Friday, September 13, 2019

Caracas, By The Bay...

So what do you do after you've (mis)managed to turn the (heretofore) most beautiful city in America into a steaming pile of human excrement?  A giant boil on the butt of America?  A skidmark on the underwear of humanity?  Caracas, north?

I mean, "33,700" piles of s**t, to be exact (San Fran Human Waste Report, 2010 - Present).  More than 33,000 individual, smelly, nasty piles of human excrement.  On the sidewalks.  Of an important American city.  Now THAT'S a lot of poop!

Thank God they've created the "Poop Patrol" to pick it all up.  At the average cost of "only" $37.00 per each poop pile.  Only...

Multiply 33,000 x $37.00 and try to imagine what else could be done with that money if they didn't allow folks to take a crap on the sidewalks.

If, through misguided Progressive values and a complete abdication of all vestiges of common sense, you and your weenie brothers, sisters and "others," (there's 57 genders here in California, remember!) have turned San Francisco into a dystopian nightmare of homeless encampments, predatory panhandling, drug-addled zombies shooting up in plain sight and sidewalks festooned with piles of human waste, how do you now somehow try and sidestep the horrific blame you've so richly earned by so doing?

Simple, Pilgrim; you just blame the NRA!

Yes, normal American, you could be forgiven if you're unaware of just how awful SFO has become.  From the most beautiful and cosmopolitan city in America, the otherwise unemployables in charge up there have so "screwed the pooch," as Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton used to say, that the only folks who seem not to know how bad it is are those who permitted it to get that way.  

But then again, they're living in their tony, gated enclaves on Nob Hill, far removed from the tent cities that infest the streets and sidewalks of Union Square and the Embarcadero.  So bad, in fact, that the American Medical Association cancelled its annual meeting to be held there last year because it felt it could not guarantee its members' safety.  BTW, the AMA's convention was due to bring more than $4,000,000 in revenue to this once-proud city.  But hey, they don't need it; they have techie Silicon Valley billionaires calling the shots...

So what's with this blaming the NRA, you might ask?  It seems the Rabid Left has decided that blaming the oldest, largest and most respected 501(c)(3) Public Benefit Corporation in America, founded on November 17, 1781, the National Rifle Association, will somehow expunge their own culpability for the abject failure of leadership that has turned SFO into Thunderdome.

Just in case you didn't know, the NRA is comprised of individual, dues-paying members, including The Chuckmeister.  Some 5.5 Million of them.  Each pays $45 a year to belong, and to help protect and empower the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  5,500,000 individual Americans, voting with their own money to support the one Right that enabled us to win our freedom back in 1776, and the one Right that enables us to maintain it today.  And to insure that our SCOTUS-guaranteed, individual Right to "...keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  

That ruling would be Heller v. Washington, D.C., 2008) for those who are interested.    

The Board of Supervisors of San Francisco formally declared the NRA to be a "Domestic Terrorist Organization."  Yes, they really did.  Now, despite the fact that it's up to to the U. S. State Department to do such declarations, and that this spurious finger-pointing is pretty much meaningless, the Supes up there decided to place the blame for all sorts of ills on the only organization in the entire Country dedicated to the  training, education and safety of those who engage in the shooting sports.

You should know that the NRA has sued San Fran for violating its 1st Amendment Right to free speech.  It will be interesting to see how this winds up, as the 9th Circuit is almost certainly going to side with the commies up there, being mostly commies themselves, thus most likely leaving the ultimate decision up to the Supreme Court.

Let's see if they take it up.

However, what the Supervisors may not have thought through is that, if the NRA is a terrorist organization, then each and every one of its members is thereby a terrorist.  Yes, San Fran Supes have called me and every other NRA member, a terrorist.  And as such, they have declared that we NRA members are not welcome in San Francisco.  

Well lemme' see here, Pilgrim.  More than 5 million NRA members have been declared persona non grata in SFO.  And each of them has a wife, a husband, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, cousins and co-workers.  My own calculations place the number thus impacted at something north of 20 million.  And remember, they vote!  

So, in one swell foop SFO just pulled in the welcome mat for a really big chunk of America.  And unless I miss my guess, NRA members are not going to let this pass.  I certainly won't.  

And lest you think that this craziness is limited only to the weirdos in San Fran, Rasmussen Reports just published its most recent survey of the Democrat Party.  You'll be interested to know that fully 28% of all Democrats think it should be illegal for folks like me, and perhaps you, to join organizations like the NRA.  Illegal!  Moreover, 32% believe "...we should be able to declare gun rights groups like the NRA terrorist organizations in the communities they live." 

Is this their full-throated condemnation of America, an indication of the abject failure of our educational system, or just a case of mass hysteria?

So, you now know that full-on dumbassedness is not limited to the 405 area code.  At least one-third of Democrats are all for labeling one-third of Americans as terrorists.

Let that sink in...  

Remember back in the old days when Democrats used to tell us they weren't looking to take our guns?  When all they wanted was "common sense gun violence reforms?"  Well, Pilgrim, now you know; they spilled the beans.  They want our guns, and they'll come for them at the very first opportunity.  

Let's not give them that opportunity.  Otherwise, the outcome would most certainly be be ugly.  Very ugly...  

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