Sunday, January 30, 2022

Don't You Find it Interesting...

...that Putin was held in check for the entire 4 years of Trump's presidency?

...that Kim Jung the Un was also kept at bay, ceasing to shoot off intercontinental rockets for all of Trump's term?

...that when Chairman-for-Life Xi and his Chicom lackies not only didn't threaten Hong Kong or Taiwan while Trump was running things, they whimpered as they were forced to pay us more for our beef and pork and coal, while we sanctioned the piss out of them?

...that when Trump was Prez our southern border problem was resolved, with all those desiring to come to America being forced to first wait in Mexico?

...that we were energy independent when Trump was in Office, and are now purchasing more than 211,000 barrels a day FROM RUSSIA?

...that we could buy gas for $2.50 a gallon most places before O'Biden, and not have to take out a second mortgage to fill up our cars and trucks?

...that when Trump was in charge, inflation was substantially zero, leaving your bank account and your 401(k) completely alone, unlike today?

...that the President of Guatemala wasn't threatening to resign when Trump was POTUS because, as he now says, all of the Guatemalans are moving to America?

...that before O'Biden we had a Vice President that didn't cackle every time she's asked a question?

...that we've had a Black person on the Supreme Court for decades and the Democrats haven't seemed to notice?

...that when Trump was Prez folks weren't being forced to get a shot and wear a mask in order to go to work or eat out?

These are just a few things I find interesting.  Perhaps you find them interesting as well.  I have a feeling there just might be more...

Friday, January 28, 2022

"Affirmative Action," SCOTUS-Style...

Back in the good/bad old days, depending upon your perspective, America must have been a truly "racist" country.

I don't remember it that way, and I lived through it, but perhaps the perspective of those from more, umm, "racist" parts of America had some demons to purge.  

It must have been racist, because then-President Lyndon Baines and "Lady Bird" Johnson rammed their so-called "Great Society Programs" through Congress.  To "fix" our racism, I suppose.  A multi-$Trillion Dollar "fix."  But it involved planting flowers next to freeway overpasses and running public service announcements on TV and radio, and, most memorably, affording "Negroes" and "Coloreds" what they euphemistically called, "Affirmative Action."  

Calling them "Black" back them was a pejorative.

Anyway, that meant we gave them more than a helping hand; we marked them as unable to fend for themselves in our harsh society without being led by the hand.  Sort of like stray puppies.  They needed our help.  And, oh yes, we gave them an extra five points on their Civil Service examinations.  And on their college entrance exams.  And on apartment vacancies in Federally-owned buildings.

Five points.

Why?  Because, depending upon who you talked to, it was either, A), because they were stupid and couldn't fend for themselves; or B), it was payback, pure and simple, for the mistreatment of their slave forebears 400 years ago.  But in either case, it was a shove to the front of the line.  

Could be it was the difference between them getting a coveted slot in a university, and a more qualified White person who scored less than five points better than they did.  And some Blacks gaining entry into colleges and universities in which they could not realistically compete.  And then failed, spectacularly.  And of course, it paved the way for welfare abuse.  This entire process was shameful.  It was demeaning.  It portended to the entire world that this category of Americans, po' Blacks, couldn't cut it without our help.  Did I say shameful? 

Then Dr. M. L. King came along and convinced us we were all equal.  Not some, but all.  And that none of us needed to be treated as if we are second class citizens.  The Civil Rights legislation was passed, without Democrat help, I might add, and we all held hands and walked into a brighter tomorrow.

Except, Joe O'Biden's White House just leaked out that Supreme Court Justice Breyer will be retiring.

They needed a "shiny object" to take the public's attention off the train-wreck O'Biden's made of America in a just a short 12 months.

Breyer didn't make the announcement himself, BTW, like one would expect, after loyal service to the Country for 28 years.  Not just expect, demanded!  The White House leaked it.  O'Biden stole from him the right, and the honor, to announce his own goodbye himself, at his own good time, and in his own good way.  The way every single Supreme Court Justice has done for more than 235 years.

They simply bullied him off the Court so they could name his possibly even more "Progressive" replacement now, while the voting balance in the Senate might make it possible.  And with Veep Harris' veto-breaking vote assured in the likely event of a 50 - 50 tie, it likely will.

But screw that.  Let's talk about the important aspect of this "announcement."  O'Biden had promised while on the Campaign Trail that he'd appoint a Black Woman to the Court if given the chance.

Not the most qualified person, a Black woman.

He now will have that chance.  And he's already doubled-down on that promise.  The Campaign season will be upon us in the summer and fall, and they hope this will become the focal point instead of our faltering economy and our raging inflation and our soaring crime rate and our horrendous foreign policies and the increasing probability of a world war.  

A Black Woman.  Not the most qualified person, as the Constitution requires, but a Black woman.  Not a Hindu.  Not a person of Chinese extraction.  Not an Indigenous Personage woman.  Not an Inuit woman.  It just hazzzzt to be a Black Woman!  That would have to be the utmost expression of equity over equality I could ever imagine!  Don't look at qualifications, or experience, or talent, or writings or judgements or a track record.  No, just skin color and sex.  Boxes to check.  Hopefully to garner votes.  One from column "A," and one from column "B."  Like a Chinese restaurant menu.  How pathetic.  

As the cadre of Black women on MSPMS and CNN(LOL) commented in unison today, this is Biden's opportunity to "Make the Court look more like us."  Apparently, they are not aware that Justice Clarence Thomas, clearly Black, has been sitting on the Bench for decades.

