Thursday, March 21, 2024

I Wonder What Would Happen?

So you take a State filled with about 20,000,000 people, mostly from somewhere else (nice weather, doncha' know), all of them with cars, sometimes even two, and force them to commute on its aging highways and byways.  Which are of a finite size.  As in, they don't get any longer or wider with age.

And that was when I got here.  Back in the 1970's.  Along with millions of others.  All driving on those same antiquated highways.  A highway system built back in the 1950's.  When the population was 9,000,000.  When only half the people had cars.

California was already known Nationwide as having the very worst stop-and-go traffic.  The very longest commute.  Made famous by Johnnie Carson.  And I can attest to that fact.  I've spent countless unproductive hours roasting on them.  

I wonder what would happen if we doubled the population and raped their pocketbooks in gas taxes, and yet did absolutely squat about new highway construction?

So now, lemme' bring you up to date.  I've been here some 40 years.  In that period California's population has doubled.  To some 41,340,000 today.  According to the Census Bureau.  Not sure if that number includes the 3 or 8 or 23 million illegal aliens living here in the shadows.

And the last freeway built here was I-105, an 11.5 mile connector between the I-605 and the I-405.  Only.  A measly connector.  From one old freeway to our oldest old freeway.  And it opened in 1993.  Thirty Years Ago!  In short, the population has doubled, and No New Freeways.

Yet, California has the very highest gas taxes in the entire Country.  It's $0.63.5 cents a gallon now, and going up another $0.50 cents a gallon next January.  Perhaps that's why we have $5.00 gas.  $6.00 and $7.00 a gallon in some places.  While the National average is $3.54 today.  And let there be no doubt.  All of this is intended to force folks out of their ICE (internal combustion engines) cars and into those PIE (Plug-in-Electrics) that they do not wan.   

That means they're going to try and make you buy cars you can't afford, and plug them in to chargers you can't afford, and then try to maintain them, which you can't afford.

I wonder what would happen if a state were to try and force its socialist policies down the throats of its citizens?  To try and make them them do what all the good little socialists do?  I wonder what would happen if one of our states actually went that far?*

We don't have to wonder.  Just try and rent a U-Haul trailer.  To anywhere.  If you can find one its rental rate will lift you out of your loafers.  But you can easily rent a U-Haul to here from anywhere else.  Sometimes FOR FREE!  Hey, they have to get them back here from Colorado and Nevada and Arizona and Texas and Florida somehow, now don't they?    

But they're the elite, right?  They're supposed to know how to run stuff, right?  So we shouldn't worry a bit.  Just take it.  Just roll over, spread your cheeks and let them break it off in you.  

Well, maybe not. Maybe some of the folks here in the once-Golden State are damn tired of being ordered around.  Of being told what to do.  And told what to buy.  In what should be a "market economy."  And would be if this were not a pre-socialist, near dictatorship, brought on you by BoyGuv and his Democrat friends in High Places.  And maybe that's why more than One Million High-Earning, now ex-Taxifornians have bolted this State for greener pastures.  

          And any pasture is now greener!

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