Sunday, November 19, 2023

The World Needs a Scapegoat.

 How about if the Jews were to promise to just be "average" for a generation or two?  You know, maybe even below average, just to make up for their millenia-long dedication to excellence.

You know, not go to med school and become a rich and famous doctor, curing thousands of their ills while driving a Tesla.  Living up there on the hill, pissing off average folk who didn't extend themselves.  Or try harder.  

Those folk.

Or maybe no law school for, say, 50 years.  Maybe promise to not run for Congress or start a big bank or cure cancer and make $Millions.  Or become Hollywood directors like Spielberg.  Just maybe be truck drivers, or garbage collectors, or welders, or build Ford trucks on an assembly line.  That sort of average stuff that pays average wages and lets you live an average life in an average apartment or an average size house.   

If you're lucky, what with "O'Bidenomics" and all.

You see, I've cogitated on this matter and believe I have the answer.  Here it is: 

     The world needs a scapegoat.  

Since the beginning of time we've needed someone to blame when things take a dump.  And there are dumps being taken all over the place!  There always has, there always will.  And somebody needs to be held responsible.  Whether they have culpability or not.

Face it:  The world hates Jews because they're just plain superior to the rest of us.  They know that they have only themselves to fend off the animus.  Just as the Israelis have nowhere else to go if they lose their "Never Again 2.0" War, Jews have no one to depend upon but themselves.  Oh, they can look to America, as it always has, but you'll notice our Mr. O'Biden is starting to lose his "unwavering" support for their efforts.  

So, having no one but themselves to count on when the chips are down, the Jews have developed a culture of self-sufficiency.  And self-improvement.  A culture of education.  And necessarily, a culture of insularity.  

I'd say the world either needs more Jews, or it needs folks to act more like the Jews.  And it needs underperformers to stop laying their guilt on those who decided to follow their heritage and perform.  

So until or unless they do, how about the Jews lay become the slackers for awhile?  How about you Jewish parents send your little darlings off to junior college instead of Harvard?  Put the $70,000 a year into a world cruise.  Or a bigger house.  Somehow I doubt there will be huge anti-Jew rallies at the local J.C.  So maybe they can hide for a generation or two and let the torches and pitchforks brigade find some other race/religion to blame for their own shortcomings for awhile...  

Who knows, maybe they'll start in on the Blacks again... 

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