Sunday, January 30, 2022

Don't You Find it Interesting...

...that Putin was held in check for the entire 4 years of Trump's presidency?

...that Kim Jung the Un was also kept at bay, ceasing to shoot off intercontinental rockets for all of Trump's term?

...that when Chairman-for-Life Xi and his Chicom lackies not only didn't threaten Hong Kong or Taiwan while Trump was running things, they whimpered as they were forced to pay us more for our beef and pork and coal, while we sanctioned the piss out of them?

...that when Trump was Prez our southern border problem was resolved, with all those desiring to come to America being forced to first wait in Mexico?

...that we were energy independent when Trump was in Office, and are now purchasing more than 211,000 barrels a day FROM RUSSIA?

...that we could buy gas for $2.50 a gallon most places before O'Biden, and not have to take out a second mortgage to fill up our cars and trucks?

...that when Trump was in charge, inflation was substantially zero, leaving your bank account and your 401(k) completely alone, unlike today?

...that the President of Guatemala wasn't threatening to resign when Trump was POTUS because, as he now says, all of the Guatemalans are moving to America?

...that before O'Biden we had a Vice President that didn't cackle every time she's asked a question?

...that we've had a Black person on the Supreme Court for decades and the Democrats haven't seemed to notice?

...that when Trump was Prez folks weren't being forced to get a shot and wear a mask in order to go to work or eat out?

These are just a few things I find interesting.  Perhaps you find them interesting as well.  I have a feeling there just might be more...

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