But he doesn't count.  He's a Conservative...

I'd suggest that if they're going to go down this road they should take it all the way.  You know, if a little bit's good, a whole lot just has to be better, right?  RIGHT?  So why not appoint not just a Black Woman, but a Black Female Transgender Jewish Armenian Midget Gypsy, who identifies as a Vegetarian Inuit recovering alcoholic from Burkina Faso, with Plaque Psoriasis, and who prefers to be addressed by pronouns?  

I mean, if we're going to throw all rhyme and reason out the window, just wiping your ass with the Constitution, why not really make a splash?  I'd just love to watch it unfold.  With an even 50 - 50 Senate, plus the guaranteed vote of the sort of "Black" South Asian - Indian Veep to break a tie, presuming that's even legal (stay tuned America, lawsuits soon to follow!), who just might be the odds-on favorite to receive the Appointment herself (how ELSE should they get rid of her?), they can install any puppet dumbass they wish.  And they most likely will.  

But they must know their doing so will further divide the Body Politic, just in time for the General Election.  The results of which will surely leave them crushed, monumentally mashed, stomped on and crunched, disassembled and destroyed, as never, ever before!  Rolled up, folded, put away.  Forever.

My question is, will there be anything left of the Democrat Party after the November Election?    

God, will this be fun! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

A Few Points to Ponder...

     When Joe O'Biden took office America was energy independent.

(I give him the "O" because he carried Obama's water for eight years.  He deserves the honorarium...)

     In fact, due to the discovery and exploitation of the Bakken Oil Shale Deposits in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, America was a net-exporter of oil and natural gas.   

     The experts tell us that this Deposit holds enough oil and gas to provide for America's needs for the next 200 years.  Let me repeat that, 200 years!  More, in fact, than in all of the Middle East!  Freeing us finally from the flinty grasp of those greedy oil sheiks.

     That oil and gas abundance gave us low energy prices and a better way of life.  Having never learned the value of leaving well enough alone, the Democrats had to muck things up.

     O'Biden cancelled the XL-Pipeline on the morning of his first day in office, destroying more than 100,000 of our high-paying union jobs, and pissed off Canada, our largest trading partner.  The only reason I can deduce for this self-destructive action is that Trump wanted it, so it must be bad. 

     O'Biden then green-lighted the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, without any concessions, fueling Putin's ambitions and driving a stake through the heart of NATO.  

Sort of like helping the Ukrainians protect their borders while completely ignoring the security of our own.  Hmmm...

     That's left us where we are today.  We have historically high gas, oil and fuel prices, including up to $8.00 a gallon gas here in Taxifornia.  Hey Joe!  Even Democrats have to buy gas!     

     Oh yeah, and historically high inflation.  7% at last report.  Bummer, that.  While folks were safe at home, locked down, shades drawn, double-masked, giving the Gummint "two weeks to slow the curve" two years ago, they lost 7% of their wealth.  Oh well, no good deed goes unpunished... 

     These are just a few Points to Ponder.  But there's one more.  I'll continue to ponder on exactly why good ol' Joe would wish to shoot himself - and us - in the foot like this.  Intentionally.  In front of God and everybody.  Unless his goal was to destroy America as it is, and has been, and then try to remake it as a Socialist Paradise...

We'll find out come November whether The Folks are behind such an effort...

Monday, January 24, 2022

Our "Road Map"...

For those historically challenged, which would not include you, my loyal Patriot readers, please allow me, The Chuckmeister, to provide those other folks with a little reminder on how this whole this called America works:

The Bill of Rights to our Constitution specifies how political power shall be divided between the various factions in our society.  It has to do with voting, and representation, and apportionment and laws and the Rights guaranteed us all.  And that "road map" for power distribution has worked quite well for more than 240 years.

The Democrats now want to change it.  Why?  For the purposes of seizing, and retaining, raw political power.  Forever.  

Why?  Because they find themselves with a 50 - 50 Senate and a sparse 6 seat voting majority in the House of Representatives.  And that means they have no mandate to remake our society into the socialist "paradise" they had previously envisioned.  They're trying, but they can't.  And every single time they try, they throw up all over themselves and slink back into their holes.  To sulk.  Over how their own Senators Mansion and Sinema won't go along with their radical remake.  It's their fault!  They've become traitors to the cause!  They need to be sanctioned and heckled and protested and threatened and shamed.

And every time they expose their own fecklessness, their poll numbers go down.  And their impetus to quickly ram through life-altering legislation before they lose power come November becomes even more acute.  They are now eating their own.  And it's a joy to watch...

It must be really frustrating for some Democrats (and about 98% of the "Corporate Media," which serves as their public relations department) who can't quite figure out why two of their own in the Senate are voting against their Party's interests.  

As in, that's the key factor in determining how Senators should vote.

Apparently they've forgotten - or perhaps never learned - that Senators don't represent their Party.  They represent their home state's constituents.  Because a New England state's interests may have nothing at all to do with one out West.  Or one in the South.  Or in the heavily-mechanized upper Midwest.  They are all different.  And thus, each state's two Senators are charged with representing only those interests in the Congress.

A key reality may have been overlooked by Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi, and most particularly what's left of Prez Joe O'Biden; 

     Sen. Joe Manchin's West Virginia was carried by Prez Trump in the last Election by more than 35 points!  

