Saturday, December 29, 2018

Finally! Moonbeam's Climate Cure!

Those few of you who haven't as yet left California are gonna' be reeeeely off put about "Moonbeam" Brown's latest boondoggle.

You know we're already trying to work our way through his little "Bullet Train," a mode of transportation that will take you from a place you don't want to be (Barstow), to a place no one wants to go (Modesto).  It was supposed to take us from LA to San Fran in two and one-half hours, at a cost of less than you would pay to fly.  Now you'll have to take a train to get to the train, and then take another train after you take the first train to get where you want to go.  

Oh yeah.  Gummint fails again...

Now, a decade later, the original cost of $33 Billion has balooooooned to more than $100 Billion!  How's CA gonna' pay for it?  Good question.  

And the expected travel time has increased to more than 10 and one-half hours!  Plus, the expected cost has more than quadrupled!  And, after all this investment, you still can't get on this choo-choo and take a ride!

Now, with many, many boondoggles in between, Brown has up and done it again.  He's leading the charge to have CA launch its own satellite!  

Those of you who don't pay attention to such things need to know that Brown, our civil servant-for-life, an 80 year-old guy who's never had a private-sector job, will soon retire a multi-millionaire from decades of "public service."  He's been a rabid proponent of "global warming," or "climate change," or "climate chaos," or "weather," or whatever you'd like to call it, for decades, all the way back to the '70s.  He believes that we'll all roast in a fiery Hell if we don't change our ways and stop driving SUV's.  He believes we're doomed unless we act fast and pay loads of new taxes to somehow stop, and then reverse, this "global warming" wet dream he shares with other dimbulbs.  

And, significantly, he also believes that California can change the whole Magilla all by its lonesome. 

Somehow unaware that China and India, home to more than one-half of the world's more than 7 Billion residents, are each opening a brand-new coal-fired electricity generation plant every week, Brown stays blissfully unaware of this reality as he continues to pursue a "cure" for this manufactured crisis.    

These countries are spewing tons and tons of pollutants into the atmosphere daily.  And yet Brown seems not to know there's no 60,000 foot-tall Plexiglas wall preventing their pollution from travelling clockwise around the Earth and winding up in San Francisco a week later.  Funny, he must have missed that class while studying to become a Jesuit priest.  He failed at that too, BTW...

Brown somehow believes that he, and the otherwise unemployable more-equal-than-you in Sacrascrewyou, can cure the problem all by themselves!  

How?  Good question, Pilgrim.  He, and some other hipmotizzzzed true believes are going to launch their own weather, er, climate satellite!  Yes they are!  And it's supposed to be privately funded!  How nice!  How many among you actually believe that?  Remember when Brown's choo choo was supposed to be paid for out of Obama's $900 Billion Stimulus Package slush fund?  How'd that work out?

Yes, the Guv has wanted his very own satellite all the way back to the 1970's.  And now, supposedly launching in 2020 and sending back data in 2021 (why so long?), he'll have one.

The Good News is that this satellite is purported to find all the places in the world where methane is leaking into the atmosphere so that it can somehow be stopped.  Methane, he says, is the major source of greenhouse gas that heats up the Earth.  Didn't it used to be CO2?  Hmmm.  I don't know if he knows it or not, but we know that the major source of methane is from volcanoes.  I doubt Brown can fix that, no matter how many lefty billionaires he has on his side.  

A significant secondary source is from cattle and other farm animal flatulence.  Yes, farts!  About 20% of total atmospheric methane is from cows, the scientists tell us.  And Brown's little skybird will tell us that...which we already know.  So, unless we can convince China and India to stop polluting, and can plug the volcanoes, and stop eating meat, we'll likely be "plagued" by methane for some time to come.

But Brown will vacate his Governor's office knowing that he managed to blow - and waste - a few more $Billions on his way out the door...

Doncha' just love it when the Gummint tries to do for you what you don't need done?  Welcome to Taxifornia...

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