Friday, June 14, 2024

A Nice, Neat Little War...

Do you know the only thing that will stop family members from fighting with each other?  Somebody from outside the family getting involved, that's what.  

Then you'll see the family members all coalesce around each other against a common enemy;  And it won't matter who.  ANYBODY ELSE!  

My dear old Dad once said to me, "Boy!," he said.  He'd start every important proclamation in my upbringing with a 'Boy!'  So "Boy," he said, "the single most dangerous man on the entire planet, is the guy who don't know...what he don't know."

Think about the wisdom wrapped up in that homespun bit of advice.  And that wisdom could reasonably be employed in our world of today, doncha' think?  We have people in our White House who are making decisions right now that are impacting all our lives, every day, without having any idea what the Hell they're doing.  They've never been in the military.  They've never run a business.  They've never signed a payroll check on its face.  They've never worn a uniform.  They've never commanded men.  In any form.  

And they've never been to war.  

And yet, they've decided to back Ukraine, but only just enough so that Russia pounds the Hell out of it and it ends up in a draw.  And they're refusing to ship the weapons Taiwan needs, and has already paid for, sometimes 5 years ago (!), for reasons unknown.  Maybe they don't want to piss off the Chinese.  Maybe they're afraid of China!  Because they're a bunch of puss*es, maybe?  And they're providing their "ironclad" support for Israel.  I've heard that word "Ironclad" at least a dozen times coming out of the White House lately.  Funny, I used to think "Ironclad" meant solid, unending, and forever.  

Now?  With friends like O'Biden, Israel needs no other enemies.    

And giving Africa the back of its hand while China is papering it with money.  Africa is resource-rich, and the Chinese know that.  Because they have a brain.  Unlike the Ivy League suits we have running things.  

And these bozos are continuing to give our military budgets short-shrift, approving an increase of only 1.0% for the coming year.  When considering inflation, that's a net loss to our military of at least 0.4%, when it needs an 8.0% increase at least!

They're managing Ukraine to a loss, the Tawainese to a loss, and Israel to a loss.  Because they do not know... what they do not know.  And they're too damn stupid to ask their elders.

And while this is going on, our younger folks are riding on the backs of their grandfathers.  They've forgotten the price their grandads paid so that their heirs get a free ride.  So that they can simply assume that freedom is, ummm,  free. 

It isn't!

So I'm thinking what we need is a nice, neat little war.  Somebody blows something up and kills a bunch of our folks, let's say.  Or poisons our water supply.  Or fires a bevy of rockets at us say, and knocks down a few buildings.  Like 9/11 x 10.  And so have no choice but to declare war.  Like we did the day after Pearl Harbor.  

And since our "all volunteer military" is not enough to defend America, which we've been screaming for years, especially in a three-front war, perhaps, we have to start a draft.  We have to start conscripting our young men and women (and those who cannot decide which) in order to put bodies in foxholes.  And we start shooting back at the people who are shooting at us.  And people start dying.  And it starts to get damn real, real damn quick.  

Enough to make buttholes damn tight, too.

And the body bags start coming home.  And the "Corporate Media" is now forced to start reporting the actual news.  The stuff that's actually happening, versus the stuff they wish was happening.  Like the blather they're used to.  So those body bags get unloaded at Dover Air Force Base on a nightly basis, with the cameras rolling, like what happened during the Viet Nam "Police Action" days.

And then we all go, "Gulp!"

That's how we "lost" in Viet Nam, folks.  We won every single battle.  Didn't know that?  We did.  But our "Corporate Media" beat us down and out back home.  An incessant anti-war bleating, day and night.  And our Media used those body bags to turn the public against the us.  Against the U. S. and its soldiers.  

The commie socialist pri*ks. 

We came home with our heads hung low.  People spat upon us.  They threw food and stones and anything else they could get their hands on.  People cursed us as we got off planes at the airports.  It was not a pretty sight.  But we swallowed hard, went back to work, and tried to rebuild our lives from the mess our Government made of them.

Some of us didn't, BTW.  Some of us suffered from war wounds you can see, and some from wounds you cannot see.  Wounds that ruined their lives.  Wounds that kept them from reentering society.  As I've mentioned, we have 39,500 of our Veterans living on the streets of California, every single night.  

No, Fellow Patriots, Freedom isn't free...      

Not a long war, I'm thinking.  A few months maybe, or a couple of years at the outside.  Just enough for America to get another stiff dose of reality.  A serious wake-up call.  A smack across the collective faces.  The kind we all shared when World War Two started.  The kind we were forced to share.  I know what that was like.  

Because I lived it.

It would have been nice if I could have brought you all up to speed simply by talking to you.  By sharing all the really bad things which can happen to a country when it ignores all the dangers and focuses on stuff like sex change for little kids and pride flags and letting 6' 4", 230 lb. males swim against 5' 2", 115 lb. females for trophies.  And think that's somehow "equity."  

It would have been nice to avoid this.  If we'd had  two-parent households, maybe, so they could have raised their kids up right.  And had our teachers been teaching reality instead of their perception of reality, maybe.  And if the socialists hadn't gotten such a firm grip on the controls of school governance, all this could have been avoided.  

But that's not what happened.  We are where we are.  We have a generation of undereducated, overprivileged, whiny and demanding youth who should be stepping up to defend America.  To take care of their elders like they took care of them.  And the folks who defended them.  But they seem to have no interest in doing so.  The concept of "Patriotism" seems alien to them.  And honoring our Flag?  And the Pledge of Allegiance?  For suckers, I guess.  With no parents to teach them, and a socialist cadre of anti-American teachers who refuse to teach them properly, I can understand why they might hold America in disdain.  

We've frittered away that bold defense we've always maintained.  We had a 383 ship Navy when Reagan was President.  We have 270 now.  China knows that too.   It's enlarging its naval fleet from 370 ships now, to 435 in 2025.  And 600 by 2035.  Does that make you feel a bit queasy?  It should. 

So, like I say, a nice, neat little war should set things straight.  We'll purge the communists and the socialists from our governing bodies (buh bye, Ilhan and AOC!).  We'll fire all the Soros-bought-and-paid-for D.A.'s (more than 72,000,000 of our citizens live under their rule).  We'll start teaching patriotism once again in our schools (screw you, ACLU!).  Because our young people will discover just how close we will have come to losing the Greatest Country on Earth.  And becoming France at best, and 350 million Uighers, at worst.

And by the time we come out the other end of that sausage grinder, we'll have become a much stronger Country.  I won't be alive to see it, but I'm confident a new crop of "Founding Fathers" will step up and fight for our vision of Freedom... 

May God save America!

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