Friday, March 29, 2024

The Law of Unintended Consequences.

This is what happens when you don't think things through...

O'Biden told us when he was on the campaign trail back on September 19th, 2019 that if we'd just send him to the White House, he'd (illegally) import 3 million new "migrants" a yearEvery year.  

Google it if you doubt me.

And as I've said repeatedly, it's one of the only campaign promises he's kept.  

But I'm thinking Good Ol' Joe and the folks who are pulling those strings coming out of his back (can you say B. Hussein O'Bama?), never even considered that the Guv of Texas would pass along some of his new "guests."  As in, stack buses full of them and send them off to New Yawk City.  And ChicaGO.  And Lost Angeles.

He called it, "Sharing the Wealth."

Never even considered that he wouldn't just stick them somewhere (hey, there's lots of room in Texas, right?), have them vote, turn Texas a bright "Blue," and be done with it.  

Governor Abbott had put the threat to do exactly what he's been doing into a letter which he tried to give O'Biden back when he landed on Dallas' tarmac one fine day a couple of years back.  But O'Biden refused to take it.  Being the addled, opinionated, money-grubbing, cantankerous old snot that he is.  So Abbott got into the travel business.  And into making Adam's life miserable.  And that commie socialist pr*ck in ChicaGO.  And the dummies in Lost Angeles...

Since Abbott started that steady stream of "vacationers" up to the Roosevelt Hotel, NYC has received 133,000 new Wards of the City.  Thus far.  And cost the City's taxpayers some $4.5 Billion Dollars, so far.  And because this NYC declared itself a "sanctuary city."  Now pay careful attention here: it made itself legally liable for any bum or derelict or assassin or "climate refugee" or mental defect from anywhere, for any reason, who might show up and ask for a handout.  Like lodging, meals, education, entertainment, everything.  Or now, maybe show up on a bus...

Are they nuts?

Even after having received more than 100,000 of these "gifts," Adams got his City Council to hold a vote to rescind its "sanctuary" policies.  He begged them to do so.


It's costing NYC's taxpayers more than $160.00 per illegal, per day, at the Roosevelt Hotel.  And the entire 500 room hotel is full of illegals.  Plus 23 other "migrant sanctuaries."  Do the math.


Apparently so.  Adam's just announced he's cutting services to NYC's taxpayers 10% in order to feed and clothe these criminal bums.*  10% less garbage pickup, 10% fewer cops, 10% less teachers.  No wonder so many New Yawkers are fleeing to Florida.  Can you blame them?  

And the self-declared socialist mayor of ChicaGO has tried to have bus drivers who deliver illegals to his city arrested, and their busses confiscated.  Can you say Kim Jong the Il?  He and Adams have even gone so far as to sue the bus companies for being...bus companies.  So Abbott is now FLYING illegals to the Windy City.  

Touche, you commie!

Pretty soon there will be nobody left in NYC except pickpockets and the talking heads at MSPMS.  And pretty soon there will be nobody left in all.

I wonder if the "Progressive" pukes who decided to open up the border and let in 12 Million new illegal immigrants ever imagined, in their wildest dreams, that Gov Abbott would pick up the gauntlet and "share the wealth."  This, fellow Patriots, is called...

    "The Law of Unintended Consequences."  

You try to screw Red States far, far away, never expecting to have to pay a price for your blatant hypocrisy and elitist, high-minded smuggery, and get it broke off in your a*s.  It's like chess.  You've got to play several moves ahead.  Ain't life grand? 

(This is me stifling a sly, muffled chuckle...)    

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