Sunday, March 3, 2024

I Made a Promise...

If you're like most other folks, you pay no attention whatsoever to TV commercials.  Or at least that's your goal.

You ignore them.  You intentionally avoid listening to them.  They are intrusive, invasive, unwanted and unneeded.  They're usually trying to sell you something you either already have, don't want, or can't afford.  Like some fat babe in a blue pantsuit prancing around and singing with glee having just discovered that a diet pill can help you lose weight.  

Plus, they're often much louder than necessary.  You're watching along, and "Boom!"  The volume goes up three notches!  Which infuriates you.  And me.  You dive for the remote to silence this intrusion while cursing under your breath!  In all, they should be abolished in the name of all that is Holy.

Excepppt, they pay the freight for all those programs from dawn to dark.  The ones you could do without.  Were it not for 20 minutes of commercials, you wouldn't get to watch 40 minutes of some inane game show or sitcom or scripted drama.  Some "woke" nothingness.  A fair tradeoff?  I'd say no.

But that's just me.

What I can say, however, is that a bunch of "woke" executives somewhere made a decision on the day after St. George of Fentanyl fame was killed.  That was back in 2020 when George Floyd was killed by a few overexuberant cops.  Multi-time felon George Floyd had just tried to pass a bogus $20.00 bill, the cops were called and they choked him out.  He was in the throws of a weed- and Fentany-fueled high, resisted arrest and the cops who killed him were all jailed as a result.  And his death not only ignited a summer of Big Blue City destruction by the Antifa and BLM goons, it also immediately served to create a whole new genre of TV commercial.  One in which racial homogeneity no longer applies.  

As if we wouldn't notice...

On the day after George Floyd bit the proverbial dust, each and every TV commercial magically featured a Black father, a White mother, an Asian son and a Pacific Islander daughter.  Or some general mix of the above.

Sometimes the father would be Black and the mother White.  But most often the wife of the Black father would be Asian and the son and daughter would be distributed among the remaining races.  

As if by magic.  

Prior to Floyd's demise, we had White fathers and mothers and White sons and daughters in TV family units.  Or Black dads and moms and sons and daughters in TV family units.  As one would expect.  Because that's the way family units are normally conceived and distributed.  A homogeneous family generally consists of members of the same race.  Members of distinct races will generally self-select other members of the same race for marital unions.  More than 87% of the time, by national polling.  

How quaint.  How "yesterday."

Can't do that anymore, I guess.  Now that George has gone t*ts up, we all have to pay for his death.  By being subjected to visual and auditory torture every time we turn on the Telly.    

And then there's Gary and Larry, sharing a nice hug, and maybe a smooch, while the kids play in front of the fireplace.  Or maybe it's Mora and Laura, replete with their, ummm, kids, curled up on the couch smiling away.  Making us all believe that such unions, however generally accepted, are now so normal and routine and usual and mainstream we shouldn't even deign to notice.  

We notice.

My own personal favorite is the commercial for life insurance where the Black husband is confronted by his White wife.  The husband has no life insurance, she learns, and the wife scolds him.  "John!" she scowls with disdain, as if to let him know he gets no more, umm, you know what, until he buys her some life insurance.  Altogether, a cringe-inducing display of the old "dumb husband" routine, except with the added racist twist so in vogue today.

I keep wondering when they're going to actually take this to its logical extreme.  Why not a dwarf Gypsy daddy, a quadraplegic Black mommy, an illegal Hispanic immigrant felon son from Honduras, and a blind lesbian Pacific Islander daughter?  All on SNAP?  

Checks all the boxes, right?  

Well, it just might be normal on Madison Avenue, where these commercials are made, but probably not so mainstream in Grand Island, Nebraska, or Little Rock, Arkansas, or Salina, Kansas, or perhaps Jackson, Mississippi.  That stretch of land between the Appalachians and the Sierra Nevada.  Those would be mountains, BTW, in case some of our less well educated "Gen-Z" folks are unaware.  Establishing the boundaries separating "normal" America off from the extremes of either Coast, East or West.  

That enormous geographic area where most of us live.

Except those in charge of our TV programming don't seem to know that.  Or perhaps they do, but are embarked upon a campaign to "sell us" on their own particular skewed vision of "the way things ought to be."  Or maybe they simply don't give a damn.  They are preaching to the choir, so to speak.  They are creating ad content to impress each other, for those who think and feel and believe as do they.  But not for the folks in Rapid City, South Dakota.

So I, The Chuckmeister, have made a promise to myself that I shall henceforth never, ever buy any product or service that insults my intelligence.  And it insults our intelligence every day when we're having non-average, non-homogeneous families foisted upon us in TV commercials.*  

I hope you'll choose to join me in that promise.

Chuckmeister, out...

*   One way I've found to avoid this whole outrage is to simply watch programs later and then fast-forward through all their commercials.  After all, with the rampant inflation we're being forced to suffer, we can no longer afford what they're selling anyway...  

1 comment:

  1. So...many are currently boycotting Kelloggs because the CEO suggested people that can't afford meat, veggies, etc. eat cereal for supper.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!