That means 85% of West Virginians showed via their votes that they like Republican policies more than those of the Party Manchin represents.  And their other Senator is a Republican!  The only reason they vote in Joe Manchin over and over is because he's quite moderate.  He's a Conservative Democrat.  A so-called "Blue Dog" Democrat.  And there aren't too many of them left.

I think you could count them on the fingers finger.

And, it sure doesn't hurt that his daddy was a two-term Governor of WV, and HE was a two-term Governor of WV.  So, NY Dems trying to shame Mansion into voting against his State's interests is not appreciated.  Frankly, I believe the only reason he doesn't flip Parties and join the Republicans is that he'd then lose all his power and his fame and fade into media obscurity.  No more Mansion on Sunday morning talking head programs.  No more thongs of hangers-on following him everywhere he goes.  No more gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands over every move he makes.    

Think about it... 

And then ask yourself, do you want the folks who are too damn dumb to understand that a Senator won't vote against his or his State's best interests running things?  Too damn dumb to understand not to bite off more than they can chew?

They are right now...

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Border Tale...

"We'd both been flagged at the border crossing in Yuma, and sent to the "pat down" room for a good feeling up by those evil guards.  

That's what those bastard Border Guards like to do to potential drug smugglers.  And especially to the pretty ones whether they're carrying or not.  I guess the bulge in the front of my pants stuck out just a bit too much; maybe like a sore thumb.  Or a sore...  Our eyes met, hers and mine, as our arms were raised above our heads for frisking.  The aroma wafting from her armpit was intoxicating.  Her meth-addled eyes met mine...and I somehow knew that she and I would never, ever shoot up alone, ever again..."

Oh, I'm sorry!  Where were we?  Oh yeah, we were beginning to discuss Joe O'Biden's first press conference in nearly a year.

It lasted two hours.  Two incredible, indelible, cringeworthy, authoritative, rambling, nonsensical word salads, punctuated with occasional whispering and mumbling.  It struck me while I watched this train wreck that nobody loved Joe enough to tell him not to do this; not to embarrass himself and the entire Country of America almost every time he opens his mouth.  Whilst trying to keep his dentures in place.

Obama tried to warn him not to do it.  But he was too stupid, or too addled, to take the hint.

Is this Candid Camera?  Will I wake up from this bad dream?  

Yes, fellow Patriot, you and I will wake up from this Bad Dream.  All it will take is our side not making any foolish mistakes between now and November.  And considering that the Secret Service just reported he'd spent fully 25% of his Presidency in his basement in Delaware, all we could hope for is that he keeps doing the same until November.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Can't do much damage in a basement in Delaware, can he?

Anyway, he just had a press conference.  It lasted a painful two hours.  And during that P.C. they asked him about Ukraine, and Russia, and Afghanistan.  And COVID.  But not a single question about the deadly inflation the American people are suffering through.  Or the wide-open southern border and the two million-plus illegal aliens that have poured through in the past year.  Or the price of gasoline.  Or milk.  Or meat, eggs or poultry, or other staples we rely upon.  In short, not a single question about the problems plaguing America.  Just the theoretical bulls*it that plagues the Yalies in D.C. when they try and put their "woke" wet dreams into operation.

BTW, I'd like to throw in about here that there's never, ever, EVER been a socialistic government that worked in practical application.  Never.  Did I say never?  Yet these two-dimensional pukes keep trying.  Keep on doubling down.  Maybe if they just try little harder they can make America hate White people!  Or make Black people feel like they need to have their hands held in order to live the American dream.  Or that only by ceding the authority over our voting to these vultures will be retain our democracy (we don't have one; we have a representative republic!)  These folks are dumber than a bag of rocks...  

I have three observations:  1), please keep it up.  If you do you'll be run out of Town on a rail in 10 months.  And 2), people who run for and get elected to national office should be required to live for a month with an Iowa farm family.  Or a Montana cattle rancher.  Or perhaps a guy who builds cars, but can't afford to put gas in the one he's got.  They should have to do this before he/she/it casts a single substantial vote.  Before they can further screw up America with their "woke" bullsh*t.  

And lastly, 3), those who flee states like California and New York and New Jersey, in an effort to dodge the "Progressive" laws and rules and regulations and policies and procedures they and their ilk have foisted upon us, I only ask that they leave them at the border of their failed state and not further contaminate "free" states like Texas, and Florida, and Arizona, the ones they're fleeing to. 

They'll make "Escape from New York," and "Escape from L.A." a reality...   

They live in a bubble.  That bubble has burst.  I can only wonder whether those who get their news from Yahoo and Google will be permitted by their Masters to learn of this prime-time fiasco?  

Oh yeah, I'm an aspiring author of romance novels.  Whaddya' gonna' do about it?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Great Buffalo Blizzard...

Hey!  You folks back east!  You think you had a blizzard?  Really?  You want blizzard?  I'll give you blizzard...

I flew into the Buffalo International Airport on the evening of January 27th, 1977.

And yes, my arms were tired.  Very tired.

The flight was uneventful, the trip to the downtown Marriott was uneventful, and my preparation for my meeting at 7:15 the next morning with a group of physicians at the hospital across the street was uneventful.

In short, like so many other flights and so many other cities and so many other hotels and so many other hospitals, there was nothing to make that cold, crisp, clear Buffalo night any different than any other.

Except it was.  

