Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Ever Wonder What They Think of You?

Here's your chance to find out...

If you type "Black organizations" into your computer's little Google box you'll get back a veritable cornucopia of Black organizations of all manner and stripe.  

From non-profits dedicated to uplifting some aspect of Black life here in America, to thousands of educational, professional and religious Black-oriented groups.  Doctors, lawyers, accountants, belly dancers, comedians, bus drivers, even LGBTQ+++- affiliated Black folks all grouping themselves together to increase their power, prestige and community standing.  Even Federal and state offices weigh in with all sorts of offers of assistance, whether legal, financial, political, educational or medical, but only if you're Black.  Not a single entry was noted indicating Black-affiliated groups could be anything other than a positive influence on them and their special race. 

That's what you get when you type "Black organizations" into your Google box.

What do you get when you type "White organizations" into your Google box?  I would suggest you try it.  You'll be surprised, I think.  I certainly was.  Shocked, in fact.  Thousands of entries all clamoring in unison for "White nationalists" to be hunted down and jailed.  "White supremacists" are singled out for scorn, amid scathing references to Whites as the evil afflicting America.  For that's what "White organization" means to Google;  White racists.  They list the Ku Klux Klan frequently.  All sorts of Black-hating gangs and clubs and groups are listed.  One after the other.  Every single entry was a racist rant.  And I know, 'cause I'm a professional ranter.  Every one centered around finding "White nationalist" groups, calling them out, and eliminating them from public discourse.  

It's as if an entire subculture exists here within our supposed "United" States which is dedicated solely to the betterment of that one minority population.  Only.  Are our States United anymore?  Maybe we should ask these folks.    

Thinly-veiled race hatred, underwritten by some of our largest and most important corporations.  More than 50 at last count.  Shockingly one-sided.  And racist, in my opinion.  And even the Federal Government, of course, among the most flagrant abusers.  Using your tax dollars.

That's what you get when you type "White organizations" into your little Google box.  

It seems we're all skinheads to our Silicon Valley masters now, fellow Patriots, and also to the folks we vote into office.  Ignorant, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, gun-loving, knuckle-dragging, Black-hating slobbering fools, that's what we are to Social Media.  And we're shipping our money off to them every month by buying and using and giving a sh*t about their America-hating Social Media crap.  

Stop.  Just stop.   

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