Wednesday, April 17, 2024

I Just Accomplished Nothing.

Did you know that 36 of our 50 largest cities are run by Democrats?  And 4 are Independent and vote Democrat!  Dayummm, are those folks doing some bang-up job, or what?  

And we all know that it was these Democrats who screamed in unison back in 2020, "Defund The Police!!!"  

Yeah, that's it!  The thing we need the most, and have the least of to spare, we'll just send packing!  We'll just up and fire them!  And make the "Progressives" all happy like.  'Cause they make up the majority of their constituency (NOT!). 

And we all know that since they've now seen Jesus (or to Whomever they pray, assuming that they pray), and tried to blame the whole thing on Trump (isn't everything his fault?), are now trying their best to make nice with their police departments.  

What's left of them.  

Because even though they hate the cops, they need the cops to help them out of this crime crisis they've created for themselves.  As in, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

I mean, getting rid of their cops should have caused all the crooks to stop crooking, and all the crimes to stop crime-ing.  Right?  No?  I guess human nature tends to show itself when given the chance.  And people revert to anti-social animals if you allow it.  And they're allowing it...      

Crimes have a tendency to tamp down voter turnout, doncha' know.  The folks running these failed cities fear an actual job might be in their future if they don't get their act together...

They don't care for their residents either, I believe, for if they did they wouldn't have let their warped ideology get in the way of good governance.  

We wish...

But even though I think these ludicrous bozos should be left hoisted on their own petards, I can't help but try and help their citizens.  Who are dying...

So here goes.

There were 798,876 police personnel on active duty in America on January 1st, 2020.  The day Trump left office.  

There are only 709,001 on active duty as of the end of October, 2023.  They are down 15%.    

Example:  New York City has 35,887 cops on duty as of right now.  It had 37,668 on the day O'Biden took office.

Another:  Lost Angeles has 8,882 cops on duty as of right now, the lowest number since 1990.  It had 9,499 in 2020, the day L.A.'s city council "defunded" their police.  

So while the city councils of America's Biggest and Bluest Cities permitted crime to spike to untold levels, they were simultaneously taking $Millions out of their police budgets.  To fund dummmass projects searching for votes from the loudest small sliver of their constituents.  

And their cops were bolting to the suburbs.  Where they'd be paid better, loved more, and be safer.  Far fewer were left in those Big Blue Cities to catch Bad Guys.  So rapes, burglaries, molestations, robberies, shoplifting and murders are at an all time high. 

And oh by the way, it was the youngest and arguably the most dedicated cops who fled with that "defunding."  And there's no guarantee that the cops who remained, the ones closest to retirement, aren't the ones most likely to abuse their authority and their badges.      

Vote Democrat and fear for your lives!  

And wouldn't you know it?  While this was going on, O'Biden kept a campaign promise and permitted 12,000,000 unvetted illegal aliens, from 159 countries, so far, to enter our Nation.  Unmolested.  While we travelers are forced to remove our shoes while being felt up by TSA agents.    

Name me another country, on Earth, that would permit such a travesty?

I suggest cities like ChicaGO and New Yawk City and San Franpoopco and Lost Angeles appoint a carefully-vetted and well-regulated militia.  To work with and augment the actions and duties of their sheriff's patrols.  Not cops, sheriffs (they are elected by the people, cops are appointed).  

And they could draw these citizens from the ranks of our retired military.  There are 1,700,000 retired Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force and Coast Guard retirees in America.  Plus more than 600,000 retired police officers.  And 100,000 from the FBI and CIA and NSA and Federal Marshals and other governmental agencies connected to law enforcement.  And each of them have been trained in the use of firearms of all sizes and types.  And they've all been vetted, completely, repeatedly for years.  Decades, even!  

They are our resource!

And these citizens militias should have Concealed Carry Firearms licenses to mount and deploy.  Under the control of the Sheriff of their respective counties.  NOT police.  Instantly, these cities could double or even triple their policing forces, by adding a cadre of trained, law-abiding, and well-motivated citizens.  

Sort of like the Red Berets of New Yawk City, except multiplied several-fold and packing heat.  

I doubt they'd even have to be paid, or paid much, given that they're likely citizens of the cities they're trying to protect.  And I'm guessing they, too, desire a return to safe streets.  In fact, I'll bet if these cities would spring for the vests and the tasers and the ammo and all the necessary gear, they'd be overrun with applications.

Oh wait!  I'm sorry, I just woke up from my revery!  I thought that the weenies who run my State of Taxifornia, and the other Big Blue States, might welcome volunteers to help reduce crime.  But the truth is, they don't want civilians to carry guns.  They don't even want cops to carry guns!  'Cause they're a bunch of ideological fools!

Great ideas that fall upon deaf ears accomplish nothing.  Those in power are deaf.  I guess I just accomplished nothing...

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