Early the next morning I hopped out of bed, showered, shaved and proceeded to dress in one of my sharper suits.  While I did, the morning news was reporting that Buffalo was being hit by near-record snowfall and that the city was pretty much locked down.  Damn!  I headed down the elevator and toward the hotel lobby exit, which was one of those revolving doors high-zoot hotels feature to help justify their enormous prices.  I recall thinking in the back of my mind as I walked toward the exit that it seemed strangely "white" through the windows and glass door ahead.  White. One should be able to see through it, I thought to myself, kind of, in the back of my mind, as I reached the door and began to push.

It didn't move.

I pushed and pushed and pushed against the door to try and get to move, but it was stuck solid.  And it hit me within no more than a quarter-second that the entire front end of the hotel was covered in a blanket of snow.  A DRIFT of snow!  This was not good, I thought.  Not good at all...

There was no one else in the lobby.  Nobody at all.  Nobody in the bell station, nobody behind the desk, nobody in the little card shop convenience store that overcharges.  Just me.  I kept looking and finally found a group of people gathered in the kitchen.  Maybe 20 or so were all there, talking at once, feverishly trying to find out what was going on.  One of the security guards reported that there was a drift of snow 35 feet high covering the front of the hotel, all the way up to the third floor.  

He reported that it was so bad none of the employees could get in to the city, so none of the hotel's services were available to its guests.  Worse yet, we were snowed in and nobody could leave!  Are you s**ting me!  

It didn't take long for my Army training to kick in and start figuring out what to do from here.  I got the group together, took charge, divided the by-now 50 or-so to teams, appointed leaders, and began marshaling our resources.  We had lots of food, and lots of stuff to drink at the bar, so what's the problem, I thought?  We all had a permission slip from God to take off however long this "emergency" lasted, I thought.  Damn!  I hit the brass ring!

Emergency?  What emergency?  I opened up the bar (I used to tend professionally) and made everybody a drink.  A 7:00 in the morning, drink.  One of the group had been a cook so he took charge of menu planning.  Another was a stand-up comedian, believe it or not, so he kept us all entertained.  We had a doctor, so there's that.  We partied like it was 1999 long before it was 1999.  It was a major-league hoot!  

And that's how it all unfolded for the hundred or so of us intrepid lodgers who spent a total of five days in the lap of Marriott luxury.  I flew in on a Sunday evening and it was Thursday morning before they could dig us all out.  We had to make our own beds, because the maids couldn't get downtown, but we figured that was a small price to pay.  It was so bad, in fact, that one intrepid soul actually stripped down to his undies and did a dive off the third floor balcony, right smack into the snow drift above the Marriot sign.  This was before cell phone cameras, or I'm sure it would still be a viral YouTube sensation.

The good news is that Marriott comped our rooms and the food and, as they said, "hundreds of gallons of liquor," since we were being held "captive."  So the comedian got us all to agree not to sue.  And I'm pleased to report that there has never, ever been a snowstorm of that magnitude to hit Buffalo since.  Some areas got more than 12 feet of snow!  I was there.  Just your roving reporter.  Just your Scribe Without Porfolio.  Doing what God put me here to do.   

File this as just another story from the intrepid case files of The Chuckmeister... 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

What's up with these Aussies?

A lot of us patriotic 'Muricans are sort of shocked by the authoritarian tack the Australian government has taken of late in response to the dreaded Wuhan Chinese Killer COVID Coronavirus.

Authoritarian in the extreme.  

I used to think of our down-under brothers and sisters as good-natured, sort of warm and fuzzy, American-loving Brits, with shorts.  And Kangaroos.  And digeridoos.  And folks who say, "That's not a knife!  This is a knife!"

But no, fellow Patriots.  Our folks "down under" have gone quite nuts.  They are hunting down and locking up people who just go outside for a stroll, in contravention with their draconian anti-COVID lockdown orders.  Having a smoke and a stroll outside against the rules of the State got one guy 10 days in jail.


And we all witnessed the slow-motion train wreck that was the however-you-pronouce-his-name, unvaccinated Serbian tennis star that OZ whipsawed into and out of detention in advance of his quest for a 21st Australian Open Championship.  Can you say P.R. nightmare?  Yes, this bozo shouldn't have lied about being vaxxed on his visa app.  And yes, the Australian government shouldn't have issued him a valid visa.  And yes, the Aussies should have presupposed such a problem and taken steps to avoid it before it blew up in their faces.  And no, the Aussies should not have revoked his visa and sent him packing.  Just in time to watch the Australian Open from his home in Serbia.

I'm betting the Chamber of Commerce in Koala-land is recommending they adopt a change of messaging PDQ ("pretty damn quick")... 

So how did our almost-Brits get so out of control handsy?  Well, I'm give you my opinion, fellow Patriots.  And one I believe to be more than probable.  Here 'tis...

Port Arthur, Tazmania.  That's the answer.  A guy took an AK-47 and went on a killing spree in a campground in this quaint village back in 1996.  He killed 35 and wounded another 32 over a 12-hour period.  It was a slaughter, plain and simple.  And since nobody else was armed, nobody could stop him.  That was the lesson I took away from this mess.  If you want to prevent somebody from picking up a gun and killing a bunch of folks, it's a good idea to make sure there are armed folks nearby to stop it before it can get started.

That was not the lesson the Australian government took away, however.  This bunch of commie pinko dumbass liberal weenies decided to blame the tool, not the user.  They went on an all-out assault on firearms.  Within 9 months they had forcibly confiscated 699,000 guns, of all types, from all over this, the only country that's also a continent.  And considering their relatively small population at the time, and even now, that's a lot of firepower.

