Monday, November 13, 2023

An Rx For Peace in the Middle-East.

Remember my suggestion that we engage in a strategic withdrawal (while flag) on the subject of abortion?  Simply because at this time there's more of them then there are of us?  And losing gets old?  Okay, then.  Here's another one...

Do you recall those haunting images of people falling off the C-17's departing from Kabul International Airport a year ago?  As we ran for our lives to escape a War that had consumed two decades and $Two Trillion Dollars and 4,400 of our fine soldiers lives?  Those images?  

Those C-17's were certified for 500 unsecured souls, BTW.  That means McDonnell-Douglas guaranteed that, in an emergency, their C-17's could carry 500 soldiers.  And that last plane took off Kabul with 849 aboard.  

Not counting the ones that fell to their death....  

As it's apparent O'Biden is getting a tad squishy in his "unending" support for Israel, I think it might be time to do a little advance planning.  

For the Jews' exit from Ben Gurion International Airport.

Let's get, as they say, "real" here.  The world hates the Jews.  It's hated the Jews for 5,000 years, and it'll hate the Jews most likely long after you and I are gone.  And, the Arabs won't stop until they're all dead.  Or at least run out of the Holy Land.  And then tracked down and made dead.  

You see, with 2,400,000 square miles of sand, the Arabs couldn't spare 5,734 of them for little old Israel.  Even thought they were given the land fair and square.  

By God.*

And this is true especially because Israel is the only chunk of dirt in all of the Middle East without oil.  None.  Zip, nada, none.  Most thought it was the U.N. giving the Jews the finger.  But the Israelis made it into a technological powerhouse.   An economic miracle.  So much so that they employ(ed) 22,000 Arabs who used to transit back and forth via the Rafah Crossing to work each day.  And draw a paycheck in the only place in the desert from which there's a paycheck to draw.  

That's in the past tense.

So even though the Jews are fighting like Hell, you'll note that about 18 hours after 1,400 of their men, women and babies were slaughtered in their beds, there were pre-printed signs being waved down 5th Avenue and Harvard Yard.  All part of a coordinated, worldwide attack?  

You decide.  There were 300,000 ill-informed and ill-advised dummasses who protested ISRAEL yesterday in London.  Not HAM ASS, but ISRAEL!  And 100,000 did the same in used-to-be beautiful downtown Manhattan.  Who put them up to it?  It certainly wasn't organic.  Do a bit of research, fellow Patriots, and you'll find out.

But in the meantime, here's my prescription to avoid World War Three:

     1.     Bundle up everyone of the 9 million Israeli Jews and fly them to New York City.  

     2.     If we can turn ourselves inside out and spend borrowed $Billions to feed, shelter and clothe illegal aliens, at the cost of more than $1.4 Billion Dollars to NYC so far alone, then we can certainly feed, shelter and clothe our friends, the Jews.

     3.     New York has 19 million residents.  And there is nobody home between the 5 Burroughs and Buffalo.  And there's damn few in Buffalo.  So we could fit all those Jews in the 245 miles of farmland between NYC and the Bills.  They could repeat their economic miracle once again, to the benefit of New Yorkers and the whole Country and themselves.  Without getting shot at every time they turn around.  

            Pluuus, New York City has 9 million residents.  It is 19% Jewish, the highest such concentration in the entire Nation, and in fact, the world.  So welcoming another 9 million very smart, well educated, English-speaking, tax-paying Jews shouldn't present a problem.


     4.     Assimilating 9 million new neighbors would give New York State another 2 Congressional Represenatatives and $Ooodles of cash from our Treasury to help soften the blow.

     5.     Taking this step would save us future expeditures on weaponry to aid the Jews in their fight with HAM ASS, and every other Muslim nation.  It would also keep us from having to borrow the money from China we then send to Israel, which, I might add, we cannot afford.  Our service on the National Debt this year alone will be more than $One Trillion Dollars!

     6.     The Arabs would get Israel (note: not get it "back" as they never owned it).  They would then most likely turn it into someting resembling Chernobyl.  Just sayin'

So, besides the fact that the "Pales-tinians" would never go for it, because it would end the fighting, I ask you, fellow Patriot, what's not to like?  

*     Check out Genesis 12:1 for God's precise words when He ceded Judea to the Jews.  In perpetuity.   

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