Saturday, April 13, 2024

Pssst! Our Gas Prices Suck!

Those of us unfortunates who are still incarcerated in the Peoples Republic of Taxifornia are laughing out loud at the teeth-gnashing going on in our "State Media" about the increase in the "national" price of gasoline.  

They're getting worried that the "facts" about "Bidenflation" will leak out and their boy O'Biden will lose to Big Orange in November.  Because it was just reported that the price of gas is up to $3.63 a gallon today, up from $3.58 a week ago.  And $3.39 a month ago.  


If this "Letter From the Resistance" somehow manages to make its way out of this has-been, once-Golden State, possibly on the back of a carrier pigeon, and therefore influence voters' minds, please be advised the price of gas here is an arm, and quite often a leg.

Gen-Z'ers are bitching about not being able to afford a house in the Mumbler-in-Chief's economy.  Could be they soon won't be able to fuel their 20 year-old Honda Civics enough to get to their jobs at McDonalds!

Actually, not to be dramatic, but the price of a gallon of this now precious fluid down the block from me is $5.89.  And nearer to San Franpoopco I've heard it's well over $7.00.  And upwards of $8.00 and even $9.00 a gallon in the mountains. 

Does our so-called "MainStreamMedia" report that?  Do the ABC's and the NBC's and the CBS's inform their viewers that on a nightly basis?  That fully 15% of our citizenry (plus maybe100 million illegal aliens) held hostage in Taxifornia is paying TWICE AS MUCH FOR GAS as the other 49 states?  And how about the "State Media" cable channels?  Do they report the prices Taxifornians routinely pay for gas?  


Now think about this:  We are sitting on a river of oil.  The "Kern River Basin" provides enough oil and gas to fuel CA well into the future.  And when our other four gigantic oil basins are factored in,* we Americans have enough gas and oil to last at least 200 years! (courtesy U. S. Geological Survey).  In fact, we have more oil and gas reserves than every other country on Earth!  Did you know that?  

Has our "State Media" informed you of that fact?

So why are we spending Four Times as much to build windmills as it costs to recover our oil and gas?  When wind doesn't blow all the time?  And why are we investing so much in solar?  When the sun doesn't shine all the time?  And even if it did, we don't have the battery storage capacity to keep all that saved-energy for the times when it's most needed!  

And we're told these "leaders" some of us elected are choosing these options because of "Climate Change."  But the last time I checked, the sun comes up in the East and goes down in the West.  And the "Climate" blows steadily from West to East, counter-clockwise to the rotation of the Earth.  So the "Climate" our BoyGuv is using our tax money to clean, will be in Shanghai by next Tuesday.  And the Chinese would like to thank us for cleaning up their air.  And oh by the way, we just closed our last coal mine in the Northeast.  And China just opened is 1,200th Coal Mine!

Are our leaders CPDLW's,** or what?

Yes, yes they are...

*    Permian Basin (W. TX, E. NM), Eagle Ford Basin, (W. TX), Marcellus Shale (Appalachians, S. PA), Utica Shale, (S. NY, E. PA).

**   Commie, Pinko, Dummmmass, Liberal Weenies.  

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