But think about it for a minute.  An entire country is now unable to protect itself from all foes, foreign, and especially domestic; as in their politicians and police.  Just like in Cuba and North Korea and China and Germany and France and Venezuela and Mianmar, and so very many other countries whose citizens have been unilaterally disarmed, they've now discovered they are at the mercy of any authoritarian government that happens to come along.

And one just happened to come along.  They just deported what's-his-name because they said "He could cause others to disobey our vaccinations mandates."  While they're holding people against their will in solitary confinement in converted-motel prisons, replete with armed guards and meals delivered twice a day.  Just like we hear the Chinese commies are doing to their problem citizens in Wuhan.  How quickly they went from "warm and fuzzy" to "Gibt meir deine papieren!"  

That's my pretty tolerable G.I. German for "Show me your papers."   

Watch it unfold, America.  Watch what could be your destiny if you permit smooth-talking politicians to romance any of your less-than-bright neighbors out of your firearms.  It won't work for me, I'm quick to say, please don't let it work for you.

Otherwise, we may both have to prove to any authoritarians we aren't to be trifled with.

Elsewise, you may find yourself in a country so afraid of its shadow and so afraid of its leaders that it locks up a multi-millionaire, foreign tennis star so he can't compete for your country's top prize in an international sporting event.  Even Hitler didn't do that to Jesse Owens...

Saturday, January 15, 2022


Early in my career in the medical field, I called upon a female obstetrician named Sarampag Abamubeh-Chandalaranathan.  She needed two name tags, taped together.  She loved me, this doctor did, and favored me with all of her business.  This success on my part was due to two factors:  

     One, I took the time to learn to pronounce her name (try it!);

     and Two, I actually asked for the order (polls tell us 80% of salespeople don't!).     

Now, the foregoing has nothing to do with anything, but I thought I'd start off by making you feel better, knowing you don't have to pack around a name like that.  Or have your dinner depend upon pronouncing it correctly.

Or have your dinner depend upon your sales ability.  

So now that you're all softened up, check this out:

The FBI just released statistics telling us that you're 86.1% more likely to be killed by gunfire if you reside in cities of 50,000 population or greater.  Almost double.  That's breathtaking!  Of course, the "MainStreamMedia" isn't reporting it, because it's inconvenient.  Doesn't fit the narrative.  Why?  All of the cities where they reported an increase are run by Democrats!  Here's a short list of cities with all-time record murder rates in 2021:

     -  Albuquerque

     -  Austin (where all the Taxifornians moved)

     -  Baton-Rouge

     -  Columbus

     -  Indianapolis

     -  Louisville

     -  Philadelphia

     -  Portland (well, duh!)

     -  St. Paul

     -  Tucson

Annnnnd, fellow Patriots, these are in addition to historically dangerous and high murder-rate, Democrat-run cities like Baltimore, New York City and Chicago.  All saw records fall in 2021, including Chicago with 797 firearm murders as reported by their police (Chicago Sun Times reported 857!).  Basically, it's more dangerous to walk the streets of the south and west side of Chicago than it is Baghdad or Mogadishu.

Sooooo, after more than 20 years of falling murder rates, we saw a shocking increase last year.  An almost doubling.  Why?  Who's to blame?  How do we stop it?

I don't know the answers to all these questions, but I do know one thing for damn sure: you're far safer in small-town America, and you're far safer in a town run by Republicans...

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Chuckmeisterly Observations, Circa 2022...

Well now, my Pretties!  My little "Predictions" efforts have been so well received, so roundly applauded, so joyously inculcated, that I think I'll burst forth with some "Observations" I've been conjuring up of late.  

Not fifth, forth. 

They're not Earth-shattering observations, to be sure,  but I sometimes even amaze myself with my occasional flashes of brilliance!  Not too often, mind you, but occasionally.  As they say, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and again.  And here, I believe you'll agree, are some of my better little acorns, or "Observations," accumulated over the years, and catalogued for just such an important occasion as now.  Here goes...

     -  Never judge a man 'til you've walked a mile in his shoes.  Then, if you still find him wanting, you'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes...

     -  I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six.

     -  There was a time when American car makers owned 100% of the American car market.  And why the Hell not, I would ask?  Now?  Less than 30%.*  Seems they're guilty of doing the same thing over and over, and over, and selling less as a result. 

     -  Never worry about anything over which you have no control.

     -  Life is a terminal condition.

     -  I'd like to apologize today for being White.  I'd like to, but I won't.

     -  Who was the guy who decided that "flem" should be spelled, "phlegm?" 

     -  Someone honked at me the other day to try and get me to move from my parking space faster.  Funny, I thought.  Now I'll have to wait in that spot until one of us dies. 

     -  I keep wondering when the "Big One" will hit and everything east of the San Andreas Fault will fall into the Atlantic...

     -  The current death rate for hospitalized pediatric COVID patients is somewhere between 0.00%, which is, like, none, and 0.02%, which is like, ummm, damn few!  

     -  Trying to make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor is like standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handles.

     -  There are 2.8 million stone blocks in the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Each of those blocks weighs between 17.5 and 80 tons, and comes from more than 500 miles away.  We are told it was commissioned by Top Guy Khufu upon his inauguration 4,500 years ago and had to be completed within 20 years, before he died.  Without iron or bronze tools, or  beasts of burden, or even the wheel!  Just human labor.  A little simple math will tell that if all of the above is true, a multi-ton block had to be laid every 2.5 minutes, 24 hours-per-day, 7 days a week.  Proof of ancient alien intervention, anyone?

