Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Socialism Explained...

The Federal Government has no money of its own.

No, Pilgrim, Uncle Sugar doesn't have a dime.  He first has to take money from somebody, before he can give it to somebody else.  Or build a road, or an airport, or wage a war.  And the rate he takes (taxes) that money from us should never be more than absolutely necessary to do the business of governing.

Governing a Representative Republic, that is. 

Communistic, socialistic systems, and dictatorships, are a bit different, as they take whatever they want from whomever they want, at any time they want... 

Let me state that again:  The Government has to take more from you so it can give more back to you.  Or to somebody else it deems more worthy than you.  If some smarmy politician promises you free "_____," and I don't care what fits in that blank space, then you know going in that the money for that "free" thing must, MUST be extracted from somebody else to pay for it.  So many might then reasonably ask, why not just keep the money you already have, instead of relying on the Government to make you poorer in order to give something to you that you could have earned for yourself?

Now, I can understand if you're saddled with oodles of student debt, hoping to someday pay for that degree you "earned" in "Medieval Lesbian Poetry," or some other potentially worthless major, you're pissed the best job you can find requires you to ask, "Would you like fries with that?"  And you'd really like some savior like Bernie or Kamala or Liz or Beto to rescue you from your own stupid mistake.  So you're toying with the idea of voting socialist on the off-chance that somebody somewhere with more money than you, who really doesn't need it, right,? will step up and bail you out.

Fat chance, loser!

Nope, you first have to understand that what the Bernie's and the Kamala's and the Liz's and the Beto's are promising is a pipe-dream Utopia that cannot - WILL NOT - ever materialize.  And if it did, you would be looking at Venezuela revisited.  And you don't want that.  Even if they try their best to convince you that you do...you don't.

They are eating their zoo animals, people!

So, friends and neighbors, be advised there's only one system that works; ours.  Capitalism, however flawed, has enabled us to go from a twinkle in Tom Jefferson's eye to the most powerful, most successful, most prosperous country the world has ever known in just a bit over 200 years.  We are the envy of the entire world.  That's why they want to come here in droves.  And they keep on coming.  

If you'd like that to continue, and grow, vote capitalist.  That would be Republican, by the way. 

If you'd like America to wind up in the trash heap of history, a failed exercise in democracy, be sure to vote socialist.  That would be Democrat.  But you likely already knew that... 

You're welcome...    

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