Tuesday, November 7, 2023

"People of Color"

Say there, fellow Patriots, I have a question.  Maybe you have the answer.  I'd like to know why we stopped calling colored people "colored," as they are, and started calling them...

                   "People of Color?"

So I did an little Google Ngram search and found out that the use of the term "colored people" peaked back in the early 1970's.  Then the term "minorities" grew in popularity, peaking in 1997.  Since then we've had the term "People of Color" as the "standard" term which we must use to describe any "non-White" person.  Hmmm.  Seems like we're being told what language metric we must use, whether we want to or not.

Just between you me and the fencepost, I'm sort of a nice light tan, isn't that a color?

Anyway, that same question goes out for those "Communities of Color" instead of colored communites?  Where are those Communities, anyway?  Can I Google them?

And how about "Voters of Color?"  Are they any different than "Colored Voters?"  Except that some socialist weenie somewhere, probably a Yale grad whose daddy is a $Billionaire so they know he must be right, decided to cloud up our language?  You know, born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple?  By coming up with new names we must use to call some members of our society?  

And often to soften up and try and sideskirt the enormous and growing mess they've made wherever they've been given control?  As in, NOW!

I imagine the answer to those rhetorical questions are all the same; they strated with that whole "People of..." stuff about the same time they stopped promoting the populist, voter-centric, worker-centric, middle class-oriented results they were sent to Washington to deliver.

About the same time they stopped calling Black people "Negroes," I'm thinking.  And reluctantly stopped calling White people "Honkies" and "Crackers."     

There's an old saying I'd like to share with you at about this point.  It goes like this:  

"The fear of loss is a far greater motivater than the anticipation of gain."  

If you need proof, just look at what the "Progressives" have done to try and remain in power.  Even though their policies are tanking in front of our eyes, with their stumbling Prezz taking them down for the count, they'll try furiously to hold on to power...

...By pandering to every single, individual voter bloc in America.  

No longer is it "E Pluribus Unum."  "From Many, One."  No, now it's now "E Pluribus...PLURIBUS!  

Out of Many, Many!  Slice and dice that electorate, they demand!  Just like they do to sell us corn flakes!  And window shades!  Figure out what bitch every group might have, and then promise to fix it!  Pit old against young, Black against White, poor against rich, and now, everyone against the Jews.  

Or simply promise to give them whatever they want in order to win their vote, and then give them the finger instead.  Thus further segregating them from the whole.  Notice how the residents of Chicago's South and West side are still poor and still dodging bullets after decades of Democrat promises.  

Chicago averages 48 shot and 12 killed every single weekend.  Predictably.  If you can predict something like that, shouldn't you change it?  So the Democrats either like that their constituents are being killed, or they're admitting they can't stop it.  Either way, it's been 61 years since a Republican was elected in any capacity in Chicago.  What are they getting for those votes, again?

It's very simple: they're getting pitted against every other voter bloc.  Thanks, Democrat Party! 

Want proof:  Taxifornia's BoyGuv just appointed a Black, Gay female and probably transgender $Billionaire hedge fund manager, and yuuuge Democrat donor, to fill the Senate seat left still-warm by recently expired Di Feinstein (and boy, did she ever!).  Which would be bad enough, except our new Senator  makes her home in...Maryland!  

Uhhh, wha...?

Yep, fellow Patriot, our new Senator is Joe O'Biden's Maryland neighbor, and our BoyGuv is a Panderbear.  And don't forget, our new Senator is also one of those "People of Color..."

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