     -  How to fire someone:  "Tony, we don't know what we'd do without you.  But starting tomorrow morning, we'd like to try."

     -  The FBI tells us that 86.1% of all the firearm killings occur in cities with populations of over 50,000.  Not surprising that citizens are beating feet to cities of under 50,000 population.  

     -  Come to think of it, we should abolish the death penalty and simply give our really bad felons a one-way ticket to south Chicago, the Murder Capital of America (797 last year, an all-time record).  Same results, most likely...

     -  I'm kind of wondering about the I.Q. of those who would trade real dollars for made-up money like Bitcoin.  If they really want some fake money, they should park out front of a 7/11 on a Saturday night.  They can find all the counterfeit money they want. 

     -  Ever wonder why we should have to give $11 a month to those wonderful charities that buy homes for our disabled vets and first-responders?  We pay out nearly $89 Billion a Year in foreign aid.  Don't you think we should remember that charity begins at HOME? 

     -  Joe O'Biden is exhorting Congress to get rid of the filibuster.  He says that it's everything bad and nothing good.  Funny, Democrats used the filibuster 328 times between 2019 - 2020.  Hypocrite much?

     -  Note to V.P. Harris, it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.  

     -  I always figured it was a good idea to believe in God, and make those beliefs known.  If there's no God around when you take your celestial discharge, you'll never know it.  But if there is...

*   General Motors, which at one time enjoyed a more than 70% share of the American auto market, and is still our largest in terms of absolute share, now languishes at 17%.  I guess they enjoy getting their asses continually kicked... 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Peek Into 2022...

Those of you who choose not to invest the time, effort and energy necessary to absorb all the latest political news out of the Democrat National Committee and their hand-maiden "Corporate Media" during the New Year, and exactly what they have in store for you, the voters, I, The Chuckmeister, have compiled a short, but complete peek into their 2022, pre-Election messaging.

Yes, I know.  Long sentence.  Get over it.

Ready?  Here goes...

     -  Trump!  Voting rights!  January 6th!  Trump!  Insurrection!  Build Back Better!   Racists!  January 6th!  Riot!  Insurrection!  Riot!  White Nationalism!  Trump sucks!  January 6th!  Trump!  Insurrection!  January 6th!  Guns bad!  Felons good!  Trump!  More mandates!  Fair share!  January 6th!  Racism!  Voting rights!  Trump sucks!  Reparations!  Global warming!  White nationalism!  January 6th!  The Border is closed!  What Border!  Immigration problem, what problem?  Trump!  January 6th!  Trump!  Racism.  Voting rights!  Fair Share!  January 6th!  Trump!

Got it?  No need to thank me.  It's why God put me here... 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

"Predictions," Part Deux...

Whew!  I, The Chuckmeister, was simply whelmed by the tens and tens of responses I received to my recent "Predictions" posting.  And yes, one has to be whelmed before one can  become overwhelmed.  Just sayin...

Anyhoo, respondents have been absolutely clamoring for more of my sage prognostications.  And so, I humbly submit.  Here are a few more possible peeks into 2022 from my near bottomless pit of inanities for your cringeworthy-ness:

     -  Bigfoot will see me in the New Year, but nobody will believe him. 

     -  California will finally complete its ten years past-due, $100 Billion Dollar "Bullet train," potentially transporting people from where nobody wants to be (Barstow), to where nobody wants to go (Modesto).  Our Boy Guv will demand that the new definition of "bullet" be changed to 35 mph.  

     -  MSNBC will hire a few White People and grudgingly decide to occasionally talk about something other than racism.  But not too often.

     -  Every swimmer on every men's collegiate swimming team in the New Year will be a male, and every swimmer on every females team will also be a male.

     -  Joe O'Biden will attempt ban all firearms with an Executive Order.  America's owners of nearly 500 million firearms...will collectively yawn.

     -  O'Biden will appoint his son Hunter as Ambassador to China in 2022.  A Government jet will make it easier for him to ferry home all his riches from influence peddling.

     -  Somebody will tell O'Biden that the "unpleasantness" at the Capitol last January 6th was not an "armed insurrection."  Nobody was armed, and it wasn't an insurrection.  He'll go, "Oh..."

     -  And Karmala will also be shocked to learn in 2022 that nobody died as a result of the January 6th riot.  Five people died within a few days of the event, but from mostly natural causes.  Oh, except for Ashlii Babbitt, that is, an unarmed tourist who was murdered in cold blood by Lt. Michael Byrd, a Capitol Policeman.  Dwell on that for a minute...

     -  And last, but faaaar from least, San Fran Nan Pelosi will retire from Congress after 64 years.  She will then announce a post-retirement career as a member of Lin Manuel Miranda's new dance troupe to open on Broadway in the New Year.  I hear it'll be called, "The Insurrection Follies."

Yeah, I know.  I need professional help.  But since I'm a professional, the requirement is hereby waived...

Friday, January 7, 2022

"Chuckstradamus" Predictions, Circa 2022...

'Tis a Brand New Year.  And people for some strange reason make resolutions of things they intend to do or hope to happen in the coming months.  And speaking of resolutions, I know you've been waiting for mine.  They arrive about this time every year.  And so, without further ado, or even a don't, Ta Da!!!

The Annual Chuckmeisterly Predictions, circa 2022!  This is where I publicly prognosticate as if I had any idea what the Hell I'm talking about, and you read it because you don't have anything better to do.  Right?


