Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trump's a Racist...

Let's say you've been living in a dumpster behind the local Wal-Mart and you've failed for some reason or other to keep up with the news.  Hey, I understand!  The job market's so very good you haven't had time to catch up, right!  Nose to the grindstone and all that?

And let's say further that you need somebody to bring you up to speed on what's happening out there in the world.

Well, Pilgrim, I'm here with good news!  I happen to have some extra time on my hands these days and spend quite a bit of it learning who's doing what to whom, and why, and so I'd be delighted to help you out.

First, you need to know that whatever Donald J. Trump, 45th POTUS, wants to do, is racist.  

Got that?  We have it on good authority that whatever he wants to build is racist.  If he wants to build a wall or a fence, it's racist.  He's only doing it, Democrats and "Progressives" and Liberals and commies and socialists and "greenies" and the THM (Trump Hating Media) will tell you, because he hates all Brown and Black and Red and Yellow people everywhere.  And probably White people, too, they think, but that doesn't matter.  

And by building that wall, even though it was built a long time before he even arrived on the scene, and needs a whole lot of repair, and tens of thousands of illegal aliens are streaming across it daily, without letup, illegally, all day and all night, and bringing oodles of killer drugs with them, if he wants to fix it up, it's racist.  If he wants to make it higher, it's racist.  If he wants to make it impenetrable, it's racist! 

I'm pretty sure if he wanted to remove it, they would call that action racist as well.

And whoever he wants to hire or appoint is racist, too.  And no matter the job, or the appointee, or the location, or the gender, or the race, whomever he taps for a job is a racist as well.  You should know that, too.  Because whoever he'd appoint would have to be racist, right?  Otherwise he wouldn't have appointed them, right?  

And whatever he wears is racist.  His suits, his ties, his pants, his shoes.  Probably his shoelaces also.  All racistRacists only wear racist clothes, doncha' know.

And whatever his opinion, or thoughts, or words, or deeds, or actions, or "Tweets," the "Progressive" Leftist commie socialist redistributionist dweebs tell us that it's all flat-out, chrome-plated, diamond-dusted racism.  Just believe it.  I mean, it must be true, or they wouldn't tell us that, would they?

I mean, the "Dinosaur Media" and Democrats and lobbyists and candidates and pundits wouldn't lie to us, would they?  

However, Trump was called a racist a total of 27 times by the 10 Dem candidates for POTUS in last night's Detroit debate.  They wouldn't have accused him of something so awful unless it was true, right?  

Even though The Donald was a Democrat for more than 40 years, and even though he gave the Democrat Party $Millions in donations during that time, and even though he won the annual NAACP Humanitarian of the Year Award, and even though Jesse Jackson once said he's the Black man's "best friend," he's still a racist.  If he weren't, he wouldn't have become a Republican and run for POTUS, right?  Because all Republicans are racist, right?  Right? 

And we know that his daughter and his son and his son-in-law and his daughter's-in-law and all their kids and their pets and probably everyone they ever met are all racists.  That's what they tell us.  Especially Ivanka, whose hair is super-blond.  You probably can't have blond hair without being a racist, right?

And oh yeah, as all but a few Hollywoodn't-types will tell us, every single person who voted for Trump is a racist to boot.  Every one.  They must be, we're told, otherwise those toothless redneck beer-swilling ignorant hillbillies wouldn't have voted for him, right?  It's their own damn fault!  Right?

Now we know that The Donald just luuuuvs to smack back at anyone who gives him grief.  If you insult him, he's gonna' insult you right back.  Probably even worse then you hit him.  Buuuuuuuut, if you decide to insult him, or his family, and you happen to be a member of any other race besides "White," then his response to that insult has just got to be...racist.  


So, even though Trump has overseen the very largest increase in Black and Brown and minority employment in the history of America, and even though his "Opportunity Zone" legislation is working stupendously, particularly in toilets like Baltimore, interestingly, and even though his "Second Chance" prison reforms have given primarily Black offenders another chance at a productive life, and even though Trump's Black polling approval rate has doubled of late, until all this craziness goes away and Trump is safely ensconced in some Federal jail cell somewhere, most likely for "collusion" or "corruption" or "obstruction" or "offensive Tweeting" or just "hurting someone's feelings," just remember:  Trump is a racist.  

God, I love long sentences...

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