Sunday, May 10, 2020

Another New Record!

You'll be pleased to know that our Great Country set another new record in March!  

Yes, fellow Pilgrims, while we were all kvetching over the Chinese Killer Not-From-Here Wuhan Killer Coronavirus, the FBI just informed us that the fine folks of the United States purchased more than 3.8 Million Firearms in March!     

And that number is up from our all-time monthly record of some 2.7 Million Firearms in December.  That's nearly a one-third increase, boys and girls!  That yuuuuge!  That means that nearly 4 million more Americans decided to finally exercise their individual, immutable, irrefutable, non-cancellable, guaranteed* 2nd Amendment Rights to "keep and bear arms."

More power to them!

You should recall that the FBI told us we Americans owned roughly 150 million firearms the day ex-Prez Obama was elected.  And then our citizens immediately started buying guns in droves!  Apparently they, like me, knew that Obama was on record...on saying that he'd confiscate all our guns if he ever got the chance (check it out on YouTube).  

(Funny how video can always tell the truth no matter how often some choose to lie...)

So the lines at the gun stores grew long after Obama took office.  And they haven't really stopped.  The FBI released statistics last month indicating that we American citizens now own and use and "keep and bear" more than 429.7 million firearms!  In just a bit more than a dozen years we've nearly tripled our firearm ownership!  It took us 240 years to reach 150 million guns, and just 12 years to triple that number.  

It surely must be that Americans know something, or at the very least suspect something, and their firearm purchases prove it...

For evah we've been told by the "more equal than us" that we don't need no stinkin' firearms.  That we've got the police to watch over us and keep us safe.  All the while knowing that when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.  So while we're being told not to become beer-swilling, pickup-driving, flag-waving rednecks by the the "Coastal Elites," The People are choosing to disregard that sophomoric and short-sighted advice.  

And there's something else I'd like to add to this little rant about now.  You've been told for eons by the effete authoritarians that "guns kill people."  And that more guns will kill even more people!  So last month we Americans bought almost 4 million (more) guns.  Did you notice any new mass shootings?  No?  Did this mountain of newly-purchased guns load themselves up and start mowing innocents down like ducks in a shooting gallery?  No?  Nobody running around killing hoards of people with all their new firearms?  No?  No bodies bleeding in the streets as a result of all those new gun owners?  No?  

Then I guess you've been fed a load of s**t all these years, haven't you?

So I say again, the surest way to avoid a life-threatening confrontation with a Bad Guy, is to have the Bad Guy think you might be armed.  Then, like all other predators, they'll bypass you, the armed, and prey upon some other poor unarmed schlub.  They may be crooks, and evil, but they're not necessarily stupid.  So don't YOU be.  If you haven't joined the long, but "socially distanced" lines at your local gun store, assuming your local commie liberal dumbass weenie politician hasn't shut them down as being "non-essential," now might be a good time to do so...

*  (Supreme Court Rulings;  "District of Columbia v. Heller," 2010; "Chicago v. McDonald," 2008)

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