So, fellow Patriots, here we go:

     -  Kamala the Veep will have her incredibly annoying laugh reflex removed in a short, outpatient surgery during the New Year.  So then, when she needs to buy time to figure out what next to say, instead of baying like a rented mule, she will have a choice of, "Ya know?," and "Nomsayin?"  We'll keep you informed of the outcome as the news comes in...

     -  The price of gasoline in the New Year will be so awfully, historically, manically, indelibly high, that the DNC-bootlicking "MainStreamMedia" will begin reporting its quarts.  Just like Europe does.  The have always wanted us to be more like Europe, so I guess they'll be happy...

      -  People in the New Year will begin swearing off meat and embracing veggies.  That's because the price of meat will keep going up and up, and all but the privileged few will be able to afford it.  Then, those same swells will attempt to convince the little people that being a vegan is avante garde.

      -  The Washington Football Team will adopt a new name.  It's permanent name will become, "The Washington Football Team."  Its haters will howl in protest.  What else is new?

      -  Teacher unions will vote to require their members to teach from home from now on.  They can teach through Zoom, they will argue, with complete and total safety from infection from that dreaded COVID.  And all other viruseseses and bacteria that might present themselves in the future.  And "complete and total safety" is what our society is now demanding for them, right?  

     -  Road maintenance will cease, as will all new road construction.  That's because nobody will be driving, because nobody will be buying gas, so nobody will be paying gas taxes necessary to build and maintain roads.  But nobody will notice, because nobody will be driving.  But I repeat myself...

     -  The term "customer service" will no longer be used starting in 2022.  That's because it doesn't exist anymore.  There's nobody at Customer Service to answer those infuriating phone trees to solve your perplexing problems.  And if there were, they couldn't.  Because the really important problems, the ones that cause 80% of the grief, are unsolvable.  So let's simply excise that term from our lexicon now, shall we? 

     -  Sometime late in the year the President of Guatemala will resign from office, declaring that since every Guatemalan had relocated to the United States, there will be no longer a need for the country.  He indicated his neighboring countries, including Venezuela, may soon do the same.  I'm guessing space in Texas and Arizona and New Mexico will be at a premium...

     -  Since the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Division of our Country has been told to stand down by Sleepy Joe, preventing it from catching or deporting any illegal Bad Guys for some strange reason, and since the Border door has been swung Wide Open for a year now, permitting some 2.2 Million Illegal Aliens to visit, permanently, I predict O'Biden will simply shut it down in 2022, saving more than $17 Billion Dollars a Year.  Yes, I know it's a long sentence.  I specialize in them. 

     -  Joe O'Biden will sue Jeff Dunham, the famous ventriloquist.  That's because his dummy "Walter" looks exactly like Joe.  And Joe doesn't like it.  But Dunham argues he had his dummy before Joe became the...dummy.  So Dunham will likely countersue.  Stay tuned for more info. 

     -  Aliens will land on the White House lawn in 2022.  And I'm not talking about the "illegal" kind.  I'm talking those little UFO critters.  They'll ask for Joe, but he'll be on vacation in Delaware, hiding from the press.  Oh well, another opportunity he will have wasted...

     -  There will be a minor revolt in 2022 by many of the electric vehicle owners when they finally learn that fully 54% of all the power they use to recharge their little toy cars comes from...GULP...coal and oil and natural gas!  They're supposed to be saving the planet, right?

     -  And finally, San Fran Nan Pelosi will retire from Congress in 2022 and return home to the dung heap called San Franpoopco.  And immediately run for Mayor, promising to "clean things up."  The more things change, the more things will stay the same, I guess...

So there, fellow Pilgrims, is your Predictions for 2022.  I guarantee no accuracy here, but I promise I'll come close on one or two.  Which would be a hoot in and of itself...

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Deal With the Greys:

Dwight D. Eisenhower, retired 5-Star General of the Armies and our 34th President of these here United States, was taking a much-needed little golfing vacay in Palm Springs over the weekend of February 20th, 1954.  

Exceppppttt, he disappeared for a period of more than 12 hours during that same time frame.  Nobody knew where he was.  The Press Corps went nuts trying to find out what happened to the Prez!  The White House Press Secretary issued a terse statement saying he'd had a "dental emergency" and sought treatment in Las Vegas.  Why he would need to go there as opposed to finding professional medical help in Palm Springs, a cosmopolitan city, was not immediately known.  But that was the official line.  Las Vegas, dental emergency, 'nuff said.  Move along.  Nothing to see here.  Have a nice day.  

Exceppppttt, the word leaked out over the decades since and it seems Ike may have been in Vegas for another reason entirely; he was meeting with extraterrestrials.

It seems that Ike accepted an invite from the "Greys" to confab.  I gather they were there to negotiate a treaty under which a technology exchange would occur.  They'd give us all the neat stuff we'd need to go real fast and scare off the Soviets and land on the moon, and because they  needed help in restoring their reproductive capabilities, they'd get to "welcome aboard" a few of our citizens upon whom they'd do some helpful experimentation.  Without hurting them, of course.  That goes without saying...  

Or so we've been led to believe.

Are you buying that?  Well, it makes a lot of sense if you think about it.  These critters have been flying around for eons checking us out.  And with increased frequency since we blew a big hole in Japan.  With a nuclear weapon.  Some believe they had a hand in creating, or at least "updating" us, so I guess they didn't want their handiwork, their "zoo," destroyed.  So they also cut a deal with Ike to reduce the number of weapons in the world, and they'd give us great techno wizardry in exchange.

