Thursday, April 30, 2020

There are two kinds of people...

Yes, fellow Pilgrims, there are two kinds of people.  There are the people who divide folks into two different kinds, and then there's the other kind...

Heh, heh...  

However, there really are two different kinds of people:  those with guns, and those without guns.  

If you want one, you buy one.

If you don't, you don't.

That's pretty simple, right?  Simple enough even for the legions of commie pinko dumbass socialist liberal anti-gun weenies, who believe that if they don't like it, you shouldn't be able to buy it!

How "Progressive" of them...

And the battle between these two forces of nature has played out for decades now.  Those who enjoy guns, and want guns, and use guns, and need guns to feed their families, and to protect themselves, and who are Constitutionally permitted to keep them and bear them, do so.

As in, the absolute, individual, immutable, inviolable, non-cancellable, Constitutional guarantee of that Right.*  Got it?

And those who hate guns, and don't want you to have one, adamantly believe that all gun stores everywhere should be closed, and that all guns everywhere should be confiscated.  And that no one, anywhere, should be permitted to obtain one.  Except maybe the military.  And maybe some police.  And a few bodyguards to the stars.  Maybe...

Therein lay a problem.  There are more than 100 million gun owners in America.  And they own 429.5 million guns**  And the vast majority of them are not going to give up their guns to anyone, for any reason, ever.  And anyone who tries to take their guns will meet with resistance.  

And that resistance just might arrive at about 2,800 feet per second.

And those without the guns will continue to rail against them...until a national crisis occurs.  Like the one in which we now find ourselves.  And then some of them, maybe most of them, will hurry on down to the local gun store and try to buy one.  Just like that which has occurred over the past few weeks.  And then they'll be amazed to find out Their "hoplophobia" (look it up) will have thus been cured.  We're seeing that unfold today, as we watch.  

Hypocritical much?

Good luck to them.  Better late than never, I'd say.  But be sure to learn how to use one safely.  Find someone with firearms experience to educate you.  Just like the National Rifle Association advises...  

But I have the feeling that this whole thing might get a bit "sketchy."  There exists a real possibility that some civil disorder may be in our immediate future, especially if we suffer shortages of food instead of toilet paper.  And that we should be individually prepared to confront it.  Individually.  That means you and me.  Just remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away...  

The best bet for these anti-gun types would be to try and make friends with a gun owner and move into his/her/its garage.  Along with your toilet paper.  And your gallons of hand sanitizer.  Maybe you can swap some of that hoarded Charmin for a little protection...

*     SCOTUS, "District of Columbia v. Heller," 2010.
**   FBI statistics, October, 2019.

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