Thursday, June 27, 2024

"A Choice Between Negatives."

I've been passing along some of my Dear Ol' Daddy's homespun wisdom over the past few postings.

Because he was brilliant.

Some of that brilliance was passed along in his DNA, for which I'm eternally grateful.  And the wisdom I'll pass along today is very relevant.  I came to him once with a thorny problem.  One of those "50 - 50" deals.  A coin flip.  And he said to me,

"Boy, when faced with a choice between negatives, choose the one least negative."

Daddy said you almost always know where you want to go, or which job you want to take, or which girl you want to date, or how you want to vote.  Sometimes you just need a little extra, unbiased help.  I've had a few of those "fork-in-the-road" moments during the course of my storied life.  Perhaps you have as well.  And I've always used Daddy's logic.  

So here's what Daddy said.  "Simply flip a coin."   Ascribe one choice with "heads," and the other choice with the "tails."  Then flip.  I know it sounds simplistic, but bear with me.  The very second the coin stops rolling, and you see whether it's a heads or a tails, you'll know exactly how you really feel.  

The answer will go straight to you heart and bypass all the thinking and feeling and justifying you've done up to that point.

There may be an event upcoming in yout life or our Country's life which permits you to use my Daddy's wisdom.  Such as, who's best suited to run the Country for the next 4 years?  That might be a "fork-in-the-road" for you.  And event requiring you to make a choice.  Watch the debate, then decide.  And if you need some help, take out a $Quarter and give it a flip.  It may well be a "Choice Between Negatives," but I'm working on the assumption that as a patriotic American, you'll pick the choice least negative...

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