It has come to be called "The Greato Treaty."  

Notice, Ike laid the groundwork for what later became "SALT," the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks." They've forced a slow, but steady reduction in nukes continuing through until today.  Cause and effect?  You decide.

Oh yeah, and if you need some additional proof that Ike and the Greys smoked the peace pipe, Laura Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, says it actually happened, and just exactly the way I've reported above.  She said her Grandad told her all about it.  She's a well-respected author and director, so a nut case she's not. 

So, if you wonder why the Federal Gubmint seems to never see or be concerned by these little saucer thingies dancing all over our skies, while we citizens see them every single day, this little scenario would tend to answer the question, "Why?"  Could it be "Willful blindness?"  You be the judge.

But if you aren't picking up what I'm laying down, consider this: the fastest thing we had in 1947, when the (in)famous Roswell, NM crash is supposed to have happened, was a P-51 Mustang.  They flew at about 400 mph.  Yet, within a decade after Ike's purported meeting with the Aliens in 1954, we had transistors, and lasers, and satellites, and microprocessors, and computers, etc., etc., etc.  And another decade later we flew to and landed on the Moon!  Did we come up with all that super high-tech wizardry on our own?  Are we that smart?  Really?

Strange, fellow Patriots, but true.  Don't believe it?  Shame on you!  The Chuckmeister would nevah, evah lead you astray.  Google it for yourself, fellow Pats, and then slap yourself for ever doubting me.......

Monday, January 3, 2022

Making Resolutions, Are We?

Got some extra "ell-bees" to drop?  Finally decided to quit smoking?  Wondering where you can find a really effective and affordable weight loss and/or smoking cessation program to help keep that New Years resolution?  

Well, fellow flabby/yellow-fingered Patriots, I, The Chuckmeister, have some exciting news to share!

Now you may take advantage of Chuck's new Program.  How's it work, you ask?  Glad to answer.  You show up at my place on a Monday morning at 8:00 a.m., and you leave on Friday at 5:00.  In the meantime I sequester you in a spare closet.*  You get two Lean Cuisine TV dinners a day, and a gallon of water.  You may not leave the closet except for supervised visits to the loo.      

That's it.  You come weighing too much and coughing, you leave much lighter and without that filthy rotten, antisocial habit!  Guaranteed results!  And cheap!  Be sure to call us at 1-(888) 4-Chuck today for pricing and availability!

*    (NOTE:  Master closet available at slight additional charge.)   

Saturday, January 1, 2022

At Least There's The Weather...

I was just sitting here counting my many blessings on this, the very first day of 2022, here in the once-beautiful State of California (Happy New Year to you all, BTW!).

I have four lovely daughters, four lovely sons-in-law, and seven lovely grandchildren.  They are all lovely.  I think you got that.  Some folks don't have lovely kids or grandkids, so don't laugh.  I'm not.

And my car's paid for.  It's actually pretty nice.  Still shiny.  I'm glad to have it.  Funny though; I bought it used, and it's now worth more than I paid for it.  Is that what we got when we voted for O'Biden?

And my house just went up in value another 15% or so.  For those of you who don't live here, if you're not on the real estate train already, it's probably too late.  The average home in Orange County, for instance, is going for more than $1 Million.  And by "average," I mean a house you could buy for $225,000 in Texas or Florida.  

Where there's no property taxes.

Or income taxes.

Or authoritarian dimbulbs who take particular delight in ordering you around.  

But then I stared at the paper in front of me, my Number Two Ticonderoga pencil poised at the ready, prepared to jot down the next thing for which I am grateful that came to mind, but it didn't.  I couldn't think of much else to be thankful for.  My health sucks, so don't go there.  I couldn't afford to buy my house if I had to buy it again, so that's rather scary.  

I have to now nurse my gasoline with an eyedropper, what with $6.00 a gallon gas and all.  We have a 200 year supply of oil in the ground and good ol' Joe is begging OPEC to pump more.  Wha...?  

China tried to kill us with a virus and we're trying to kill each other over masks and mandates, so can't be too happy 'bout that.

We used to have a minimum wage that little Johnnie and Suzie could use to earn after school money.  Now that "after school money" is earned by a 31 year-old guy named Fernando, who has a wife and two kids.  Min-wage is now $17.60 an hour in West Hollywood as-of-1/1/22.  The very highest in the Nation.  I heard they wanted that distinction.  Why, I don't know, but they got it...  

That means a West Hollywood waiter now makes $2.60 an hour more than a starting United States Army soldier.  Let that sink in...

We're forced to now wear these flimsy masks if we wish to enter some restaurants or businesses or airplanes.  Not in Florida or Texas or many other states run by folks with common sense, mind you, but here in California.  Of course, you must know that the holes in these masks are so large a dance troupe of 20 viruses could link arms and waltz through them.  Sideways.  Whilst kicking up their little virus-y legs.  But it sure makes the decision-makers happy.  

I think these masks have become the "MAGA" hats for the "Progressives" among us.  What do you think?

But in between my aches and pains, I have to revert to my deep-down optimistic nature.  I just went outside and the weather is lovely!  It's about 62 degrees, bright sunshine, a nice, lovely 3 - 5 mph onshore breeze and lovely, big cumulus clouds wafting across the azure sky.  And that's on a New Years Day!

So, fellow Patriots, no matter that the houses and the gasoline and the food are unaffordable, and that the taxes and the min-wages and the crime statistics are the highest in the Nation, at least there's the weather!  

