Thursday, September 7, 2023

"The Shot Heard 'Round the World" (Part Zwei).

If you were born after about 1980, and went to schools in any of the Big Blue Cities, you probably have no idea about American history.  Where we were, why we were, and how we got to where we are.  That's because it's not taught much anymore.  

Those Founding Father guys owned slaves and all that...

You're probably all over Equity, Divsersity and Inclusion if you were born after 1980, and trans rights, and Critical Race Theory, and that abortion is "healthcare," and that boys competing against girls in sports is quite alright, but probably have no idea what caused us to break from England and force the Revolutionary War upon us all.  

(And what just might cause us a future break with Washington, D.C. and our Big Blue Neighbors, just like that one from Britain.)

The super "Cliff Notes" version of how the "First" Revolutionary War got started - you'll forgive me for offering up a history lesson - goes something like this:  The Brits were looking to us, their colonists, their serfs, to provide them with all sorts of goodies.  Like cotton, and sugar, and wool, and rye, and rum, and bourbon, and taxes on their imports.  Without much commentary.  "Quiet, peasant!"  So Britain could continue to afford its never-ending wars with France.  But when they started taxing tea, it pissed us off!  We drank oodles of that stuff.  So the colonists dressed up like Indians (Indigeneous Personages, if you don't know what an Indian is) and dumped a bunch of tea in Boston Harbor.  About $3 Million Bucks worth in today's money.

And then King George III, who was running England at the time, got a bit concerned that his colonists might be Growing a Set.  So he sent a letter to his Lieutenant Colonel Smith, headquartered in New York at the time, ordering him to "temporarily" seize all the colonists' arms and ammution.  "Temporarily" being the operative word here, you know (heh, heh).  George knew that disarmed colonists would be compliant colonists.  Where a flat "No!" would be replaced by a whimpering "Please?"  

Their firearms!  The very thing our Leftist goons would love to seize today!  They're trying right now!    

Under the order of General Thomas Gage, George's Main Man in New York, the King's army marched on Lexington and Concord the morning of April 9th, 1775.  They were coming for the colonist's guns and ammo.  But on the other side of that bridge were colonists unwilling to give up those weapons.

            I'll bet that was a surprise!

This was perhaps the very first instance in American history of a coordinated effort to enforce gun control and seizure.  Which did not work.  Famously.  Nor would it again, if ever attempted.  Some of us gunners actually hope they try.  Just for the entertainment value.  Target practice for realzies, doncha' know.  

It's disputed who fired first, but one side did, the other side responded, and word has it the score was:

               Colonists 1, Redcoats 0.  

Or, the first time the Government tried to take our weapons.  And the first time they failed.  You'd think autocrats would learn that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over, expecting a different result.  But the Lefties have been gnawing around the edges of our 2nd Amendment absolute Right to "...keep and bear arms," for more than 80 years.  Taxifornia's own Boy Guv Newsom has written with his own little manicured hand some 128 Executive anti-gun Orders. He will not give up.  They will not give up. 

                   But neither will we.

Yet, today it was reported that the O'Biden Adminstration intends to enforce "Universal Background Checks" on firearm purchases.  The very thing that Congress has voted down over and over for the past 10 years.  Because they require the collection and storage of personal data by the FBI.  Which is now prevented by the Constitution.  This action is of course illegal, but what else is new?  O'Biden breaks the law at every turn.  We now suffer with the Department of (In)justice! 

What's new is, get this:  The new "rules" from the White House permits you to still pass along a family firearm heirloom, or collector's item, to a member of your family, so long as you don't make a profit from that sale or gift (how would they know?).  Should you do so, or any other weapon over a stated period of time, you'll now have to register as a Federal Firearms Licensee.  Which ATF, now run by a socialist, may (likely will) subsequently deny.  After an investigation of your application.  All 89 pages of it.  Which could take years.  

Or maybe forever.

(You should know that ATF just decertified 876 FFL's all over the Nation, claiming various administrative and paperwork failures.  I guess if you can't find a place to buy a gun, you can't buy a gun...)   

It's the newest form of "Catch 22" to make the lawful purchase and ownership of firearms as difficult as possible.  Reread my blog posting here, if you would, and learn how Leftists can screw with your Constitutional Rights without causing the "Corporate Media" to have to investigate.  Against their will.  Kicking and screaming.  Which they do not want to do.  Because they're all Leftists.  Self-proclaimed.  But that doesn't mean our citizenry won't rise up and kick their asses!  

Have you purchased your firearm yet?  

Then you're the one... 

And lastly, a NEWS FLASH just to piss you off even more, Guv. Michele Lujan, (D-NM) just "temporarily" revoked the 2nd Admentment Rights of her citizens for 30 days " least" because firearms injuries and deaths in Bernalillo County were "...out of control."  When questioned as to its obvious unconstitutionality, she stated, "No Constitutional Right is guaranteed, not even my oath of office."  

Well then!  Elon Musk was quick to ask on "X," "How soon can this woman be romoved from office?

You now know all you need to know.  In fact, this humble blog may be the only place from which you'll learn the truth on this issue.  Every thinking American should buy and own and learn how to use a firearm.  And the commie pinko dumbass liberal weenies will then not stop until they take it from you.  And you just might have to fight to keep it.  Yes, it's really going to be that bad.  I may not live to see it, but many of you will.

Americans owned 150,000,000 firearms the day Obama was immaculated.  His anti-gun policies started a run on firearms that has yet to subside.  More than 3 Million a Month are going out the door since that date (I'll be writing about that soon).  And the line is forming out the door at your remaining local firearms dealers right now.  The very good news is we have 100,000,000 people, armed with more than 500,000,000 guns.  As "Mumbles-the-POTUS" is fond of saying, "We got F-16's!"  Yeah, Joe, but we got one-third of the population, and they own 25 million AR-15's!  How about that?  

Hey Joe,  "Wanna' play?"

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