Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Don't Get Hoodwinked...

You can go to college, borrow a bunch of money to do so, major in just about anything, get your degree and then start looking for a job.  And God knows, there are now lots and lots and lots of jobs available.

But with that degree in "Black Studies," or "Existential Phenomenalism," or "Medieval Lesbian Poetry," the jobs you'll likely find will have you asking, "Would you like fries with that?" 

Kinda' hard to pay back $100,000 in student loans while picketing MickeyD's to bump the MinWage up to $15 an hour. 

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we've all been hoodwinked.  Bamboozled by the Government who'll loan any amount in student aid to anyone, anywhere, and for any course of study, whether good or not, and colleges and universities, which can enroll anyone in any major at any time, no matter the value thereof, and know they'll get their money back.....

Who devised this scheme?  What Machiavellian mastermind conjured up a plan that peels our youth like a grape while further enriching institutes of higher learning, nearly all of which have $Millions...or even $ the bank?  You can bet on one thing: lobbyists wrote the laws that are so successfully plaguing our graduates.  But the students themselves made the mistake of believing that the passport to prosperity lay with a degree in some worthless area of study.

Hey, America!  Listen up!  Right now there are 7.3 million jobs open here in our Great Country, and far less than that on the perennially unemployed roster.  And presumably almost none of them are qualified for the openings extant.  Can you weld?  Welders are knocking down more than $100,000 a year!  Plumbers?  The same.  Electricians?  Upwards of $150k per annum.  Pipefitters, ferriers, finish carpenters, HVAC technicians and auto and heavy machinery mechanics, all can expect to earn upwards of $100k.

And, they'll do so without a monthly student loan payment they have no choice but to make (your friendly Congress made it so that one may not bankrupt themselves out of repaying this obligation!)

How about cops?  On either coast a starting policeman or sheriff's deputy will take home at least $75k.  A bit less in the interior of the country, but so is the cost of living.  A cop with at least 5 years on the job will average at least $100k, and in many metropolitan locations you can expect $150k.  Registered Nurse?  $100k easy.  If you're good, $150k.  Computer programmer?  Techies can bring home $100k+.  A fireman?  Sure.  Members of the Orange County (CA) Firefighters Association are now knocking down more than $250,00 a year on average

And, once again, no student loan payment that will keep you from buying a house or starting a family.

When The Chuckmeister graduated, a double major in Econ and Psychology was a ticket to ride.  Not that anyone wanted to hire me for either my economics acumen or my phenomenal psychological mastery.  Rather, prospective employers knew via my sheepskin that I had publicly shown my willingness and ability to go to school for 4 years and emerge with a degree.  They presumed, rightly so, that having proved my diligence and dedication, I was therefore qualified to learn what they wanted done.  They were right.  

Now?  A MUCH better economy, FAR lower unemployment, MANY more jobs available.  Buuuuut, the good ones require the applicant to be qualified.  And having a degree in Transgender Studies is most likely not exactly "qualification" for anything except how to dress up as the opposite sex.  

A cruel trick has been played upon our kids.  There's more than $1.3 TRILLION in student loans outstanding.  And they're fundamentally transforming America.  Negatively, in my opinion.  

America, do yourself a favor; before you sign up for a 4-year visit to the hallowed halls of some Ivy League college, only to later emerge completely unqualified to do anything anyone's willing to pay for, and then face humongous student loan payments for years and years, take a trip to your local technical school.  Learn to shoe a horse, or fix a toilet, or wire a home, or build a house.  You'll not only hit the ground running, bringing home paychecks from Day One, but you won't have to send checks into the Black Hole of some university's fat bank account for the rest of your life...

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