Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Best Form of Gummint?

It's oft said that our system of Gummint is the very worst.  Except for all the others, that is...

I'd like to discuss that with you a bit.  Perhaps it isn't.  Perhaps our system is fatally flawed, and we're just too damn proud to admit it.  Perhaps we should reconsider it every now and again just to make sure that it's humming along like the fine-tuned watch it used to be.  With that in mind...

Think back:  In every instance that I can recall, we put countries which we defeated in wars, as well as allies left in need of help following those wars, back in business using a parliamentary form of government.

Not our bi-cameral, two-party system.  No siree, Bob!  Or whatever your name happens to be.  The generalized parliamentary system in use throughout the free world consists of several, and on up to 30 or 40 separate factions, or parties, that need to coalesce into a majority in order to gain the right per their rules to form and lead a government.  

Think Jolly Old England.  Or Canada.  Or South Africa.  A whole bunch of different "parties" are all gathered together in Parliament, led by the leading vote-getter.  That person is their Prime Minister.  Sort of like our President.  and the P.M. gains his/her office by cobbling together enough separate factions into their group to lead the pack.  Same in The Netherlands.  And Germany.  And Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Israel, etc., etc.  

And it works.  Often better than our own.  And when it doesn't, which is often (they've elected more than 30 separate governments in Italy since the Big War), they throw up their hands and call for an election.  They're looking for a reaffirmation of support for the ruling cadre, or an invitation from the minority to hit the street.  And that election will take place following a verrrrry brief campaign period.  It's often as little as six months in Britain.  It can be as short as three months in Israel.   

Our system, alternatively, can - and does - take years.  We just witnessed such a monumental and boring waste of time, effort, energy and money unfold over the past year or so leading up to the mid-terms.  More than $One and One-Half Billion Dollars was spent on this past election.  It consisted mostly of unending advertising crap shoveled our way for an interminable period.  Jeeesh!

But it if worked it wouldn't be so bad; it often doesn't.  I hate to say it, but having watched our system "work" over many decades, or try to, I'm thinking it's in dire need of a refresh.  Examples?  Sure...

Think Obama.  His Party held the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate for the first two years of his POTUS-hood.  Democrats hate guns.  They hate oil.  They love illegal immigrants.  Just a few of their core beliefs, which are not too many, but you get the idea.  So, in complete control of all the levers of power, did they pass legislation to ban guns, cure "global warming" and legalize all umpteen million illegals who are already here, along with those who might subsequently arrive?

No.  No, they didn't.

Think Trump.  His Party has held the White House, the House and the Senate since January, 2017.  That means they theoretically could bring up and pass any legislation their little hearts desired.  Trump ran on doing away with Obamacare.  And Building The Wall.  And ending unfettered illegal immigration.  As with the Dems there was a whole bunch of other stuff, but you get the idea.  Guess what?  Trump hasn't built the Wall, or ended Obamacare, or done much of any lasting thing to end the onslaught of illegal immigration that has redefined our country over the past several years.  Do you think these Glaring Failures might have had something to do with the Republicans' mid-term spanking?  

I certainly do...

Now, I could explain to you why Obama couldn't do what he wanted to do and Trump can't do what he wants to do.  Or, you could just Google it and learn the truth for yourself.  It's the inherent and often confounding rules and regulations and policies and procedures of our Two-Party system in the Congress, coupled with our hyper-partisan electorate, along with a terribly biased MainStreamMedia, that makes major change of any kind almost impossible to achieve.  And that leaves a lot of partisans pissed off.  

Including me.

Third parties don't work, either, so that's not the answer.  Had Perot chosen not to run in 1994, Bush #41 would have been elected POTUS for a second term, and Billy Jeff "Blue Dress" Clinton would have had to look elsewhere for interns.  And crusty old Bernie Sanders (D-VT) nearly sank Hillary's boat on the way to their nomination.  Third parties are also a waste of time and money.  No, I'm convinced we need to adopt a parliamentary system before our creaking old ship begins to sink.  

And considering that the level of partisanship and rancor around The Swamp these days has never been more acute, I fear the leak has already begun...

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