot wait...  

* I only report the truth.  Google any or all of this stuff if you doubt me...

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