Thursday, May 20, 2021

"Normal" America.

Those of us "normal folks" who reside in "Normal America" watched with detached horror and disbelief and bemusement and alarm all last year while 50 of our largest and oldest and "Bluest" cities burned.


We watched while Democrat governors of Democrat-controlled states permitted Democrat mayors of their largest and "Bluest" Democrat-cities to allow presumably Democrat marauders and thugs and violent felons to loot and pillage and plunder and burn their communities.  With abandon.  As if they didn't even notice.  And as if they didn't even care.  All this while our supposed "national" "MainStreamMedia" either didn't cover these riots, or chose to give them only passing, mostly positive commentary.

Remember the Clinton News Network flak who told us, on camera, with a straight face, that the courthouse on fire behind him was a "Mostly peaceful protest?"  I'm told one of these days they might actually tell the truth.  We just have to watch to find out when...

Or not.

Portland, for instance, had riots for more than 100 nights in a row.  Riots to the extent a mob tried to burn down a Federal courthouse there.  The mayor egged them on, and the governor chose not to send in their National Guard to stop it.  They liked it!  

Want to live in Portland?  Yeah, me neither...

So I repeat again that we do indeed have "Two Americas."  One of them is populated with good, honest, God-fearing, hard-working, hot dog- and Chevrolet-loving 'Muricans.  And the other is apparently loaded up to the brim with a bunch of freeloading, what-have-you-done-for-me-lately losers, who look out for every opportunity to break things and hurt people.  They think nothing of looting and burning the property of others.  Having never worked for anything in their entire lives, it seems, they have no concept of property rights and self-respect and human decency.  Their mothers should be ashamed.  If they had any shame, that is...

So I've decided that the otherwise-nice folks who live in these freedom-starved communities in that "Other America" are looking forward only to having the safety and security and peace and quiet that we who live in "Normal America" enjoy everyday!  They have no concept of what it's like on the other side of this stark ideological divide.  To have the freedom to walk their streets in safety and security.  I invite them to come on over for a visit.  We're nice folks.  We don't bite, despite what you might have been told by that same "MSM."  And all we want is our America back.  

And, BTW, if you won't give it to us, we're damned well going to take it!  

Lemme' tell you, fellow Patriots, a good parade and some hot dogs and baseball sounds good about now, doesn't it?        

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