Friday, June 15, 2018


Now here's a little palate cleanser to start your day off right!

You know by now that California went off the rails, politically-speaking, a couple of decades ago.  In the intervening period the evil redistributionist, capitalism-hating social justice warriors finally won the war of promising everything, and yet delivering nothing to those with nothing who wanted everything, leaving those in the middle to pay for the whole mess.  Annnnd, those with sufficient common sense bailing on this Utopian wasteland in droves!

Taxes through the roof.  Gas too expensive to buy.  Illegal aliens treated like rock stars.  Global Warming hysteria in full bloom.  Ordered to build more jails, the "more equal than you" decided to let tens of thousands of felons out of prison instead (mucho cheaper that way!).  The widespread belief that guns actually load themselves up and go out looking for some innocent child to shoot.  No religion is the preferred religion.  One must bake a cake for whomever, no matter what, or face shunning.  Everyone gets free health insurance except for those who have to pay for it.  And those "potways" with "freeholes" upon which we all have to drive are the very last places upon which our politicians spend our gas tax money.  

However, CA finally "jumped the shark."  Our Legislature just passed and "Moonbeam" Brown just signed Assembly Bill -1668, perhaps the single dumbest, most foolish, ridiculous and stupid law ever enacted by any governing body anywhere on Earth.  Ever.  Maybe even to include the Entire Milky Way Galaxy!

There's an old rule where I come from:  Just because you CAN do a thing, doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing.  And this "thing" about which I write shouldn't have been done...

This little jewel pays homage to our recent multi-year drought by deciding that it just might return.  It MIGHT!  And if it does, in fact, whether or not it does, Sacrapayme will be ready.  As of January 1, 2020 the good citizens of California, plus all the millions and millions of non-good, non-citizens of California, will be forced to each somehow do with only 55 gallons of fresh water per day.  And by 2025 that number goes down to 50 gallons, and 45 by a few years thereafter.  

Now, if you don't know how much gallonage living your life actually requires, consider this:  It takes roughly 17 gallons of water to take an eight-minute shower.  And it takes roughly 40 gallons of water to wash your clothes.  Thus, in less than two years, you'll have to decide whether to, a) have your clothes smell clean while you smell dirty; or, b) you smell clean and your clothes smell dirty.  

Or, if you live in Lost Angeles, it really doesn't matter which.  Neither you nor your neighbors will much give a damn, since no amount of washing of either of you will eliminate the smell of what Lost Angeles has become.

Kind of like that walk in the park you took, remember?  You stepped in dog s**t.  You washed it off your shoe when you got home, but forever after you could not get that smell off you shoe.  That's kind of like L. A. in a nutshell...

Yes, my friends, this micromanagement of everything is a mark of all socialistic enterprises.  Everything has to be controlled Malthusian-like from Central Decision Headquarters (remember the Soviet Union?), to include the amount of water you peons may use to wash your insignificant selves.  According to the Department of the Interior, the average person during an average day will use somewhere between 80 and 100 gallons of fresh water.  So, Californians are henceforth expected to somehow get along with HALF that much, simply because a bunch of highly-paid, nameless and faceless bureaucrats, behind a polished,  burled walnut door somewhere, decided they wanted it that way.  No debate, no public commentary, no voting.  Just another of those pronouncements from on high that make your meager existence a tad more meager.  And CA's residents will be FINED, up to $1,000 a day, if they CHOOSE to ignore this new proclamation.  

People, just think of this new law as a new tax.  Just another way to put their hands in your pocket and extract some more money to redistribute in an effort to buy, or further secure, votes.  The "cap and trade" Global Warming carbon tax scam was a perfect example.  Tell the people that "the sky is falling and new taxes, called something else, are the ONLY WAY to combat it.  


Is this new law the pinnacle of craziness?  Can Taxifornia come up with even dumber laws?  I say it can!  Stay tuned, 'Murica.  Your faithful Scribe Without Portfolio will keep you briefed...

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